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Ultramarines 2000 starter


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Yay BaC box! Plus a few delicious extras. I plan on this being the core of my army.

Pride of the Legion


[400] Roboute Guilliman


[100] Chaplain – plasma pistol


[250] 7 Invictus Suzerains
[270] > Land Raider Phobos - armored ceramite
[265] 10 Legion Veterans – 2 heavy bolters, power fist, arty armor (sniper)
[35] Rhino
[265] 10 Legion Veterans – 2 heavy bolters, power fist, arty armor (sniper)
[35] Rhino


Heavy Support
[190] Sicaran Venator
[190] Sicaran Venator



Depending on my opponent's list, I'll either give the Veterans Interceptor, or the Venators Tank Hunters.



The next 500 points will add:
[180] Contemptor-Mortis - dual Kheres assault cannons


[10] auxiliary drive on the land raider


[135] 3 Legion Attack Bikes - autocannons


[175] Sicaran Battle Tank – lascannons


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Oh it's good - definitely take 1 at 2500. But it's also a bit 1-dimensional. Battle Tanks have such amazing versatility, so they gain more out of Guilliman's buff.
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I like it.

I would agree that regular Sicarans have more versatility, however if you KNOW you'll be facing particularly tough armour, or a Typhon/glaive/Titan/so on in future, then the Venators are a very good choice.


The list expansion ideas look solid, are you committed to the attack bikes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ishagu, I'm not going to field Rapiers because they're too slow; I enjoy mobile warfare. Also, I don't like that they're the heldrake of 30k (when the heldrake was good). 


As much as I like Venators, I'm still considering just swapping them over to Battle Tanks, then adding a Venator later. Hmm...


Pride of the Legion

[400] Roboute Guilliman

[100] Chaplain – plasma pistol



[180] Contemptor-Mortis - 2 assault cannons

[250] 7 Invictus Suzerains
[270] > Land Raider Phobos - armored ceramite
[265] 10 Legion Veterans – 2 heavy bolters, power fist, arty armor (sniper)
[35] Rhino
[265] 10 Legion Veterans – 2 heavy bolters, power fist, arty armor (sniper)
[35] Rhino

Heavy Support
[175] Sicaran Battle Tank


Now, this list is actually playable, as in, I have all the models needed. I'd otherwise just swap out the dreadnought for another Battle Tank, but alas it is not in my cabinet.

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He does have 4 lascannons, plus another 2 if you get a chance to swap out the mortis contemptor for another sicaran, which should be plenty to deal with av14 at 2k. Flare shielded spartan is of course a problem, but given sicarans are fast they at least have a good shot at getting around the flare shields. 

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6 Lascannons aren't really Reliable form of anti-tank especially since the Sicarans S7 Main Guns can't actually hurt a Spartan Flare Shielded or not. POTMS or otherwise.

You'd be better of with Haywire (Graviton Guns, Graviton Cannons respectively), Armorbane (Melta Bombs, Kraken Penetrator Heavy Missiles) or Ordnance (LasVindicator). Even S8 Sunder (Thudd Guns, Deredeo) might be better than Lascannons since they bring two things: Rate of Fire and a Re-roll.

Hedging bets on S9 vs Av14 which only glances on a 5, pens on a 6 isnt much.


  • A Lasvindicator, for not much more than a normal vindicator pumps out 3 S9 Ap1 Ordnance shots.
  • Graviton Gun Equipped Dreadnoughts in Pods bring in 2 Haywire Shots each. Glancing on 2s that more or less guaranteed damage. Same with the Graviton Cannons. Being Blast Weapons also helps since you're usually shooting them at pretty big targets anyways.
  • A 10 man Tac Vet Squad with the Tank Hunter USR and Squad Wide Meltabombs in a Dreadclaw can pretty much launch a T2 Guaranteed Charge. Thats no longer Bye Bye Spartan Territory, thats Bye Bye Super-Heavy Territory.
  • A Primaris-Lightning with 4 Krakens, Ground Tacking Auguries and Battle Servitor Controls is shooting 4 BS5 S8 Ap1 Tank Hunting Armorbane missiles at a tank. Afterwards it still has a Twin-Linked Lascannon to fall back on too.
  • S8 Sunder, while needing a 6 To Glance, can at least re-roll Failed attempts. They also each bring 4 Shots to the table vs 2 shot for lascannons in general. More Shots, More Re-rolls, more chances to do lasting damage.

But, due to Seahawks want for mobility, some of these options aren't the fit for him.

Its kinda why I'm not so much a fan of having a 400 point sink in a 2k list since thats 1/5th of your total gone into a single model. I'd be much more comfortable with a 250 point character since that, at least, leaves you with 150 to put to good use.

But, most people want to play with Primarchs so I can't hold that against them since it is an attractive draw to the setting.

...I'd only wish they'd play at 2.5k-3k instead happy.png so that way they have a more rounded list.


So, as is, I kinda actually like the first list better with a change in having 1 Venator 1 Battle Tank instead. Gives you 2 S10 Ordnance Shots to deal with heavy armor and with the Neutron Beams special rule, the ability to deal with any super-heavies by forcing them to snap shot.

You'd then have the more general firepower the Battle Tank Brings to deal with and cover the Venator.

Anti-Air, while nice to have isn't much of a concern if you know your Meta is low on the Flyer Count. And a Twin-Kheres 'Naught is pretty easily avoided by aircraft due to his 24" 45* Arc of Fire.

The battle tank is also a solid stop-gap for any flyers what with its gun ignoring Jink Saves, being S7 (Glancing Av12 on 5s, the average for tough flyers), and pumping out 6 Twin-Linked Shots means that it has a fair shot at actually putting them down.

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Standard Sicaran guns have Rending so they can hurt flare shield Spartans thanks to the +d3.


Seahawk is thinking of taking Venators in which case he won't be troubled by super heavies, and can fire at a Spartan from the side as it approaches.


Whatever choice he makes, take multiples to make use of the Primarch's buffs. Imo Legion veteran Tacticals eat away too many points in a 2k list with a Primarch/Typhon or any other Lord of War. Stick to regular tacs so you can double up on another powerful Tank.


At 2k points you can easily fit in 3 Sicaran variants, the troops, Primarch, Chaplain and so on...

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The Sicaran is beastly. If you have a way to buff it, ie Orth or Guilliman, it becomes godly! Tank Hunters, Rending & Rapid-tracking just makes it so good.


But the Venator has that brilliant Shock Pulse rule for dealing with Super-heavies.


If you can squeeze in 2 Battle Tanks (with Guilliman's buff) and 1 Venator, perfect.

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Armored Spearhead



[400] Roboute Guilliman



[100] Chaplain – plasma pistol



[250] 7 Invictus Suzerains

[270] > Land Raider Phobos - armored ceramite

[170] 10 Legion Tactical – power fist, arty armor

[270] > Land Raider Phobos - armored ceramite


Heavy Support

[190] Sicaran Venator

[175] Sicaran Battle Tank - lascannons

[175] Sicaran Battle Tank - lascannons



Putting me at 2000 even. I preferred Veterans because with sniper they can at least do something. Regular tactical marines with bolters are...meh. Yea, I know this list has only 18 infantry + primarch...lol...but the rolling thunder idea is awesome.


Two land raiders, two Battle Tanks, and a Venator is what my opponent will see me deploy. 4 TL lascannon, 4 lascannon, 2 TL heavy bolters, 2 heavy bolters, 2 accelerators cannons, laser of doom...Target saturation ftw...

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I have not ran a similar list by any means, but it would appear to me that a tactical blob would be a never-ending tarpit for this list.

You have AT and perhaps even anti-TEQ, but lack squads to mulch infantry. It does seem to me that 30k leaves every list in situations like this though, where no army can properly cover every base.

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Sniper Vets were really good in this list. I liked that more.


I also think the plasma pistol is a real waste of points. It's very easy to chop it off and give the Chaplain a bolt pistol, allowing those points to be better spent.


How bout this?



Chaplain: bolt pistol; melta bombs 90



10 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (power fist); Sniper; 9 Veteran Space Marines; Legion vexilla 225

• Rhino

10 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (power fist); Sniper; 9 Veteran Space Marines; Legion vexilla 225

• Rhino

5 Invictarus Suzerains

• Land Raider Phobos



Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

Sicaran Battle Tank: lascannon sponsons 175

Sicaran Battle Tank: lascannon sponsons 175



Roboute Guilliman: Pride of the Legion


2,000 points

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(in response to Seahawk)

That's a decent list but it's so light on bodies!

Remember that in 30k Marine infantry units aren't generally multi-role like they are in 40k.


Two basic tac squads might not seem like much, but they are only there to engage other infantry, light transports and to capture objectives. With Fury of the Legion an Ultramarine tac squad can fire 40 bolter shots, potentially re-rolling wound rolls of 1 on top.

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Sniper Vets were really good in this list. I liked that more.


I also think the plasma pistol is a real waste of points. It's very easy to chop it off and give the Chaplain a bolt pistol, allowing those points to be better spent.


How bout this?



Chaplain: bolt pistol; melta bombs 90



10 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (power fist); Sniper; 9 Veteran Space Marines; Legion vexilla 225

• Rhino

10 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (power fist); Sniper; 9 Veteran Space Marines; Legion vexilla 225

• Rhino

5 Invictarus Suzerains

• Land Raider Phobos



Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

Sicaran Battle Tank: lascannon sponsons 175

Sicaran Battle Tank: lascannon sponsons 175



Roboute Guilliman: Pride of the Legion


2,000 points


That's not bad. I'd drop the Legion Vaxillas from the veteran tacs, and the melta bombs from the Chaplain to either take another Invectarus or spend the points elsewhere.


I still think cheap, regular tacs have a place!

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