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Mechanicum: Scyllax and Usurax


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I've been slowly working away at my scratch built Mechanicum force, looking at options to expand. I've been looking into melee options and really like the look of Scyllax and Usurax. so has anybody had any experience of them? which to you seems better? in like the usurax mobility but like the added firepower the scyllax bring too.


Also are the two flyers available in the red books any good? they seem good to me and it would be fun to have some ad-mech flyers I think.

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I don't feel like Ursarax should have gone up in points, given that they can't sweep, but they are still a good way to deliver a bunch of S10 AP2 attacks where you need them. The base unit costs 205 and 60 for each additional guy, pretty steep.


Scyllax do not have access to an assault transport, so would function as counter-charge units only. I guess if you take 3 Dreadclaws as your LOW choice, you can put them in there, but seems pretty janky.  For options, I am immediately drawn to relentless grav guns, but for the rest I would probably stick with enhanced combat arrays.


I'm really liking Cybernetica Vorax for my melee option. 3 S6 AP2 I5 rending attacks each goes through Marines like butter, and with Irad Cleansers and poison rotor cannons they make monstrous creatures and hordes of chaff very sad pandas.  Scout gets them where they need to go, Fleet provides charge insurance if they do too well with their shooting. Basically the only thing you don't want them messing with is Dreadnoughts. I used to be bummed at their rules after impulsively buying 6 of them, but with addition of poison ammo at the same price, ability to always fire third weapon, confirmed +1 attack from power blades, +1I from cybernetica, improved cybertheurgy, and the cost increase of Castellax, they are now my favorite killing machines. My only dilemma is how many of the 4 lightning cannons I want to convert to additional flamers.


My other melee option currently involves a Archmagos with Myrmidon Destroyers with 3+ imploders and 1 photon thruster. They aren't so much an offensive melee unit, but they pop out mid-table and proceed to destroy anything they target with ranged attacks. Anyone trying to assault them stands a very good chance of being concussed and blinded by the time they get to you, where they are at -1T vs a bunch of powerfist attacks.

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yeah I rather like vorax, especially loaded up with poisoned ammo and rad-cleansers :) wish they were a bit faster. wish scyllax could take a transport, would make a good support for a rad-furnace melee magos with read grenades. I like usurax because they are mobile. ive yet to try either of them out.


How good are thallax with heavy chainblades? could make an interesting bullet shield unit or distraction when loaded into a transport, cheap too.

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