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IVIilitarus' Legendary Freeblades - Project Complete


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December break from uni begins and I'm making it my resolution this holiday to built 3 modified Imperial Knight freeblades that I've been planning on for over half a year.


The original three knights (Castigator, Acheron, Lancer) were planned before the Atrapos was released. I will add the Atrapos at a later date. Each knight has its own lore and they are currently fighting alongside my homebrew Space Marine Chapter and Guard Regiments as freeblades. Each knight also has modifications and additions that will make them distinct from other knights. I'm of the opinion that GW's Knight Freeblades are often terribly boring, generally being a standard knight with additional special rules and an interesting paintjob. I'm of the opinion that freeblades should have extensive modifications befitting someone journeying across the universe on their own, rather than just having the same few variations of weapons that existing knights have.


These three knights will also be given hopefully balanced homebrew rules and it would be possible to field them in a formation named The Storm that Walks. This is just for fun. The three were originally to be themed as Thunder, Lightning and Rain and would be a Cerastus trifceta, but the Atrapos was released and kinda ruined it a bit. Oh well.




The bases are pine and were crafted by a carpenter. Each has a slightly different edge pattern and different coloured finish. I needed larger than standard bases for my project due to the scenery they would be holding. I also feel that centrepiece projects like Imperial Knights deserve more impressive bases than the standard GW black plastic.


I also had 3 plaques made by a Jeweller in aluminium. The plaque bears each knight's name and a relevant quote.


In order, they read:


THUNDERHEAD - We meet darkness without fear for we advance in the shadows of giants


NIGHTHAWK - Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of burning heretics


LE FER DE LANCE - Show me what passes for fury among your misbegotten kind




Thunderhead is to be the ranged-only knight of the trio. She is piloted by Lady Odessa de la Torre, the sole survivor of her house. Thunderhead is a Castigator and features its original Castigator Bolt Cannon with a Rapid Fire Battle Cannon in its other arm. The Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon features a belt-fed ammunition system because I like having models that make sense, and the tiny boxes of ammo the default kit comes with for Rapid Fire Battle Cannons and Avenger Gatling Cannons make absolutely no sense in my idea. The boxes that attach to the weapon in the normal kit don't look like they could sustain even a single turn of shooting.


The idea to use discarded 0.22 casings as a basis for the cannon ammunition was shamelessly stolen from here: http://imgur.com/a/yihWO


The base features an infantry advance by my homebrew Imperial Guard regiments. Thunderhead is portrayed as a sort of defender of the common people her pilot closely associates herself with the Imperial Guard and does her best to support them.


Her homebrew rules will emphasise ranged firepower and precision.









Le Fer de Lance (The Speartip or The Spearhead) is to be the melee only knight of the trio. It is piloted by Sir Gerrard Foch. Le Fer de Lance's Shock Lance has been modified to include an axe head, effectively changing the weapon to a halberd and the knight to a Halberdier, rather than a Lancer. I also filled out the spaces in the shield because despite the shield being an energy shield, I feel like having the shape of a shield with lots of empty space is a tad silly. Both elements were sculpted from clay.


The base features a charge of Assault Marines. As befits a cocky, slightly arrogant scion, Sir Foch prefers to fight alongside superhumans and makes a point of joining them in battle in tremendous contests for honour and glory. That he is riding in a four-storey tall walker and the men he fights alongside wield simple chain weapons and this is a bit unfair means nothing to him.


The homebrew rules for Le Fer de Lance will emphasise melee versatility.







The final knight of the lot is Nighthawk, which has gotten through a lot of re-imagining because I ran into a considerable snag with my original plan. Simply put, I'm not a skilled enough sculptor to realise the original dream, so Nighthawk will be reimagined somewhat.

I'll concede your originality and your modeling skills. The belt-fed rapid-fire battle cannon really needs a proper belt, though it'll take me time to think of something appropriate for this purpose.

The adhesive putty holding things together is a pretty temporary solution. I'm exploring lots of options for a proper belt feed and open to suggestions.

The adhesive putty holding things together is a pretty temporary solution. I'm exploring lots of options for a proper belt feed and open to suggestions.

Maybe a belt feed?


laugh.png Paint 'em up to look metallic, maybe a little aesthetic riveting... I think it'd look pretty cool.

The adhesive putty holding things together is a pretty temporary solution. I'm exploring lots of options for a proper belt feed and open to suggestions.

Maybe a belt feed?

laugh.png Paint 'em up to look metallic, maybe a little aesthetic riveting... I think it'd look pretty cool.

I was looking over proper belt feeds, but I'm wondering where to get them. I'm not sure if my small town gun store would have them.

Nice Knights mate, I'm curious about how you filled in the spaces on the Halbediers shield.

Simple modelling clay from an art supply store. I used the air-drying kind. Beware that clay contracts when it dries as it lets out the moisture, so gaps appear and you need to full them again

Small update:


I'm working on the knights alongside a bunch of other projects, so it's not all completely focused on the knights. Pictured below are my Knight Acheron's weapons alongside a Land Raider Athena. Running with the theme of burning heretics and genocide, the Acheron be fitted with its Acheron Pattern Flame Cannon as well as what amounts to a Knight Castigator's sword with a pair of Land Raider Flamestorm Cannons mounted onto it. I don't know what is more ridiculous - using Land Raider Flamestorm Cannons to ignite your sword so you have a giant, flaming, powered sword or having a sword with two flamers attached to it, but the Acheron will have both.


The Land Raider Athena Command Assault Vehicle is a homebrew Land Raider. Quite literally a sister to the Land Raider Ares, it's designed for leading assaults in siege battles and giving command and control to allied forces. It's primed, but not complete - I intend to add more accessories to the hull such as camo nets and stowage.




Another view of the Acheron's armaments here:



  • 2 weeks later...

The Castigator is primed and prepared for painting and will be the next task. She'll be painted deep purple with khaki or white accents and have a cherry blossom motif. The base is an affair that will look like a WWI infantry charge into certain death.





  • 3 weeks later...

My life was kinda chaos the last few weeks due to moving to a new apartment. The new apartment comes with a new hobby space, seen below before I wreck it. I also used an airbrush for the first time today and I have converted. It is the most amazing godamned thing I've ever touched. The frame of my knights are metallic grey. Le Fer de Lance was hand painted, a process taking about 5 hours and there were areas that were uneven or I couldn't even reach fully with a brush. The airbrush did the same work in 45 minutes, with perfect smoothness and perfect coverage. And this is one of those no-name Made in China airbrushes.


Additional basecoating is required before washes and highlighting.





I got to the last post and it cheated the comment I was going to make about airbrushed, still, Glad you got an airbrush, though you still have all those trims to brush!


Regarding battle cannon belt feed, you could try scale modelling suppliers.


Keep up the good work!


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