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Alpha Legion CotH 2500


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So, I'm pretty sure this will be the start of my Alpha Legion army. Want to run Coils because it's different and awesome. Have heaps of Drop Pods to run an Orbital Assault army too, so I have some versatility.



Vigilator: artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs; refractor field; jump pack 145



9 Tactical Space Marines: Legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; melta bombs) 175

• Rhino

9 Tactical Space Marines: Legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; melta bombs) 175

• Rhino

9 Assault Space Marines: 2× power weapon; + 1 Assault Sergeant (artificer armour; bolt pistol; power fist; melta bombs; power dagger) 305



The Rewards of Treason

• 4 Tyrant Siege Terminators: + 1 Tyrant Siege Master (power dagger) 300

• Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield 340



9 Heavy Support Marines: Volkite culverins; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour; augury scanner) 350

• Rhino

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer



Alpharius: The Coils of the Hydra


2,500 points


I am definitely lacking any anti-air, and anti-tank is also light. I could swap the Volkite culverins for flakk missile launchers, covering both of those bases. Alpharius will probably roll with the Siege Tyrants, Scouting forward and moving up the board. Want to bump them to 10 eventually. Vigilator is to Scout the Assault Marines forward, plus having some increased cover protection. Tank Hunters will likely be my Mutable Tactic most of the time, but I can take anything as suited.


Any thoughts from the masses? :)

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Hmmm If you used Infiltrate instead and used the ~365 of the spartan on a Siege Breaker in TDA (for Tank Hunting Tyrants) and upped their body count and/or took a Deredeo you'd have a pretty rounded list.


Infiltrating the Tyrants w/ SB with or without Alpharius would easily mean tons of Krak Missiles into Spartan Side Armor if your opponent doesn't properly counter deploy for that eventuality. Plus, if you Start Alphie on the board you get preferred enemy (everything) making that T1 "SUDDENLY ROCKETS" w/ Tank Hunters that much more devastating.


It would also mean the Assault Marines being able to Infiltrate + Scout into prime T2 Charge Position.

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Great points Slips. I did consider simply taking Infiltrate... Also just ran the numbers on 10 Tyrants + SB + Alpharius' cognis-signum into AV14... 6 hull points! Wow.



Siege Breaker in Terminator armour: Cataphractii armour; combi-bolter; chainfist; power dagger 150



9 Tactical Space Marines: Legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (melta bombs) 165

9 Tactical Space Marines: Legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (melta bombs) 165

9 Assault Space Marines: 2× power weapon; + 1 Assault Sergeant (artificer armour; bolt pistol; power fist; melta bombs; power dagger) 305



The Rewards of Treason

• 9 Tyrant Siege Terminators: + 1 Tyrant Siege Master (power dagger) 550



9 Heavy Support Marines: Volkite culverins; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (augury scanner) 340

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Aiolos missile launcher 220



Alpharius: The Coils of the Hydra


2,500 points


Everything feels more well-rounded, like you said. Certainly saved some points on Dedicated Transports, but the Vigilator had to go to make it all fit. The Assault Marines are possibly a liability without him, though I really like the idea of using them. They will fill the 3rd Troops choice if I want to take a different Mutable Tactic in other games. What do you think?

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According to Forge World emails, they intended Mutable Tactics as an enabler of Coils. Part of the reason I ran with all the DT's was in case of this ruling being contested.


With a new Red Book out soon, it will (hopefully) put that to rest.

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FW mean absolutely nothing, unfortunately. You never know who is responding or if they know what they are talking about. For whatever it's worth, the coils requirements always seemed clear to me, and not that bad since only infantry squads have the restriction.


Anyway, with preferred enemy from Alpharius, I would try to put as many bodies in there as possible. Rapiers aren't infantry squads, so you can take them freely and utilize any of the tactics you want.


The cost of that assault squad already makes my soul hurt, but you could give them all melta-bombs to improve your odds against monstrous/gargantuan creatures and armour.


I have so many higher hopes for the red book, like a fix to the headhunters' weapon options, free meltabombs for breachers, and a cost-reduction for everything with a jump pack.

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Yes, lots of LA:AL units is the key. The Assault Squad is something different that I want to utilise so I don't have to run 3x10 Tacticals in Rhinos. Chaplain or Vigilator is probably critical though. Will shelve that idea for now.


Not convinced Breachers need free melta bombs, but a squad-wide discount would be great for both them and Assault Marines (something like 50 points for the whole squad). I do, however, think they need to drop Assault Marines by 50 points base and 5 per additional.


I feel like the legitimacy of the Forge World emails is what is stopping me from settling on this 2nd list. Waiting until March/April for the updated Red Book (according to the latest rumours from the Imperial Truth Podcast) is not appealing. I think I'll build towards it, but will likely get some Rhinos to allow me the opportunity to change Mutable Tactics. I'm getting 2 Betrayal at Calth boxes for Xmas, plus have a bunch of Spellcrow blizzard missile launchers on the way, so I'm definitely sorted for most of it anyway!


I think a plog is in order after Xmas... :)

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No, I will paint them up in Alpha Legion colours, as they are meant to steal the technology and make it work for them, i.e. Extermination mentions them having prototype Mark VI armour at Isstvan, so I imagine the Siege Tyrants will look less like Iron Warriors and more like Alpha Legion (maybe with added tech).


While I can only use 1 unit, I plan to get a couple of units and field them as I see fit:

- Mor Deythan should be easy to trim down and convert, and will work just as well as Alpha Legion.

- Firedrakes have scales on them already, so they'll look good with some conversion work. Plus they're hard as nails.

- Suzerains I will probably kitbash with Mk IV Marines and the boarding upgrade set. They will be for when I have some SA or IM allies.


Going to steer clear of Gal Vorbak, as they don't seem to fit logically.

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