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Looking into expanding from 1500 to 2000: DG Footsloggers


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Hey everyone. So, I made the list below a few months ago before going to England. The good news is that, besides the troops who I'm pretty sure I already have all of. It's been a while since I checked. However, I thought it would be good of me to ask you folks what I should do to expand on this list and also to fight off the temptation to buy Red Butchers to expand my already too big CSM army. Before I go onto it though, some notes.


-I have made small edits since the last time I brought this list up.

-The theme is, for the most part, foot slogging. 

-I can't change much about the army as it is now.


With that said...






Legion Praetor with Terminator Armor, Combi Flamer, Melta Bomb and Deathshroud Power Scythe (152pts) (Optionally, swap the scythe for a Paragon Blade. Or a Power Fist... long story short, I lost a scythe arm and had plenty of Terminator options there to replace them with, so I gave him a power fist which can be an option)


Deathshroud Command Squad, 4 Deathshroud (190pts)


(Right, so, this is something that I've not been sure about this was made during the time of only having book 4 out. Since then I know more choices have been added to consuls, and my possible Terminator choice has been moved from elites to Heavy Support. However I'm quite fond of the mental Imagery of the five scythe armed terminators forming the core of the army. Plus they're supported by another choice of mine.)






2 Squads of 15 Tacical Marines with a Vexalla, a Nuncio-Vox and a sergeant in Artificer armor with a Power Weapon each. (245pts a unit)


(The core of my army. I've always wanted to try a Space Marine army of some kind with a massive group of marines.These are already partly purchased too, all I lack are 5 Marines, the Vexalla and Nucino Vox. Conversions are planned for my Sergeants. This is pretty much unchanged from the last list and I imagine one of the first suggestions will be to make then 20 men each)






2 Apothecaries with Artificier armor and power swords (130pts total, attached to the two tactical squads)


(Of course, if I'm going to have big units, I'll also have FNP to back them up and make them seem like Plague Marines almost. These two have already been done up, assembled and painted for my painting vow, hence why they are said to have swords explicitly.)




Heavy Support (Here's where things change a bit from my first few lists)


Spartan Assualt Tank. (295pts. One of my only two sources of Anti Armor. The reason it's bare bones is to accomidate choice number 2, but I am looking for advice on this one. The idea is that, if needed, it can transport the Deathshroud. Again, I foresee this getting upgrades as the first choice)


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought with Aiolos Missle Launcher and Armoured Ceremite (240pts. This is choice number 2, although the Ceremite might just get switched to the Spartan. Originally his place was taken by the areal shooting Contemptor, but after seeing the model for this one, I got too interested. I am willing to take advice here though. Already assembled)




So, thoughts?


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Now that I think about it, I've just tossed out this list without any suggestion of what I might consider adding. Right, time to fix that.


- Boosting the Tactical Squads to full. Nothing screams "Death Guard" to me more than big units of footslogging, hard to kill marines.


-Tactical Support Squads: This is more because of the... pitiful state of my anti-armor and Anti-Marine fire. Only this is more on the former front. To me, the Iconic weapon of the Plague Marine is the plasma gun, and a squad or two of five Plasma Gunners (or five flamers, given Chems) would probably look thematic.


-Grave Wardens: I already have the Shroud, why not?


-Boost the Shroud to full: The more expensive terminator option, really.


-Heavy Weapons Support Squad: Because I could use more Anti-Tank honestly, beyond anything else. I'd probably end up using them as Havocs in my CSM army too.


I am open to other ideas though. Oh, and before I forget, ROW is The Reaping.

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If you're going for "The Reaping", then maybe consider the following points:

- Heavy Support Squads can be taken as non-compulsory Troops, so they're a better option than Tactical Support. You can also take Fortifictations, which are very helpful for keeping them alive; 8 Marines in a Wall of Martyrs Bunker with an ammo dump is gold!

- 4 Deathshroud is perfect, as then the Praetor can fit in a Land Raider with them. Paragon blade on the Praetor is also the only way to go, and giving him rad grenades means they'll all wound on a 2+ then.

- 20-man Tactical Squads with Apothecaries are very fluffy. Lots of people will tell you how uncompetitive they are, but I think they're so well-suited to Death Guard! Make sure they have rad grenades, vexilla and extra combat blades. You could also plonk a pair of Consuls in them to add Zealot (Chaplain) or Scout & Stealth (Vigilator).

- Bear in mind that Death Guard aren't top tier, and "The Reaping" is very restrictive due to no Deep Strike, Run or Flat Out. A footslogging army with said restrictions is going to have a bad day, so have a think about some transports.


If you like, I can throw together a list for you with these models? :)

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If you're going for "The Reaping", then maybe consider the following points:

- Heavy Support Squads can be taken as non-compulsory Troops, so they're a better option than Tactical Support. You can also take Fortifictations, which are very helpful for keeping them alive; 8 Marines in a Wall of Martyrs Bunker with an ammo dump is gold!

- 4 Deathshroud is perfect, as then the Praetor can fit in a Land Raider with them. Paragon blade on the Praetor is also the only way to go, and giving him rad grenades means they'll all wound on a 2+ then.

- 20-man Tactical Squads with Apothecaries are very fluffy. Lots of people will tell you how uncompetitive they are, but I think they're so well-suited to Death Guard! Make sure they have rad grenades, vexilla and extra combat blades. You could also plonk a pair of Consuls in them to add Zealot (Chaplain) or Scout & Stealth (Vigilator).

- Bear in mind that Death Guard aren't top tier, and "The Reaping" is very restrictive due to no Deep Strike, Run or Flat Out. A footslogging army with said restrictions is going to have a bad day, so have a think about some transports.

If you like, I can throw together a list for you with these models? smile.png

Uh, ok... but as a piece of note, I have the Spartan, not a Land Raider, and well, even that was a hard sell to me in the original topic. I'm trying to aim for as few tanks as possible, the Reaping is mostly for flavor and the use of HSS as troops. And of course the tacticals have all the upgrades.

The Deathshroud are mostly there in the Spartan to give support where it's needed on the board. And frankly, I don't give a damn if they're massively competitive, I want to make a fun army. Adding Consuls could be a good idea, I honestly planned to start converting some at some point.

Also, HSS with Apoth's... Fluffy, or overboard?

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