SickSix Posted December 14, 2015 Share Posted December 14, 2015 Okay, so I have blown the dust off this project and am submitting myself for another scouring from the Liber veterans. **Small disclaimer, I started this before I acquired IA2(2E) and discovered there is a single mention of a Dark Swords chapter in the book. However that is the solitary mention of this name as far as I can tell so I am going to push on.** Below is what I have so far. (Revision #3) Clearly there are still areas to fill out. Dark Swords SUMMARY GENE-SEED: successor of the Angels of Absolution FOUNDING: 23rd, Sentinel Founding CHAPTER MASTER: Dunstan of Umbra CHAPTER WORLD: Paleon FORTRESS MONASTERY: Sanctus Mount FLAGSHIP: Tenebrarum Cadent COLORS: Yellow on Black BATTLE CRY: CURRENT STRENGTH: KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None ALLEGIANCE: Loyal to the Emperor, strained with the Unforgiven ORIGINS: The Dark Swords are believed to be a part of the Sentinel Founding. They were constructed to help bolster the Segmentum Pacificus and stand as a barrier between the Veiled Region and the Imperium. Their gene seed was pulled from the honored 1st Legion, the Dark Angels, a rare occurrence during most foundings. As a reward for a specific valorous victory, the Angels of Absolution were named the parent chapter and provided the first officers and training cadre for the new chapter. The belief of the officers that they were absolved of any wrong doing during the battle of the Rock, seems to have been taken a step further with this new chapter. The Dark Swords seem to have a strained relationship with their Primogenitors. On numerous occasions they have failed to answer a call to join a hunt for the fallen. When they have participated in their hunt, they have proven to be somewhat unpredictable. They are often found on patrol in their Strike Cruisers near the Veiled Region in Segmentum Pacificus. It is rumored that most often the Dark Swords are fighting an unknown Xenos threat that heralds doom from inside the nebulous region of unexplored space. It has been suggested that this unknown enemy is what has shaped the chapter's style of warfare. HOMEWORLD: Paleon was once a thriving industrial planet with vast mines under its numerous mountain ranges. Great fortified cities sat atop the mountains containing the greatest mines. Over the eons, some catastrophe led to the sudden abandonment of the planet. Those with the means seemingly fled the planet in a rush. In the time that followed those that were left behind, mainly the miners, were left to fend for themselves. Over time the city fortresses were reoccupied but continued to fall into a state of disrepair. The uneducated miners did not have the means to maintain the technology and power systems of the great cities. Things reverted to an almost medieval age when the planet was found and claimed by the Dark Swords. There are five primary city fortresses. Anglian – Anglian is known for its Knights. The Knights of Anglian are well trained warriors whom adhere to a strict code of honor. Anglian society harkens back to the ancient kingdoms of Terra or pre-Imperial Caliban. Murcia – Murcia is centrally located on the main inhabited continent of Saxia. This may be a contributing factor in the city becoming the central location for trade and art. It’s society is the most progressed from a feudal system. Derrian – Located on the high cliffs of the coast, Derrian is known for it’s Wall Without A Ledge. Capital punishment in Derrian sees convicts pushed off the seaward wall to fall thousands of feet to their death. Derrian people are quite stubborn. When they defend their city they are literally fighting with their backs against a wall without a ledge. Umbra – The City of Darkness is the lowest city fortress by elevation. It is often in the shadows of the taller surrounding mountains. When not in shadow it is more often than not lost in a nearly perpetual fog. The citizens of Umbra are a melancholy people. Their warriors are savage and brutal combatants. Luxen – The second highest city fortress on Paleon, other than Sanctus Mount, the people of Luxen believe themselves to be the betters. Their city is known for nearly year round clear skies. Their society resembles that of Anglian but their people are more haughty. Each city fortress was its own feudal state. Its inhabitants occasionally would siege each other over perceived injustices or resources. Most of the mines were collapsed or unsafe, with no functioning equipment to mine them. What little mining was done was done by hand. The Dark Swords built their Fortress Monastery on what the inhabitants called Sanctus Mount. The mountain and its abandoned fortress city's true name lost to time. Its new moniker was earned because this particular mountain and city were never successfully repopulated. There are many local superstitions about the mountain and why it had no people. PRESENT ACTIVITIES: Currently the chapter is engaged on multiple fronts. The 3rd Company and most of the Darkwing are engaged in a hunt for the Fallen. 4th and 5th Battle companies are en route to the Eye of Terror to bolster defenses against the 13th Black Crusade. The 6th and 8th Companies are defending a system in Segmentum Tempestus against what appears to be a Tyranid splinter fleet. Paleon is only defended by the 7th, 9th and 10th reserve companies. The master of the 9th Company, Captain Osgar, has sent urgent messages out to the other companies requesting they return to the homeworld as there is an imminent danger to the home system from the Veiled Region. COMBAT DOCTRINE: There is a motto in the chapter ‘Lex Parsimoniae’ often referred to as Okham’s Protocol. This motto roughly translates into ‘the simplest solution is often the best’. An outside observer would probably conclude that the Dark Swords usually interpret overwhelming firepower as the simplest solution for most tactical problems. However, their stubborn mindset, a product of their miner stock, sometimes causes them to be inflexible. Despite their motto allowing for the occasional complicated solution, they more often than not stick to simple and simply throw more firepower at the problem. They have taken great losses due to their refusal to take a more subtle or surgical approach on the battlefield. Outside of the 1st and 2nd companies, the Dark Swords almost exclusively engage the enemy with overwhelming ranged firepower. They tend to field as many tactical squads as can fit on the field, and rarely use specialized troops other than Devastators. The tactical marines are usually backed up by Thunderfire cannons, Whirlwinds and/or Vindicators. Despite their overall preference of ranged strategy, do not doubt a Dark Swords competence in close combat. An influence from their homeworlds feudal knightly orders, sword work is a revered skill. A Dark Sword will not advance in rank/position without being able to display skill with a sword. Company veterans and Company masters are often found with power swords as their weapon of choice. ROLL OF HONOR: CHAPTER ORGANIZATION: When originally founded the Dark Swords reflected their progenitor chapter. The 1st Company, the Darkwing, being able to field it's entirety in coal black painted TDA. The 2nd Company, the Razorwing, deployed on bikes and speeders mirroring the Dark Angel Ravenwing, until the events of Anigma and The Lost. The remainder of the chapter was made up as the Codex Astartes prescribes. Shortly after Grand Master Dunstan was chosen to lead the Dark Swords, he sent nearly the entire Razorwing on a Hunt. The target Fallen was in relatively close in Segmentum Tempestus space to Paleon. The target system, Anigma, was close to the border of the Veiled Region. While other forces were being gathered to reinforce the Razorwing, a distress call was received. Master Leostan of the Razorwing was requesting immediate reinforcement in the face of overwhelming enemy numbers. By the time reinforcements arrived, only the shattered remains of the Razorwing’s ships could be found. Evidence of Xenos forces were discovered by no sign of the Fallen. Since this incident the 2nd Company is often referred to as ‘The Lost’. Many in the chapter questioned the sudden deployment of the Razorwing on a Hunt for the Fallen. Normally Dark Swords are quite hesitant to participate in Hunts often outright ignoring calls from the Unforgiven when they are engaged in a current campaign. However, Grand Master Dunstan was very aware of the long term consequences his chapter’s behavior was having on its relationships with it’s fellow Unforgiven chapters. He sent the Razorwing on the Hunt to Anigma as the beginning of a campaign to try and repair their reputation with the Unforgiven. Unfortunately for him, his decision had horrible consequences. For the last 100 years or so the Dark Swords have operated without a 2nd Company. Being engaged on multiple fronts and actually still holding out hope that their brethren are still out there somewhere, has prevented them from rebuilding the Razorwing. FLEET ASSETS: BELIEFS: Like most Space Marines, the Dark Swords consider the Emperor their gene father and the greatest man to ever live. Lion El'Johnson is their spiritual liege but they don’t seem to revere him as the other Unforgiven do. The Dark Swords seem to carry no guilt related to the Fallen and the dark history of their progenitors. They have been reported as unpredictable when participating in the hunt for Fallen. On more than a few occasions they have not answered a call for aid from their fellow Unforgiven and provided no reason later for not assisting. On one particular campaign, the Angels of Vengeance and the Dark Swords nearly came to blows over the cleansing of an entire Hive City. The Angels Of Vengeance deemed the entire Hive corrupt and argued there were too many that may have possible knowledge of the Fallen to let the Hive live. The Dark Sword Company Master argued vehemently against such a sacrifice based on assumptions. However, the Hive City was ultimately cleansed. The Angels of Vengeance and the Dark Swords have not been seen on the battlefield together since. This type of reported behavior has earned the Swords little trust among their brothers. It is rumored that Grand Master Azriel personally stopped the Unforgiven masters from censuring the Dark Swords. RECRUITMENT: Paleon provides most of the Chapter’s new recruits, however the companies will recruit while on campaign. Recruits picked up while on campaign must pass their final trials on Paleon. The final quest of an initiate is rumored to involve going deep into abandoned mines of Sanctus Mount and bringing back an artifact to the Master of Scouts. LOCAL RITUALS: CHAPTER BADGE: BATTLE CRY: GENE-SEED: 1st Legion gene-seed was used to create the Dark Swords. It is very stable and pure. CHAMPIONS OF THE CHAPTER: Dunstan of Umbra - Current Grand Master. Dunstan rose steadily through the ranks over 300 years of service until becoming the Master of the Dark Wing (1st Company). Known as a stoich warrior that fought with a cold and calculated fury. He was chosen as Grand Master after fighting valiantly against the arch nemisis and protecting the body of Grand Master Osmund after he was felled by Champion of Chaos. Dunstan finished off the mortally wounded chaos champion and continued to fight off a horde of crazed cultists and traitor marines as they tried to steal Grand Master Osmund's body. After an hour of standing his ground alone a squad of Knights pushed their way to and past him with their shield wall. This allowed Dunstan to fall back with Osmunds body so that his ancient armor, wargear and precious gene-seed could be recovered. First Interregator Chaplain Thelsan - It is said that Interrogator Thelsan is the oldest living member of the chapter not entombed in a Dreadnought. It is said that he was recruited from Derrian but it has been many centuries and no one is certain. He is currently the only living Interrogator Chaplain to have interrogated a Fallen. His reputation is one of stoicism and stubbornness in battle. His name became known throughout the chapter after he and the squad he was attached to held on for 36 straight hours of battle against a horde of orks during the Battle of Hive Phalen. [sidebar] As initiates move up in status in the Chapter they are taught more of the Dark Swords history and secrets as well as more about the Imperium as a whole. Once an initiate earns their spot as a full fledged battle brother and moved into one of the reserve companies they are told the legend of the Darkwing. It is said that when the Dark Swords first came to Paleon that Sanctus Mount had to be taken by force. However the locals will tell you that no humans inhabited that mountain. But they will tell you that the sounds of battle were heard when the armored giants descended onto the abandoned city fortress and deep rumblings could be felt from underneath the mountain. The initiates are told that the chapters Deathwing was tasked with clearing the mines under the city fortress. The Deathwing, in their barely used Indominus pattern Terminator armor, descended into the abandoned mining shafts that spread out into the interior of the mountain like the root system of a great tree. For 3 days and 4 nights the faint sounds of battle could be heard echoing out of the tunnel entrances. When the Deathwing finally emerged, their armor was covered from head to foot in black mineral dust. Their armor showed clear signs of battle and nearly a third of their number was missing. So the initiates are told, this is how their first company was named the Darkwing. For their armor and their temperaments were as black as coal dust. When the initiates ask what or who was in the mines and occupying Sanctus Mount, they are told they have to earn the right to hear that story by proving their worth in the battle companies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 7, 2016 Share Posted April 7, 2016 We are starting with a clean slate as of now. No more snarky remarks, no more sarcasm. If we get a repeat of what happened before, then any offending posts will be removed without notice. Now, then. Let us commence C&C. On 12/14/2015 at 4:20 AM, SickSix said: There are five primary city fortresses.Anglian – Anglian is known for its Knights. The Knights of Anglian are well trained warriors whom adhere to a strict code of honor. Anglian society harkens back to the ancient kingdoms of Terra or pre-Imperial Caliban.Murcia – Murcia is centrally located on the main inhabited continent of Ungland. This may be a contributing factor in the city becoming the central location for trade and art. It’s society is the most progressed from a feudal system.Derrian – Located on the high cliffs of the coast, Derrian is known for it’s Wall Without A Ledge. Capital punishment in Derrian sees convicts pushed off the seaward wall to fall thousands of feet to their death. Derrian people are quite stubborn. When they defend their city they are literally fighting with their backs against a wall without a ledge.Umbra – The City of Darkness is the lowest city fortress by elevation. It is often in the shadows of the taller surrounding mountains. When not in shadow it is more often than not lost in a nearly perpetual fog. The citizens of Umbra are a melancholy people. Their warriors are savage and brutal combatants.Luxen – The second highest city fortress on Paleon, other than Sanctus Mount, the people of Luxen believe themselves to be the betters. Their city is known for nearly year round clear skies. Their society resembles that of Anglian but their people are more haughty. I think some of your references may need tweaking, brother. 'Ungland' is, in my humble opinion, a terrible substitute for England. May I suggest something along the lines of Saxia or Juta? Bearing in mind that the tribes that dominated Britain immediately after the Romans were Picts, Celts, Jutes, Angles and Saxons (with other Germanic tribes also being present). I think maybe 'Anglian' is a bit obvious, too. I'll be honest, it reminds me of Anglian Water, a company here in the UK. Maybe this might help, resource-wise. 'Murcia'... well... as a UK resident I immediately know what Mercia is. So perhaps my insider knowledge is making an objective critique difficult. As a fan of obfuscating references, I think maybe using older versions of the word as a basis for your reference might be better. I'll be fair with 'Derrian', aside from it possibly being a boys name, I have no idea what this references. So... good job? 'Umbra' is all about shadows, so theming the fortress as a city of darkness is probably over-egging the pudding. I suggest completely changing the name. I can provide suggestions if you would like. 'Luxen', again, I'm not sure about. Not a great fan of the name - which may or may not be because all the city fortresses seem have similarly constructed names. Maybe I could suggest a double-barreled name? People in the UK always seem to think those with double-barreled names are well-to-do and kinda haughty. Perhaps Redicia-Luxe? Of course, with the word 'Luxe' in there, then perhaps introducing elements from Luxembourg might add some flavour. Some food for thought, brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted April 7, 2016 Author Share Posted April 7, 2016 Honestly I struggle with names. I think original naming is the single hardest part of writing. Ungland is terrible. Saxia sounds better is is also incredibly obvious. I want Saxon influence so Saxia is a bit obvious. I will gladly take naming help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted April 7, 2016 Share Posted April 7, 2016 My own preference when it comes to names, whether personal names or place names, is to utilize real world, typically historical, names as well. My process usually includes Wikipedia dives, to try and find deeper information than what I may already have, Wiktionary, for linguistic information and etymological roots, and Behind the Name, particularly its random name generator. They're relatively easy to navigate when you already know the theme you are going to use, and in my opinion can lead to some very good, appropriate names that shouldn't scream with obviousness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebus Posted April 7, 2016 Share Posted April 7, 2016 Apologies; I just read the moderator's post and realized I was responding to a post that no longer existed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 8, 2016 Share Posted April 8, 2016 Some solid suggestions above about names. I've also used a Google Translator to help out and then modify the word a little bit. Then there is the old keystroke mash. A few random letters and insert vowels to taste. Example: fyodkjg -> fayodkeig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted April 15, 2016 Author Share Posted April 15, 2016 Added a bit more. Added a basic backstory for the head Interrogator Chaplain and a little sidebar(?) about how the Darkwing got it's name. Oh and I changed the main continent's name from 'Ungland' (uh, so awful) to 'Saxia'. Honestly though I kind of like the city names. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carrack Posted April 16, 2016 Share Posted April 16, 2016 On 4/7/2016 at 5:35 PM, SickSix said: Honestly I struggle with names. I think original naming is the single hardest part of writing. Ungland is terrible. Saxia sounds better is is also incredibly obvious. I want Saxon influence so Saxia is a bit obvious. I will gladly take naming help. I agree with scifi naming being difficult. Although not as applicable to place names, baby name sites are a good source for character names. There are thousands of them, and some are quite specific, for example is a list of 5th century Anglo-Saxon names. (I have no idea about the accuracy of the list, but that hardly matters for our purposes). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt_Reaper Posted April 19, 2016 Share Posted April 19, 2016 I recommend I've used it extensively in the creation of my own IA article. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted May 9, 2018 Author Share Posted May 9, 2018 So its okay to resurrect my own IA right? What do I need to flesh out to wrap this up? Lets skip anymore naming convention help and look at the content itself? Weakspots I need to shore up? Things completely missing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted May 9, 2018 Share Posted May 9, 2018 First of all, I'm intrigued by your "yellow on black" colour scheme for a Dark Angels successor - could you post an example using the Space Marine Painter? I'd suggest introducing the "Darkwing" in the chapter's history, and placing the "Present Activities" straight after the Origins section. The events of "Anigma and the Lost?" also need to be explained in the Origins or History section - an explanation as to why the entire Razorwing is sent in the same chase for the same Fallen would also be great. The Supreme Grand Master is called Azrael ;) Otherwise, I like the bit of friction with a rival chapter of the same lineage, though once again I'd suggest speaking of it briefly in the History sections first. Finally, I'd like to see some elements of history between their foundation and Dunstan's induction as Chapter Master/Grand Master - as things stand, the Dark Swords feel extremely young as all the elements of history you have given us seem to take place while Dunstan is Grand Master Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted May 9, 2018 Author Share Posted May 9, 2018 On 5/9/2018 at 3:46 PM, Lord Thørn said: First of all, I'm intrigued by your "yellow on black" colour scheme for a Dark Angels successor - could you post an example using the Space Marine Painter? I'd suggest introducing the "Darkwing" in the chapter's history, and placing the "Present Activities" straight after the Origins section. The events of "Anigma and the Lost?" also need to be explained in the Origins or History section - an explanation as to why the entire Razorwing is sent in the same chase for the same Fallen would also be great. The Supreme Grand Master is called Azrael ;) Otherwise, I like the bit of friction with a rival chapter of the same lineage, though once again I'd suggest speaking of it briefly in the History sections first. Finally, I'd like to see some elements of history between their foundation and Dunstan's induction as Chapter Master/Grand Master - as things stand, the Dark Swords feel extremely young as all the elements of history you have given us seem to take place while Dunstan is Grand Master Thank you for the detailed feedback! I will work on reorganizing the IA as you suggested. And I will work on fleshing out the earlier history of the chapter. Maybe come up with something about the original chapter master. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted May 16, 2018 Share Posted May 16, 2018 Greeting Brother, This is the first chance I've had to look at your chapter, and I really like what you're doing. Good original angle on your background, and you've filled out many of the details quite nicely. Let's get straight to what I see as a problem area.... I'll admit straight away that this is a pet peeve when it comes to a lot (if not most Space Marine Chapters). The problem I see is in Combat Doctrine. Space Maine chapters being small in size and spare in resources must by necessity be surgical strike forces that are nimble and flexible in their application of force. I don't have a problem with the use of massive fire power as a basic part of your strategy (proper application of massive fire power can solve many problems). The inflexible element of your chapter's mindset when it comes to doctrine is a problem. Coming from miner stock, as you state should make them stubborn problem solvers (keep on it until the problem is solved), but also innovative and flexible. This does not necessitate complexity in planning and execution.... the simplest plans are indeed often the best, so I think your chapter motto of "Lex Parsimoniae" is very appropriate. While big pitch battles and high body counts make for glorious battle scenes in the Space Marine literature it also makes for extinct Space Marine chapters. Space Marines are supposed to be the best of the best.Their battles should be ferocious and quick with lots of dead enemies. Their success rate should be high and their personnel body count low. Next...... BATTLE CRY...... surely you've thought of a cool battle cry by now... How about "POO POO ON THE FOE!!" Sounds good right?..... ..... As with all things this is just my opinion and my opinion and $2.00 won't even buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks. This is your chapter and you must proceed as you see fit, no matter what anyone else says. Good luck... I really like what you are doing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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