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Dual Box idea, Enforcer Squad/Tactical Squad

Frater Antodeniel

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Hello everyone,

Everyone know that i love to explore the many opportunities that our Blood Angels fluff has to offer, and to translate it in "homegrown" units. Now, with the 30k(40k) confirmation of the Blood Angels Strategical Tendencies. I decided to explore the "High Intensity Warfare"....so commonly used within the Blood Angels lore....

And so, i come with the Idea of the Enforcer Squad. After the Lord Of War DCTS/SGTS, the Blood Angels Land Speeder variant, i now propose to your judgment, what appears to me to be one of the last, if not the last, door still open to enlarge the GW Blood Angels miniature range.(Apart from the Independant Characters...of course^^).

Now come the Enforcer Squad, designed by Frater Antodeniel. (Note that this "squad box sprue" can also be used to made a Tactical Squad). Personally, that's how i would have designed the BA tactical Box, a 2 in 1 box, that wouldn't have cost much than a SM tactical squad Box....


What do you think about it ?

"Angel with a shotgun"..... i like that song^^

Furthermore, with the Enforcer Squad, you have the choice, low range and charge, or long range and more Firepower....two vision of war within a single squad !

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Last Christmas GW granted us a dedicated "Blood Angels Tactical Squad" popping out of no-where with no reasons....it already was a proof that the design team was clearly lacking of ideas for the Blood Angels range.....but worse, 6 month later, we got a pack with 10 BA shoulders.....


When you will have read to my Enforcer Squad Datasheet, you will even more cleary understand this reaction => "Why GW created a BA Tactical Squad, when business speaking, it would have been far more profitable to release the BA shouder pack and have people buy both the SM tactical squad and the BA upgrade pack ?"


BA tactical squad : 34 €

SM tactical squad + BA upgrade pack : 35 + 10.50 € = 45.50 €


Business non-sense loose profit : 45.50 - 34 = 11.50 € per Tactical Squad....


Personnally, i clearly think that i will take the time to wrote a note about this, both to GW and some Shareholders.....i think that they might cleary love knowing about even a single Business non-sense and how the company use its ressources.....


Do you really need this explaining to you? A vanilla Tactical Squad with 10 shoulder pads wouldn't look anything like the Blood Angels Tactical Squad, nor would it include their unique options.

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tbh, whilst i admire how much enthusiasm and creativity you have, I dont really think the BA have needed any of the custom units you've thought up...

All they really need are some adjustments to existing units to bring them inline with marines (again...) a strike force that works the same as the SM and DA ones, and maybe... MAYBE access to the storm talon. We already have a lot of unique units, I honestly dont really see why we need more.


That being said, keep thinking up ideas :)

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It seems okay, but maybe give it some special rules and up the price a bit. The problem is is that Death Company kind of fill the non jetpack assault team role for the blood angels, and a regular assault squad's extra mobility without having to be ina rhino will give it an edge over this squad. For this squad to work you need to give it some special rules and make it unique, right now I cannot see a use for it, so try making it a little crazier.

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Actually I can see an argument for using this squad in a DYS chapter but I agree maybe not specifically core BA. A chapter that specializes in door-to-door city fighting I can totally see using this. As stated above, relentless, base A2, death company with bolters would fill the same role and look cooler doing it. Portable frag cannons are a cool idea.
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I don't get it - It's a tactical/assault squad that can take super cheap heavy flamers?


The tactical squad is also a multi squad box already. You can make many  varieties of power armoured models from it, apart from those with JP/BP+CCW.

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I don't get it - It's a tactical/assault squad that can take super cheap heavy flamers?


The tactical squad is also a multi squad box already. You can make many  varieties of power armoured models from it, apart from those with JP/BP+CCW.


In fact, when i designed this squad, i wanted to explore what could fit between a Classic Tactical Squad and the Hot-headed Assault Squad with jump pack, while staying true to the Blood Angels spirit.


So the Enforcer squad is supposed to be a vision of a close quarter tactical squad.


First - You can stay with the Bolter and the Frag Launcher, using them as Normal Tactical

Second - You can upgrade them with shotgun and +1A, with Frag Cannon/Heavy Flamers.


Just by those two exemple, you can see that in the first, you have a long range squad that do not require to be close to be deadly, while in the second, you have a close range squad that is deadly at short range and on charge.


Also Shotgun are S4 AP-, while Bolter are S4 AP5, with the first you can shot and charge, but have no AP on shoot, while on the second, you cannot shoot and charge but have AP5 on shoot.


Also, i branded this Enforcer Squad as a Fast Attack unit, for i use the Flesh Tearers detachment as support. (I think it reflect more a normal/real Blood Angels organisation than the Blood Angels codex one).


Finally, if you push the imagination forward, i would have cost so much to had 10x Shotgun+1Frag cannon+1Grenade launcher and maybe +10 close combat weapons, to the Blood Angels Tactical Squad Sprue.

And by doing so, if GW had been smart, Blood Angels would had both a classic and a new unit in one box; while staying in the Blood Angels Spirit and business costs....could anyone say that they wouldn't be happy if the BA tactical release had been done this way ? for myself, i would have been happy^^.

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