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2000 points ultramarine


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Hi all, so I wanna do the jump to Horus Heresy, after months of thinking i finally decided to go with Ultramarines, but I am having a hard to make my list. Fisrt of all i wan't to play models I like, this is why the Typhon and the Suzerains are in there. The list seems really weak thought, so i'd like to have your advices! I also have a budget constrain (I live in canada so forge world is SO expensive now) this is why I did not put two sicarian tanks, but it was my first idea.


Rite of war: Pride of the legion




Preator, paragon blade, iron halo with volkite charger (160)




Mortis contemptor dreadnought, dual kheres (180)


5 Invictarus Suzerain, land raider phobos with ceramite armor (450)




10 veteran, 2 heavy bolters, artificer armor, power fist, rhino (300)


10 veteran, 2 heavy bolters, artificer armor, power fist, rhino (300)


Heavy support:


Sicaran, las canon (175)


Lord of war:


Typhon, lascanon, ceramite armor (410)




1995 points


So what should I change? Could it be playable in 40k?


Thank you!

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Well the good news is the units you like are both good. Suzerians are a solid assault unit, and the typhoon is one of the most used LoW. The bad news is your list is illegal in several ways. First off, the primarus medicae is a support officer, meaning he can't be used as your mandatory HQ. Second, the typhoon is a lord of war, not a heavy support, and you can only spend 25% of your pts on lords of war in heresy games, so you can take guilliman or the typhoon, not both. I'd probably take the typhoon, you don't really need guilliman at 2k, then replace the primarus medicae with a preator, gives you a solid HQ. He'll go well with the Suzerians, and as you'll have extra pts left I'd take a unit of 9 Suzerians. Any pts left you can throw into more bodies probably, another veteran squad if you want, or some big guns like a predator squadron or a quad mortar battery.


As far as 40k crossover goes, that's a bit tough since Suzerians are not a 40k unit. They'd probably best fit as honor guard.

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Thanks for the advices, I never noticed the lord of war and the prime medicae. Instead of putting 9 suzerain I opted for a sicaran (darn they are expensive those tanks! Hope they will be done in plastic!) for a bit of anti-tank, I think my list would rush against tank heavy lists :(


For the crossover, its because my friend only play 40k so i still wanna play with this list against them and not be wrecked on second turn.

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Aa I see what you mean for 40k crossover. Well heresy lists can have trouble with 40k lists if you're up against really competitive 40k lists,but in a casual environment you'll be fine.


Sicarans are great, that's a solid addition to the list. Your only weakness is probably lack of bodies, but you're always going to encounter that in a 2k pride list.

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Personally, I am not a fan of normal tacticals at all. In HH where you're usually fighting just other marines, bolters are very sub par and I find tacticals do little except die. Fury of the Legion is cool, but hard to use effectively, a smart opponent won't give you the opportunity to rapid fire with fury and even if they do, it's still just bolters. Veterans on the other hand with sniper are far more effective, especially with HBs you have a solid number of shots a turn for more chances to get ap2 wounds. Some people like tacticals and they can definitely work in some lists, I've just never been happy with their performance.
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The Sicaran is very much worth his points.


6 shots at S7 rending that ignores Jink (where applicable) on a fast vehicle (move 12" and still shoot) and a few other rules is hard to beat even if predators are cheaper.


Everything we ever say is also with the caveat that you can/want to buy it or already have it.


Feel free to ignore anything that doesnt align with any of your potential spending :p

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