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Imperial Fist 1000pts


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I'm looking to start getting into some Horus Heresy games and I'm looking to start small. I've decided on starting a 1000 point Imperial Fist army and I'd like some advice.


This is the first list I've come up with.



Sigismund (230)



Legion Tactical Squad (260)

10 Marines. Legion Vexilla, 2 Missile Launcher


Templar Brethren (335)

Chapter Champion w/ Solarite Power Gauntlet

7 Marines w/ Combat shield

Transport: Legion Rhino


Heavy Support

Sicaran Battle Tank w/ Lascannon sponson (175)


Total - 1000

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Regular Tactical Marines done get heavy or special weapons , only veteran tactical marines get those. 

Also having 10 marines with no transport leaves them quite vulnerable 

At 1000 points Sigismund is a heavy investment and while he will be the killiest thing in melee as it stands he and the Templar brethren wont have an assault transport to charge out of. 

I think  hes too many points to drop in a game at 1000 points 

Especially when you  absolutely need to have him and the Templars Charge  to gain the bonuses from Furious Charge and the +1 initative from  Sigismunds Rules 

Sicarian battle tanks are always Great  though I think  you  should seriously consider  moving your points total up  and including a Landraider for Sigismund and the Templars  or possibly a  claw drop pod so they can deepstrike turn one via drop pod assault fly over to where they need to be then disembark and charge turn 2 

30k is  interesting in that unless you are playing Zone Mortalis you really will struggle to build lists at low point values , the way units are priced  building stable lists becomes difficult unless yer building around 2k  +

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Thanks for the feedback. My gaming group is just starting Horus Heresy and we are starting with a 1k points campaign. Eventually the campaign will expand and so will my forces. With that in mind I've adjusted my list to something like this.


RoW: Pride of the Legion


Praetor w/ paragon blade and combat shield (130)



Contemptor w/ Kheres assault cannon (190)



Veteran tactical w/ 10 marines. 2 heavy bolters and vexilla. Tactics: sniper (250)


Veteran tactical w/ 10 marines. 3 power weapon. Sergeant w/ artificer armour and power fist. Tactics: furious charge (255)


Heavy support

Sicaran w/ lascannon sponson (175)


Total 1000

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Hmmm at 1k Point what Type of Table / Games are you going to be playing?


Honestly, to save points, have you Considered a Delegatus Instead? I made this topic a while back which might help you and your Group: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303510-the-delegatus-30k-lists-for-smaller-games-and-starters/


So in that vein of thought, how about taking 2 Sniper Vet Tac Squads, Sarges with Artificer, Power Axe and Melta Bomb then, Taking a Delegatus to unlock his Unique RoW: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Autilon.pdf , Chosen Duty.


A Naked Delegatus being 75 Points means that you can then gear him up a bit more: Artificer Armor, Boarding Shield or Refractor Field, Solarite Power Gauntlet all for 10 points less than your Current Preator.


You lose out on a bit of Stats but you still have a decently powerful HQ:

  • If Rules lets you Re-roll to Hit in Challenges & The Solarite Power Gauntlet has Master Crafted Innately.
  • He's hitting at S8 Ap1 meaning he can blow up vehicles on a 5+ and is IDing all T4 Non-EW Marines.
  • Boarding Shield means him and his squad have Defensive Grenades meaning you deny charge bonuses vs his unit.

And he can still take RoWs which his removes the primary downside to PotL: Losing VPs if your Troops are wiped out. Instead, all you have to do is keep him alive.

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