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All Aboard the Doom Train (Ordo Reductor - 1,500 points)

Commander Dawnstar

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I've been struggling a great deal these last couple of days to settle on an Ordo Reductor list that I'm even vaguely happy with. There have been a lot of issues with floating points, units or characters that seem to lack purpose or things that I would have liked to include but have ultimately felt out of place or just not worth the investment. While that last point is still something of an annoyance (One day I'll find a way to field Ursarax!) this is where tonight has left me in regards to list-building.


I realise 1,500 points is a little on the small side for AoD but that's what I'm told my store tends to play - quicker games.


1,500 Points - Ordo Reductor - Matrix of Ruin Detachment




Archmagos Reductor w/Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Rad Grenades, one Phosphex Bomb, Photon Gauntlet, Machinator Array, Abeyant and Cyber Familiar.




3x Thallax w/Photon Thruster and Destructor augment.

3x Thallax w/Photon Thruster and Destructor augment.


Heavy Support:


1x Krios Venator

1x Ordo Reductor Artillery Tank w/Medusa Cannon

1x Ordo Reductor Artillery Tank w/Medusa Cannon

4x Myrmidon Destructors w/Grav Imploders and Triaros transport w/Blessed Autosimulcra.


Pretty straightforward list really. The Thallax are there to fulfil obligations and take potshots at tanks, Terminators or anything in need of blinding while the Venator does the same on a grander scale. The Medusas rain death down on any infantry left in the open, or left exposed after the death of their transports, and the Archmagos and chums in their Doom Train are free to go wherever they need to in order to obliterate enemies with grav, shut down significant melee threats and play bodyguard for their scoring transport in the enemy's deployment zone.


The list clocked in 20 points shot before I threw in a few extra point sinks (The Photon Gauntlet, Phosphex Bomb and Blessed Autosimulcra) but dropping the Medusas and a few more points off the Archmagos would allow for a Paragon of Metal Thanatar or something else similarly indulgent. I also contemplated taking Krios in place of the Medusas as the list already has a fair amount of AP2 and they bring far greater resiliency alongside the speed to make a dash for the enemy's deployment zone should needs be.


I'm hardly wedded to this list (Personally I'd like to find use for Ursurax and Scyllax) but that's where I am for now.

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Hey man, sorry for the delay - been away. List looks pretty good actually! :)


They don't have any parts to represent graviton imploders yet, so I would use heavy grav cannons from the 40k Kataphron Destroyers. Bits sites will sell them individually (the third model has one):



Although, you actually have a lot of AP2 in the list already - you could save some points and take Volkite culverins and an irradiation engine on the Myrmidon Destructors instead. They will work well up close with the the Archmagos. They also rip through hordes, so this helps keep it a Take-All-Comers list, and Volkite culverins are also easy to model onto the Destructors. Or just take a normal Krios instead of a Venator. :)


Nice to see the Archmagos is kitted out with lots of stuff. A Djinn-skein will really help too, as your Medusae can hide behind terrain and he can spot for them. Melta bombs and augury scanners are also cheap and useful upgrades, if you still have points left (which you should).


At this level, I think you're looking pretty good. For bigger games, you can squadron up the Medusae (and add a 3rd), add 2 more Krios and then take a PoM Thanatar. This will be 7 Tanks, which will be nice in an OR list. Triaros are easy to add in, but don't focus on Tanks exclusively - there's plenty of other good choices! :)


As for Ursarax, I'm not sure how brilliant they are in game, but I like them. Power fists are a must - 4 S10 AP2 attacks each on the charge! :) Can't wait for models!


Scyllax are interesting. They aren't amazing, but nonetheless I want to work them into my Legio Cybernetica list as some scoring Troops - they are a form of Automata after all. As with everything that isn't an auto-include, you just need to balance them with the rest of your army. Mine will be objective holders, so 4 with 3 flamers and a rad-cleanser is my plan.


If you want more Troops later, I'd first bump the Thallax up to 6 and add another photon thruster. You save 30 points by doing this rather than through MSU.

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I'm lucky enough to be someone who already collects both sides of 40k's Adeptus Mechanicus so I actually have the necessary Heavy Grav Cannons available. I hadn't actually realised that there weren't Grav Imploder arms for the Destructors so I'm really rather glad you clued me in on that. I'll probably add in an Irradiation Engine. They seem pretty nifty.


I'll certainly think about the Djinn Skein; I hadn't even realised the Archmagos Reductor could take one because the option isn't in Battlescribe.


Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate all the input you've been giving me throughout this process.

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