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Ravenguard 30k-40k crossover list 1500 pts


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Greetings all!

I've designed this list to work based on the contents of BaC and some of the bits I have, as well as some crossover value in 40k.


Pride of the Legion

Legion Praetor - Artificer, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Raven's Talons

Legion Centurion - Vigilator, Refractor Field, Artificer, Infravisor, Meltabombs

10 Veterans - Sniper, Meltabombs, 2x Heavy Bolters

10 Veterans - Tank Hunters, Meltabombs, 2x Missile Launchers

Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought - 2x Kheres Assault Cannon

5 Dark Fury Assault Squad - Meltabomb on Srg

5 Legion Heavy Support - Lascannons


The Praetor goes with the Dark Fury; Centurion is there to provide Stealth to one of the squads, and act as a 2+/5++ bullet magnet.


This is one of my first few times building a 30k list, so hopefully it's not terrible.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Be careful with infravisors - rerolling successful blind checks is a bit annoying, and removing a 6+ cover save from a unit targeted by bolters is a pointless exercise. The Vigilator would be nice with a Jump Pack in the Dark Furies - they can Deep Strike in with a 4+ Cover Save or start on the board Scouting forward.


Veterans with heavy bolters and Sniper is a very solid unit - no problems there. I'd go for melta bombs only on the Tank Hunter squad though, and put them in a Dreadclaw - they will blow up almost any vehicle on Turn 2. :)


Lascannon team is a threat for your opponent but has very little protection. Consider adding a Bunker or taking something else, like a lascannon Contemptor or Vindicator Tank Destroyer. :)

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Would a Master of Signals with cameleoline be worth it with the Support squad? Stealth and +1 BS could be quite useful for them I think, and you get Night Vision without the drawback of Infravisors...


I'm also thinking about diving into 30K using Raven Guard - coolest Legion and easy to make a force work both in 30K and 40K. Good luck!

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