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The Hanged Man's Tarot


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Mr Bear - Ha well I wouldn't say I've been too active but I managed to get a little done. Hopefully can get back into gear on things now. And thanks for the compliments :)


Brother Dallo - Close mate, the left leg is a Wych leg and the right is from a Hellion. Takes a bit of tweaking to get them to line up in the butt and groin areas but they work nicely together.


Another Card to come soon.



~ Interior; a commercia unit in the Fallows District, city of Haven

Segundus Much sighs heavily, wipes a fleshy hand over his stubbled jowls and fixes bloodshot eyes on the three men who have entered his premises and repeated the same question for what feels like the last hour. They bristle with weaponry and threat, swollen with the muscular confidence that comes from the knowledge of who they represent. Much's premises, already crowded with shelves and worktops that blossom with a profusion of firearms like an iron-and-gunmetal harvest, feel uncomfortably cramped with their presence. Segundus Much does not appreciate this, nor the apparent lack of respect that these men show for his position.

"Boys," he pauses, takes a swig from the stained pewter mug of small beer at his elbow, "boys, if I knew where the Knave was, I'd tell you. Course I would. But see, I don't. That's the whole fugging point of him. You don't find him, he finds you."

The men growl threats, stimm-boosted muscle flexing and swelling in threat postures. Weapons are loosed in holsters, fat-barrelled stub-revolvers and chromed slug throwers side by side with ex-PDF las pieces. Segundus recognises all the hardware on show, could quote fire-rates and calibres, magazine capacity and accuracy-retention over ranges. He sold most of the pieces to the men now brandishing them, copies still sit on the walls of his premises. If he is unnerved by the weaponry and threat on show, he shows no sign. Instead he sighs again, leans back in the battered and stained leather chair that creaks in protest at his weight.

"Boys, that's really not going to help."

There is the heavy iron sound of auto-loaders spooling up, the rising whine of las-pieces reaching full charge. Targeting lasers and aim-cursors paint the three men as gun-servitors lurch to life from the shadows of Much's premises. The air is heavy with the smell of gun-oil and ozone, undercut with the sweet-rot smell of the servitors flesh. The three men hesitate, ease fingers away from triggers and firing studs in the face of overwhelming firepower. Segundus Much snorts in derision.

"You think I'm a fugging idiot? Sit here all alone all day? Throne you boys are simple. Now, like I fugging said, I don't know where the Knave is. I don't know how to find him. What I do know however is how to get a message to him. So that's what I'll do. Savvy?"

The three men nod, eyes still fixed warily on the gun-servitors who have targeted them. Segundus Much rises to his feet, smoothens down the oil-stained vest that covers his spreading gut and crosses his thick hairy arms.

"Beautiful. Now get the fug out of my workshop. And remind your employer that if he still wants his associates to have more than sharp sticks and harsh words to fight with, he needs to show a little more fugging respect in future. Otherwise, it's going to be a fugging slim iron-harvest for him, savvy?"

The men leave his premises, backing out slowly under the targeted vigilance of the servitors unseeing gaze. Segundus sneers as he waves them goodbye. From the plastek sheeted doorway behind him, a second figure emerges, wrapped in a long coat and hook-nosed. Segundus throws a glance over his shoulder at his companion.

"Caught all that did you? Well. Up to you now I guess. Your delivery is on the side there. Getting harder to find that stuff by the way so make it last."

The hook-nosed figure moves past Segundus, collects the wrapped package and reaches the door to the streets beyond.


The name halts the figure at the doorway. Something glitters in the dark holes that are its eyes above the hooked nose as it looks back at Segundus.

"The Choir Master? How the fug does that help us? What the fug were you thinking?"

Harlowe, known to most of Haven as the Knave, regards the second of two men in this drowning city that he could potentially call a friend for long seconds before speaking, a thin smile pulling at the corners of his lips beneath the mask he wears.

"Seg, what makes you think it was me?"

The Knave leaves and is lost to view quickly in the sheeting rains of Haven. Segundus Much stares at the open door, the quickly spreading water that stains his doorstep.

"Ah, fug."

~ End Scene



Segundus Much, called the Gun-Farmer, businessman and supplier to the city of Haven

Got a little bit of work done tonight:



That's the blade-heels added to Trinica, and the muzzle of her pistol changed to something that works a bit better than the clunky one she had last time. Her right foot also had a trim to bring it closer to the shape of the left foot, and her head was glued in place but I neglected to get a pic of that because...um... I don't know. She's pretty much ready for greenstuffing now and once that's done there's a few more little details to add before she's ready for paint.

Also did a bit more on the Key:



That's the basic assembly done - like Trinica he needs some gs sculpting before the final details are added. Pretty happy with how he's coming along though, seems to be working pretty well as a psyker/wyrd type.

Hopefully should be a stage where I can order paints this weekend as well, which is cool. Looking forward to finally doing some painting again. Harlowe, Elias and Much are the first on the paint order, by dint of having been introduced first.

C&C welcome as always folks, not only on these two but also Segundus Much - hope people are still enjoying the story as well as the minis.

Continuing to be really good, both when it comes to the modelling aswell as to the writing. I'm really liking 'Scene the Fifth', the confrontation between Much and the thugs had just the right amount of humour and the Knave's comment about the Choir Master... Well, the plot thickens... smile.png

Evening folks, and in a Professor Farnsworth voice "Good news everyone!"

I got something in the post today, and getting that something lead to other things. First up, this was the thing I got:




All kinds of hot and exciting. Finally getting paints was such a good feeling - what I've got there is pretty much the pallette I was using for the last couple of years, with a few missing tones that I might grab at some point. Working with a somewhat limited range of paints is fine as I tend to make a lot of random mixes anyway and as I'm not working on an army, uniformity of colour isn't an issue. This is the first time I've tried Vallejo paints, so it was gonna be interesting to see how they handled. Course, now that I had paints, I had to undercoat some stuff and luckliy the weather here is pretty glorious.

Just the first three Cards dealt so far, I don't want to jump ahead and start painting stuff that you guys haven't seen properly yet. So we've got the Low-man, Knave and Huntsman on the go currently. And, having a spare hour or so, I had to have a go with the new paints didnt I?


So, few quick thoughts. Dropper bottles are ace. I totally overestimated how much came out in each drop when putting black on the pallette, but after that and considering the small area being painted, a single drop was more than enough. Also, Vallejo paints are ace - they cover and mix beautifully, the shades I used were all pretty great and the inks aren't glossy when dry. Also also, good to know I can still paint after 6 months without touching a brush. Also also also, Vallejo paints taste really sweet. Specially compared to GW's. Ok so it's not a huge amount of painting, but it's something people. Roll on getting more done over the next few days.

Mr Bear - Thanks very much mae, glad to hear you are enjoying all aspects of The Tarot so far. The plot does indeed thicken - this might be the deepest plotted thing I've done so far.


Draakur - Awesome, good to know :) Will endeavour to keep it up.

As always folks, your comments and crits are gratefully received - will be back soon with more painting progress and the next Scene, which may possibly be another Card reveal...

Cheers, Jack

Fantastic stuff, Jack, really good to see you back in the hobby. As ever, your writing is superb. Really enjoying the overall tone you're developing - models are brilliant as usual. On a seperate note, Vallejo paints are great, i'm sure you'll enjoy working with them!

November - Thanks very much man, good to be back and its great to hear people still enjoy what I do :) And even with my limited selection of Vallejo, I'm loving them already. So much better than GWs offerings.


Veteran Sergeant - Again, thanks man, means a lot when people say things like that. I'm not one for gaming either any more but the story and background in 40k is too good to walk away from entirely.


Update to come in a second.



Segundus Much; a merchant of Haven. Generously proportioned of flesh and miserly with the finer qualities of man; a trader in illicit goods, purveyor and supplier of firearms and sundry items of violence. Known to all of Haven as the Gun-Farmer, reaping his iron-and-cordite harvest for the ne'er-do-wells and rogues of this Drowning City.

Evening everyone, bit of a quick WiP and PiP catch up tonight while I work on the intro for the next Card. Good to see Segundus got some love there, the fat man needs it.

Kobrakei - It's a fantastic base model, my favourite of the entire Necromunda range, it doesn't need a lot doing to it.

ChromeZephyr - Thank you sir, glad you're enjoying your rip to the Drowning City. Plenty more fetid awesomeness to come.

MrBear - Ah thanks man, much appreciated as always smile.png

So, what's been on the go recently? Well, I sat down and did the majority of the greenstuff work on Trinica and the Key, and have been painting away at Elias as well. Pics below:


Filled in most of the sexy gaps in the Wych/Hellion syn-skin she had, as well as filled out the waist a bit. She's still pretty wasp-waisted but I think that's a nice little Imperial death-sexy fashion touch. She also has a nose. Yes it was fiddly. No I don't want to do it again. Even without paint it's done a lot to move her away from the Daemonette look though, so I'm real happy with it. Just need to add a few last details and pop her left arm on and she's all done.


Got the framework in place for the Key's shoulders and his humpback. Not too concerned about the details or roughness at the moment as they'll be covered by the robe extensions I'll be building up. Also blended the icon/aperture into his chest more, for....reasons. Happy with how he's coming along as well.


Elias is a lot more subdued and bleached out in real life, the lighting when I took the pic has made the colours more vibrant than they are. I wasn't sure about his reddish jacket to start but having got the metallics on the patches on now and got his skin in, it works. Gives him a touch of colour and panache that will come out in his story I think. I did work on him a bit more today but forgot to get pics - his base, skin and the metallics on his jacket are all done now so not much more to go.

Everyone else is pretty much waiting for the reveal of their Card at the moment, so a small part of my brain is already thinking about the Tower and how exactly to do that. I'm also looking at the Genestealer Cult from Overkill and for the first time being tempted away from my darling Hereticus storylines - I think I might pick up the Primus at least as there's an aging Inquisitor I'd like to do that I think he would be perfect for. Either that or a Rogue Trader. The Tower comes first though.

Comments etx much appreciated and welcomed as always folks - always happy to answer questions and share my thoughts on any aspects of storytelling and the setting we all love.

Cheers, Jack

  • 2 weeks later...

Evening folks - just another quick update sadly as Ive been on a training course all this which combined with a decent freelancing contract has just wiped me out in terms of spare time, which sucks. I have managed to get a little bit of painting done though so it's not all bad news - here's the progress thus far on Elias:



Apologies if the pics seem huge, they will resize once Photobucket catches up. Not much left to do, just the hair, weapons and bionics and a few details. I was originally going to go for dirty blonde hair but he's now got more of a Native American look to him with that skintone so I might just go for off-black.


I also worked a little GS around on Trinica's face to try and reduce that Daemonette look, which turned out pretty well:



Fingers crossed I can also get the intro for the next Card done this weekend too, been too long since I bored you all with story http://z1.ifrm.com/static/emo/2.png

KBA - That is much appreciated mate, thanks for those very kind and generous words. I shall endeavour to keep you supplied with Blanchian wonders.

That's about it for now chaps unfortunately - back to the freelance work for a bit and then I'm gonna try and get some story down. And resist the urge to blow a load of cash on bits for the Tower before I can tell whether the main parts will work...

I'm also half-planning the next hand of Cards, which is a worrying sign of how much more there is to come http://z1.ifrm.com/static/emo/2.png

Cheers all.

Your Blanchitsu is strong!


Great choice in going for a more muted colour palette. If I get some more cash I got to get some of the resin Dark Eldar models before they go out of stock. The models are such a good base for Inquisimunda projects like this.


Interior; a cargo-hold aboard the vessel Caconym, currently immersed in the Empyrean

Willem Elias enters the dimly lit cargo hold along a walkway suspended several metres from the iron decking, followed by a softly humming servo-skull whose bone cranium has been polished and varnished to a deep resinous umber in colour. The hold stretches away into the distance, lit sparsly by sodium-yellow spolights that provide pools of soft illumination. It is eerily quiet, the only noise the background rumbling of the Caconym's warp drives and the occasional metallic squealing of its superstructure.

"Where is she then Fisher?" Elias asks, leaning against a dust covered rail that lines the walkway. The servo-skull hums on its gravitic motors for a few seconds before replying in Fisher's voice.

+Internal augurs place her about thirty metres away to your eleven. She's stationary.+

"Stationary? What in the hells is she doing?"

+As far as I can tell, she's been in that position for the last three hours and twenty-seven minutes. No movement bar minimal respiratory action.+

"So she's just standing, in the dark, in a ships hold, in the Undersea, not moving and barely breathing?"

+That would be an accurate summation of her current activity, correct.+

"Frag me Fisher, where did Iago find her? Is she even fragging human?"

+Barring some augmentative work to connective tendons and ligaments, replacement of several medial joints with three-sixty rotational implants and minor restructuring of some nerve clusters, she is indeed baseline human.+

Elias snorts in response, gazing into the gloom to try and spot the slim figure in the depths. Fisher continues, the servo-skull floating in a sepia pool of luminescence.

+As to where Interrogator Santiago found her, that would be the shrine-city of Hish on the planet of El-Shamir. She was a templelum ritual acrobat by all accounts, a kind of religious dancer slash gymnast. Hish has a history of rather, ah, esoteric and individual cults of the Throne.+

"Well that's just wonderful. An esoteric cultist gymnast who stands in the dark for hours on end and an Interrogator who thinks himself the Throne's own gift. This trip is going to be such fun. What does she even get out of this?"

Willem Elias pushes himself off the railing and walks away into the service corridor behind him, Fisher's servo skull following at his shoulder, her words fading into the depths of the ship as they leave the hold to its solitary occupant.

+It's possibly some act of religious asceticism, or a training ritual for focus. There is precedent for this in various...+


Below them, in the darkness of the hold, Abbileth watches Elias and Fisher's skull leave, head tilted on one side and elfin face devoid of any emotion. When she is sure they have left, she begins, long limbs moving slowly and precisely in the opening steps of the movement, the one true movement to the unheard music of the Emperor's many limbs on the strings of reality.

~ End Scene



Abbileth, Coryphee of the Temple of the Monarch Weaver, late of the shrine-city of Hish and now in service to the Holy Ordos.

Evening folks, just a quick update from me today while I try to finish off the freelance contract and work on the next Scene. So in terms of progress, Elias and his pics are sorted - he should be appearing in the next few days though I kinda want to get the next Scene up before him. The first round of bits for the Tower should be arriving tomorrow and I'll get to see if what I had planned will work - I think it will, despite a tiny potential for a size problem. But we shall see - there are two backup plans for the Tower, one of which is en-route and vastly different to what is currently in the pipeline.

I also managed an hour or so painting this afternoon and made a start on the Knave, Harlowe. His coat is pretty much done - the freehand faded checking was somehting I only tried for the first time on him so I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. It might need a little revisiting once some more of him is done, and there has been a suggestion for a few isolated checks further up the coat lining which I am bearing in mind, but for now I'm pretty damn pleased with how the coat turned out. That right lapel needs touching up though.


Kurama - I can kinda understand that his style isn't to everyone's taste, but he's so influential when it comes to the look and feel of 40k that it's hard to see how people can ignore him maybe? And have no fear, no plans to stop modelling yet.

MosesGunn - Thanks very much man smile.png I don't think I can paint in any other way now to be honest, going so bleak and muted just feels right. Even my Blood Angels were fairly bleak. And yeah, the DE range is a godsend for Inq28 purposes, resin and plastics both. Well worth picking up a selection when you can.

MrBear - Thanks bud, much appreciated as always. Fisher won't ever be leaving her little cogitator-womb on the Caconym, so there'll be a lot more servo-skull conversations. The Fool is technically two characters in one model if you look back...

C&C welcome as always guys, and if people have a preference for what they would like to see next between the completed Huntsman and the next Scene, please let me know.



A few things:


- The Low-man is excellent. No need to say more;

- I'm glad that you've done some work around Trinica's eyes. When I first saw the picture with just her new nose, it looked very weird. She still doesn't look 100% human but she doesn't look like a daemonette either so that's as good as it's going to get without you sculpting her face further;

- I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with Abbileth;

- That faded checkered pattern on Harlowe's coat? Damn, it looks good.

Afternoon everyone - I'm trying to keep things ticking over while I'm working on the next Scene by popping little painting updates up here and there - let me know if it's working for you guys or if you'd rather just see the completed Huntsman before the next Scene.

Did a bit more work on the Knave yesterday, extended the checking further up the coat as per a suggestion from FB and I'm really happy now with how it looks. I'm considering having some similar patterning on that left shoulderpad, but I don't know if that's overdoing it a bit and would detract from the coat patterning. Also got a little colour in on him in terms of the trousers, ribbons and mask - very happy with the muted dark reds there, they pop against the grey coat without being too cartoony and glossy. Very happy so far with how he's coming along.



I've also started work on the Tower properly - no pics yet as I want it to be a total surprise, but I am taking loads of WiP pics along the way to throw up in one go. Suffice to say, with 2 out of 3 bits deliveries received, it's looking like its going to work very nicely and backup plan #2 isn't going to be needed. Backup plan #3 is still a go though, and may well end up as a regular part of the second hand of nine Cards which I've already started planning - I really need to sit down and finish the gs work on the Key though.

Added to that, I've also half-thought over some plans for a kinda-AoS warband of Dark Elves. I might wait until the proper Aelf stuff gets released though before going anywhere with the House of Ash.

Dosjetka - Thanks man, much appreciated. Yeah I don't think I can do too much more to Trinica's face now - painting should lessen the already-reduced Daemonette feel as well, but any residual 'offness' about her appearance can be explained away fluffwise - the Imperium is such a wide and varied place that people are always going to look a little odd to other people. If I can get Abbileth's planned paintscheme to work, I'll be very happy. It's two colours I'm very used to painting, but getting the balance right is going to be the tricky part. I do have suitable comic-inspiration to work from though. And hurrah, more approval of the checks :) Trying to push myself conversion, painting and writing wise on this project, so it's awesome that it seems to be paying off so far.

That's it for now chaps, thanks for all your comments - please do keep them coming. More to come soon from me.



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