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The Hanged Man's Tarot


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~ Interior; a high attic room, somewhere in The Soak, city of Haven

Harlowe paused before the door, rot-wet wood already starting to swell in the frame. Even above the lashing of the rain against the eaves of this garrett room he could hear the deep bass rumble of his friends whispering. He was about to turn away when that same deep voice called to him from the room beyond.

"I know you're there Reyn. My teeth ache every time you are close."

A grimace tore swiftly across Harlowe's scarred mouth as he pushed the door inward with a protesting squeal from hinges and wood alike. Guld would be annoyed by the interruption, but he would move past it. In all the years they had travelled together and all the times Harlowe had interrupted his prayers, the hulking brute had often threatened to leave or kill him but never had. Inside, the attic was as threadbare and decrepit as expected. Water ran from the decaying roof and pattered through holes in spattering streams onto the rotting wood below. The air smelt of wet dust and burning fat from the tallow candles burning in thick waxy clusters placed at random on the floor. Guld sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor with his back towards the door; a mass of muscle, leathers and trailing streamers of parchment. Harlowe leant his lean frame against a upright beam, ran a hand through his hair and pushed it back from his eyes.

"Ah, you know that ache is really just your heart, overjoyed to have my company again."

Guld snorted in response, the sound more like that of a bull-auroch than a man.

"Hn. Had you arrived at the lands of my people, Reyn, my father would have cursed you for a nakahi and had the other men crush your body beneath rocks to ensure you would never trouble another soul."

Ah, this again. Harlowe felt a vulpine grin creep across his mouth.

"And your mother? How would she have greeted me?"

"My mother would have done the same" Guld rumbled, clambering to his feet and almost filling the attic space with his huge frame. Long streamers of parchment and vellum cascaded from the numerous seals affixed to his hide vest. He glared at Harlowe before his blunt features twisted into a matching grin.

"But first she would have ridden you till you begged, to steal your cunning for the child you would give her."

Harlowe coughed a laugh before gesturing at the candles and Guld.

"Heh. Look, apologies for interrupting. I can leave if - "

"Ah it is no matter Reyn, I was near to done in any case. And I assume that we have work ahead of us yes?"

"Of a kind yes. There's some one we need to go and see, and something we need to convince him of."

Guld rolled his broad shoulders, huge muscles bunching and tensing like those of a giant felid predator.

"You are a terrible person, friend Reyn, and you lead me terribly astray. Him Above would look askance at your deeds."

"Well, that's why you stay with me, friend Man'u. To try and save me. And to make sure He looks the other way."

"Even if you had a soul, I fear it would be too late to save any of it.."

The good-natured bickering continued as the two companions made their way from the attic and down the twisting stairs. Behind them, the abandoned candles continued to burn, their frail lights guttering and flickering in the rains of Haven.

~ End Scene


Man'u Guld; native of Nkrumah, large of stature and pious of soul. Come to Haven in the company of the Knave and fearsome in his wrath when roused.

Afternoon chaps, hows things?

It's been a strange old few days hobby wise. Made a start on Guld and got the base of his skin done. I say base as the plan is to cover most of his arms with Maori and Samoan style tattooing. I mean, yeah I cracked out some fine checking on the Knave so freehand tats should be easy right?  :-/


I also went all pretentious and got some sweet slate boards and bell jars to display the painted stuff properly.


Oh, and did a base for the Tower.


What else is going on? Erm well I managed to grab a cheap Knight Scion, the rather awesome limited edition standing chap with the spiffy moustache, so I'm thinking of ways to bring him in somehow. I did see a great flyer converted out of a Knight which looked absolutely boss so maybe there might be some kind of cuttter/drop-ship in the future. Another option is this quite frankly awesome lasercut mdf armoured vehicle which I love and think with the jusdicious addition of some AdMech and other bits could make a rather fitting ride for my planned Inquisitor. Who is old and needs help getting around. It'd be a nice break from painting characters as well....

Anyways, that's it for now. Planning the next card reveal which should be up over the weekend hopefully - your comments, criticism, input and questions are as welcome and needed as always folks.




Guld looks really good. I have to admit I was a bit unsure pre-paint, but now with some color he's really starting to come together well.


I should definitely look into picking up some bell jars at some point. I bought a very nice antique china cabinet a couple months back for display, and I think a few on top would be great for displaying simple one-offs and such.

Squigsmasher - Ha yeah I wasnt sure at first, but I'm sold on them. Need another 2 or 3 now.


The Psycho - Cheers man, I think Guld is definitely one of those models that really comes together with paint. Before that, it's very hard to look past all the Ork pieces and see him any other way. Tattooing him should help even more. Bell jars are definitely worth it - I found eBay has a huge selection in loads of sizes and the one I ordered wasnt too bad cost wise.



Abbileth; Coryphee of the Temple of the Monarch Weaver, late of the shrine-city of Hish and now in service to the Holy Ordos. Currently aboard the vessel Caconym and immersed in the Undersea, travelling in the company of others with a holy purpose.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ye gods, sorry for the long silence folks. Hit a total wall motivation-wise over the last week and a bit and wasn't really feeling up to any hobby. Hopefully that's passed now and I can crack on with getting things done.

The plan for the next updates is to round off the first Act with one more reveal and a few more fluff Scenes - hopefully coming up soon. I really want to get the first Hand all done and dusted before I lose motivation or anything again so will be focusing hard to try and get things done in a decent timescale. Without sacrificing quality or anything of course.

Kobrakei - Ah thanks man, glad to hear you like how Abbileth turned out.

SanguiniusReborn - Spider-Gwen was actually the inspiration behind the entire scheme smile.png Again, its great to hear you like the finished piece too.

The Psycho - Thanks buddy, tried hard not to let the freehand take too much away from the overall finish, think the balance is just right.

Progress-wise over the last few days has been a little mixed - the first crack at Maori tattooing on Guld turned out terrible and I had to repaint his entire left arm. Not sure if its my skills at something that detailed that's lacking or something else, but its probably that. Gonna think about what to do there, whether to try again, try something simpler or just leave it as bare skin - which is kinda growing on me. Otherwise though, made some decent progress on him, getting the purity seals and a few other bits done. Then I cheered myself up by knocking out a rather decent chipped armoured gauntlet which I'm pretty happy with. Cookie to anyone who gets the comic reference - there is another clue on him. Here's how he looks so far;


Coming along nicely I think.

Spending the next few days working on him and a few fluff Scenes as well as the next reveal - trying to keep more active on here as well and keep the motivation and enthusiasm going. You guys are a great support and help when things are getting on top of me, so thanks hugely. As ever, your comments, thoughts and crits are always welcome.


Ouch. Bleeding armpits must be painful. :P


More seriously, I'm loving those last shots of the Knave and Dancer. His dark, billowing coat and red mask complement her skin-tight white bodysuit and red markings perfectly. They're like two sides of a coin, though I have no idea if that was the intention or not. :)

Thanks Dosjetka, glad to hear you like how the Knave and Dancer turned out. The contrast in colour schemes was a subtle choice more than anything else - Abbileth, Elias and Santiago (the upcoming Fool) form the Inquisition trio so I've gone a little more colourful and bright on them compared to the darker trio of Harlowe, Much and Guld while still staying with my bleaker style of painting. Thematically and character-wise there are some definite contrasts and similarities there which ill be going into more in the future.


Spot on Stercus, it is indeed a nod to Hellboy. One of my favourite comic series ever.



~ Interior; the offices of Fallowmede & Hapshant, merchants of property in the city of Haven


Mercer-Secundus Arrum Spyle was late. This of itself was bad enough, but it was the third time this quarter that he would be late and Fellow Hapshant was not known for his forgiving nature. Spyle had tried explaining that the collapse of a section of the Iron Spine bridging, eaten away by the relentless rains and the rising waters of Haven, was to blame for the delays in his journey but his plea had fallen on deaf ears. By the time he reached the premises of his employer, Spyle had convinced himself that he would be out of his job by the end of the day, if not sooner.


The entrance hall of Fallowmede & Hapshant was a dimly lit, wood panelled affair whose walls were covered in framed hololiths of the various properties of Haven they currently represented. Dark sashes were pulled over those already sold, though those sashes were few in number. Yellowing light crept from lumen globes as though too shy to dispel the gloom and even through the scent of sandalwood and incense, there was a faint note of rot.


Spyle quickly hung his rain-slick cloak in an alcove and pulled off his galoshes before scurrying to his workstation amongst his colleagues, Dulles and Geranze nodding briefly to him in greeting. The screen of his cogitator flickered to life with a crackle while he prepared his ledgers and inks, and remembered to mutter a quick prayer to Saint Bury, patron of enterprise and merchants. He diligently bent himself to his work, not that there was much of it with sales being so slow these days. Another reason to fear for the security of his employment.


Time slipped away behind the crackle of his cogitator screen, the rustling of parchment and the occasional mutters and coughs of his colleagues, all underpinned by the constant rushing of the rains outside. Any thoughts Spyle may have entertained about his tardiness going unnoticed however were snuffed out when the swollen and wheezing form of Eremiah Hapshant appeared at his shoulder.


"Hnh, late again Spyle." Hapshant's voice was a wet gurgle, distorted by the ribbed tubing that burrowed into his nose and throat and cleared away the thick phlegm and rot inflicted by one of the many respiratory illnesses that affected large numbers of Haven's population. Spyle began to stammer an excuse, before Hapshant cut him off.


"Hnh, no matter. Your lucky day. Big sale for you. Would prefer Lordain but still busy, hnh. So you'll have to do."


"I... well, uh...th-thank you sir. Uh, I...uh what, which property am I, I mean we uh..."


"Hnh, enough squealing you little shinker. Last chance for you. Sale or Soak. Should be easy, off-world money, hnh, rich but stupid to want to buy here. Even you shouldn't shek this up, hnh."


"Oh, oh I... I see, yes yes of course sir. Um... who... who is the client?"


Hapshant shuddered as something particularly thick floundered through the tubing threaded through his throat and waved a palsied hand at Spyle's workstation.


"Hngack hnh. Off-worlder, rich. Sent commission file to your cogitator. Meet her this evening, Mournival Hotel. Ask for the Lady Priss, hnh."


Turning away, Hapshant wheezed and limped his way back to the depths of his office, gurgling one last warning over his shoulder as he went.


"Hnh, remember Spyle. Sale or Soak."


~ End Scene

Man'u Guld; abhuman native of Nkrumah and as pious as he is large of stature. Currently in Haven in the company of the Knave, and the only man that Harlowe names friend.
  • 2 weeks later...



~ Interior; the Mournival Hotel, city of Haven

The sprawling reception of the Mournival Hotel was a reflection of the hotel itself, and by extension all of Haven. At first sight, it was all cherrywood panelling, smoky marble fittings and warm light thrown from scores of lumen globes. A long and imposing desk hid the bulk of the servitor that acted as major-domo, only his waistcoated and brass-faced torso showing above, replete with a wondrous score of callipered and spiderlike brass limbs. But if one looked closer, you would note small creeping defects in this splendour. Those of notable perspicacity would spot the tell-tale swelling of water-logged wood at the foot of some of the cherrywood panels, the cracks running through some of the marble, and the flickering of a small number of lumen globes. They would also note that several of the major-domo’s limbs did not seem to move from their arching positions and thus conclude that the Mournival Hotel was much like Haven itself – once splendid in its grandeur but now falling and slowly rotting from within.
Arrum Spyle was not a man of notable perspicacity and thus had registered nothing more than awe at the surroundings he found himself in. The Mournival was well known within the city, noted as one of the old greats, sheltered within the hazing powerfields of the Spicers Quarter, a bastion of Haven’s splendour. And here he was, a mere Mercer-Secundus, seated in a most comfortable chair in a suite of rooms at said hotel, supping the most agreeable amasec and finding himself utterly charmed and beguiled by the off-world noble Lady Priss.
She was... well, not what he had expected at all. Young for a start, though with juvenat treatments these days physical appearance was no true indication of age, but there was a vivacity to her that spoke of youth. Tall, very tall, but shapely and well proportioned, wearing layered skirts and a tight bodice of warm brown leather. Not the attire one would normally see on the women of Haven, but Spyle had to say that she wore it exceedingly well. The upper portion of her face was obscured by a thin gauze veil that looked almost metallic, along with a cascade of dark hair shot through with brilliant blue that flowed like water from the unshaven part of her skull. Her lips and subtly pointed chin were bared though and from those lips Spyle could hardly keep his eyes.
When he had introduced himself, those lips had curved in the most perfect smile, a smile he had done his best to ensure remained on those lips. Her needs in regards to property had been simple enough – a secure private storage and garage facility, a residence with direct access to the canals, in a district noted for solitude and quiet.
"It is my, well, my elder relation you see," she had said, her voice bearing a faint accent that Spyle found intoxicating. "They would need somewhere quiet, and restful, but respectable. They are reaching the end of their days and would pass in a place that reminds of somewhere they once held very dear."
Spyle had voiced his understanding, Haven was still a glorious city after all and where better to find yourself at the end of your life, and may he say how well it spoke of the young Lady Priss that she devotes her time to her elders comfort and well-being. That had earned him another dazzling smile and the quickest touch of her hand on his arm and Throne drown him if his heart hadn't quickened and he had forgotten all about his own family waiting for him.
Their business concluded and the Lady Priss now the owner of a number of properties in Haven, including a sprawling and self-contained canal side maison in the Risings District, Spyle had expected to find himself dismissed. That had not been the case though, and instead he had been dined and coerced into remaining with the Lady Priss and encouraged to tell her all he knew about Haven and its histories. She had seemed to listen to his every word attentively and with great enthusiasm, laughing at his little bon-mots and plying him with drink and attention and Spyle had quite forgotten that she was a client, and a noble one at that.
Now she was looking at him speculatively, with one long finger pressing at her lips while her other hand toyed with the fastening at the throat of her bodice.
"Dear Arrum, you have been quite the most perfect companion this evening. I wonder, would you join me tomorrow evening for dinner? I would very much like to hear more of your daring tales of the various rogues of this fine city, they are most thrilling."
Assurances and promises stammered, Spyle had been ushered from the Mournival in a haze of amasec, infatuation and a touch of drunken arousal. Had he been a more perspicacious man, he would however have noted that for every two drinks he had, the Lady Priss had only taken one herself and that her smile had faded like snow in springtime whenever he looked away. He would have noted that the proportions of her face were ever-so-slightly askew and wondered what laid under that veil. He would also have noted that the brown leather bodice enclosing the Lady Priss’ shapely torso was in fact the upper portion of a bodyglove rather than tailored ladieswear.
But alas, Arrum Spyle was not noted for his perspicacity, a fault he shared with many of the people of Haven.
Once the amusing little man had left and servitors had closed the doors to her suite, the woman calling herself the Lady Priss stripped the layered skirts from her bodyglove and pulled the veil from her eyes. Her face hardened into something still beautiful, but cold and harsh in its beauty. Pulling a disposable hand-vox from a case, she dialled a single vox-code and waited for the click of acknowledgement.
"We have residence. Bring in our guest."
Message delivered, she dropped the hand-vox and crushed it with her booted heel before scooping the remains into the open fire in the room. Crossing to the window, the woman calling herself the Lady Priss, who also called herself Trinica Solari, looked out over the city of Haven and smiled a cold and cruel smile.
~ End Scene



Trinica Solari; new to the city of Haven and assuming the identity of the noble Lady Priss, her intentions are as unknown as the lady herself.



Thanks for all your comments gents, very much appreciated.

Dosjetka - ha, thanks man, that means a lot. If I have the time at some point, I'm tempted to add a few models of some of the civilian types like Hapshant and Cho.

Squigsmasher - cheers fella, elegant was one of the main things I wanted from the model, without going as overtly sexy as GW seem to sometimes with their female models. Name wise, I have no idea what Bubblegum Crisis is haha smile.png Priss is taken from my favourite film of all time, Blade Runner, and Trinica is nabbed from the Kitty Jay series by Chris Wooding, which are full of awesome steampunk aeronautical pirate goodness. Solari was just knocking around in the back of my head.

Brother-Captain Arkhan - lateness is not a problem buddy smile.png I am pretty damn happy with how Abbileth turned out, particularly the finish on the ivory synskin and the way the red came out and looks against it. Super happy with the glass blades as well, even if I cannot remember at all how I did them.

Rojo - thanks man, much appreciated.

Speaking of painting, I have struck while the iron was hot and made a start on Trinica - not much so far, just the main bodyglove itself. Happy with the finish, has a warm brown leather look while still having that bleaker feel that my painting has. I had originally tried a greenish colour, but it must looked way too much like a regular Dark Eldar model - I think the brown goes a long way towards making the xenos base for the model less obvious. Next part will probably be the skin and hair, hoping that my facial reconstruction will hold up to scrutiny under paint, but we shall see.


Working on the next few Scenes as well so there will be plenty more story to come - its great to know people are enjoying that as much as the models themselves, I do worry sometimes that my threads aren't as mini-heavy as some people might like.
C&C welcome as always folks,
Cheers smile.png


Working on the next few Scenes as well so there will be plenty more story to come - its great to know people are enjoying that as much as the models themselves, I do worry sometimes that my threads aren't as mini-heavy as some people might like.



Worry not, good sir.  Your creativity shines through your words as well as it does through your models, which are brilliant.  I am always hopeful of seeing an update notification from this thread when I log in.

Late night PiP update!

Been working on Trinica a bit more now that the ambient temperature in my room during the day is less than Kalahari-hot - mixes and washes have stayed wet on my palette, which is a wonder. So in-between writing and various other bits, Trinica has had her skin, hair and random ribbons done, and her base started. I paint in no particular order, just tending to go for whatever section I fancy next and going by whatever colours I know I want to have on the model. It's nowhere near as ordered and regimented as when I used to paint for GW but it feels way more natural to me. Anyways, the fruits of my labours thus far:


Pretty happy with how she's coming along so far - probably wont be too much longer before she's done. I'll be honest, I could probably pull my finger out and get her finished tomorrow but I'm in no rush and have a pile of Scenes that need writing anyway.

ChromeZephyr - ah thanks very much man, puts my mind to rest a bit. Yours, and everyone elses, enthusiasm for the stuff I do means a huge amount.

More updates soon, though I did hugely distract myself today by ordering a couple of models for a potential Age Of Sigmar thing and then scribbling down ideas and such for those Born Of Ash. Silly Mistweaver, being all awesome and idea-inspiring, making me think about the House in the new AoS setting......

Anyways, C&C welcome as always folks smile.png

Beautiful, strange, and deadly, just as it should be in the 41st millennium. I like the contrast the heavy facial makeup has against the worn brass armor, it gives a beautiful feel to the model. :tu:


I look forward to seeing those Born of Ashes! (on a platform other than the B&C, obviously :)) Let me know in a PM or something when you start working on them.


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