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Theta-Four Cerberus: Coils of the Serpent 2,500 points


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Theta-Four Cerberus: 2,500 points



Alpharius: ***

            -Coils of the Serpent


Siegebreaker: 150

            -Thunder hammer, boarding shield, 2 phosphex bombs


Recon Squad: 175


            -Rhino: havoc launcher


Tactical Squad: 225

            -10x, vexilla, sarge power fist

            -Rhino: havoc launcher


Tactical Squad: 225

            -10x, vexilla, sarge power fist

            -Rhino: havoc launcher


Breacher Squad: 555

            -10x, 2 volkite chargers, vexilla, sarge thunder hammer

            -Land Raider Phobos: armoured ceramite, havoc launcher


Grave Wardens: 495

            -5x, 2 chainfists

            -Land Raider Phobos: armoured ceramite, havoc launcher


Predator Squadron: 260

            -2x, predator cannons, 2 sets lascannon sponsons, 2 havoc launchers



Primarily a fun list. I know it will not likely survive the Net-list and people's metagames. Who cares. This is the army I've wanted to create for some time now.
The recon squad is there as a transport tax for the siegebreaker, once deployed, he runs off to join the breachers. I'd be willing to bet there's a better way to spend those points though. We'll see.

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I played a similar list using Chaos Marines once. CSM-spam with rhinos, a couple of predators and Khârn and friends in a Land Raider. Absolutely loved it. So when I realized a Coils list had to be mechanized, I decided I'd make a new version of that list.

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Grave wardens are a very interesting choice! What made you choose them?


Because they're my favorite Terminator unit, looks-wise, save for Phoenix Terminators. We all know how lame they are rules-wise. Plus, I eventually want to run a siege/phosphex XX force too, so I figured, get them now.

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