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Small Form ZM 1000 Points Imperial Fists

Lord Blackwood

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I am likely going to be traveling in the next few months  ( to visit home )  and I know I  will be able to get a bunch of ZM  games in. I am looking at putting together a few lists at a thousand points to travel with. 

Example A 

+++ Slipstreams Idea Revised (1000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Combatant) (1000pts) ++
+ HQ (230pts) +
Sigismund (230pts) [Master of the Legion]
+ Elites (270pts) +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (270pts) [Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Plasma Gun, Sniper]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Fist]
+ Troops (210pts) +
Templar Brethren (210pts) [4x Combat Shield, 4x Templar Brethren]
Chapter Champion [Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
+ Heavy Support (290pts) +
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (290pts)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]


Example B 

+++ Shield Boys  (1000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Combatant) (1000pts) ++
+ HQ (165pts) +
Alexis Polux (165pts)
Master of the Legion [The Stone Gauntlet]
+ Elites (275pts) +
Legion Terminator Squad (275pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, 4x Thunderhammer, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
Legion Terminator Sergeant [Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
+ Troops (270pts) +
Legion Breacher Siege Squad (270pts) [2x Graviton Gun, 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines]
Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]
+ Heavy Support (290pts) +
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (290pts)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]


Example C

+++The 2++ v Shooting Nightmare (1000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Combatant) (1000pts) ++
+ HQ (165pts) +
Alexis Polux (165pts)
Master of the Legion [The Stone Gauntlet]
+ Elites (300pts) +
Legion Terminator Squad (300pts) [4x Legion Terminators, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Thunderhammer, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
Legion Terminator Sergeant [Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
+ Troops (265pts) +
Legion Breacher Siege Squad (265pts) [Flamer, Graviton Gun, 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines]
Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]
+ Heavy Support (270pts) +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (270pts) [Atomantic Pavaise, Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]


Example D

+++ Plasma Party (1000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Combatant) (1000pts) ++
+ HQ (230pts) +
Sigismund (230pts) [Master of the Legion]
+ Troops (500pts) +
Legion Tactical Support Squad (175pts) [4x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]
Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Melta Bombs]
Templar Brethren (325pts) [7x Combat Shield, Melta Bombs, 7x Templar Brethren]
Chapter Champion [Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
+ Heavy Support (270pts) +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (270pts) [Atomantic Pavaise, Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]


Feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated 

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Just so you know, the Antomantic Pavise cant buff Invulnerable Saves past 3++


#1 and #2 would be my choices. Though I would try to fit a Grav Flux Bombard on your Leviathan if you could.

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FW Are quite firmly against getting a 2++ without some form of drawback; such as the EC Relic Lucid Blade where you trade 1A for +1Invuln.


So you could use Shooty Cataphractii Terminators screening a Deredeo for 3++ but the bonus is quite lost on shields and it doesnt work in CC anyways meaning they'd revert to a 4++ at that point.


In list #1 I'd also want Melta Bombs in some capacity. It means that you have no way to Reliable Punch through any locked doors beyond your Sarges with Fists being at the front.

Your Leviathan being your only way to reliably smackdown other dreadnoughts you might encounter will probably bite you in the rear at some point; tough as he is, he's still big and slow.


In List #2 as much as it'll sound weird coming from me, Flamers and possibly even a Lascutter might be better choices than Graviton Guns. Mainly because they retain utility even when on the Move and since your Sarge has Melta Bombs doors will pose no problem.


You also can't overwatch the Graviton; a phase that is much more powerful in ZM due to the Reaction Fire Special Rule (Hint Hint, Phalanx Warders truly shine here)

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