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For those we cherish, we die in Glory! A Lamenters WiP

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Hail, and welcome to my Lamenters plog!!

Herein lies the slow and humble beginnings to my new army project for 2016. The Lamenters have always been on my radar, even back in 5th edition when I still had and played Blood Angels. But my hobby skills as well as my painting skills were not up to tackling yellow armor and checkers back then!! Nowadays, I feel much more confident about my skills and have a clearer view of how to go about assembling a force that both fits into the fluff of the chapter, as well as my personal concept for the army. I've been sitting on 4 SM tactical squad kits for two years now, and the combination of them and the BA tactical kit (as well as others) has been a great start to my new force!!


I plan on making the army rather troop heavy. And since the Lamenters are a fleet based chapter, drop pods will be the main mode of transporting said troops. So to begin with, I am assembling 10 marines and an accompanying pod. I also have a Terminator Librarian with a Storm Shield in the works for my first HQ, and both Sanguinary Guard and Death Company coming in next. I bought the new(ish) Chaplain model with Jump Pack to accompany the DC, but he will be assembled a little further into the project, once I get the painting of the yellow down.


Here are some pictures of the first five marines I have built up. Keep in mind I bought Lamenters Pauldrons from Shapeways and I am awaiting their arrival any day now. That explains the missing shoulder pads on these marines.











This last guy is my test model thus far. It's just several thin coats of Army Painter - Daemonic Yellow color primer.

It's currently cold and raining here, so no priming for me... So expect more building updates in the next couple weeks. I have all of this to get to!!




Thanks for looking!!


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Thanks for the kind words, guys!!


@Bladewolf: So true, but we do get breaks in the weather, once and a while!! Today is going to be a decent day for priming.


@LutherMax: I will be washing the yellow primer with Reikland Fleshshade first, then going back over and touching up with VGC Sun Yellow or Flash Gitz Yellow (I have yet to test this, but I think one will match the primer closely), then I am trying out glazes using VGC Flat Yellow mixed with some Khaki colors up to off warm white tones. I then will hit the armor plates with the Citadel Glaze Lamenters Yellow to tie the whole thing together.

If you have any tips on painting yellow, I would be glad to hear them!!


Here is a rough mock up of my Librarian, he is currently held together with only blue tac. I am not sold on the angle of his casting hand, and have ordered a few more arm bits to try out.




He is made from the Space Marine Terminator Librarian body, the Blood Angels Terminator Captains shield, a Dark Angels Terminator Deathwing arm, and the casting hand is from the Blood Angels Terminator Librarian kit.


More soon!!


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Although I appreciate the suggestion of a fireball, I will not be sculpting one for this model.


I have rotated his hand to mimic the suggested force choke position, and I like it much better!! Thank you, RedemptionNL.

There are a few bits still on their way to me, so until they arrive and I try them out, I will not move any further on the model.


I've been sick the past couple of days, so no real progress model-wise. And I missed out on a clear, relatively warm day to do some priming... Today will be better for a little more assembly. More updates soon!!

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Although I appreciate the suggestion of a fireball, I will not be sculpting one for this model.


I have rotated his hand to mimic the suggested force choke position, and I like it much better!! Thank you, RedemptionNL.

There are a few bits still on their way to me, so until they arrive and I try them out, I will not move any further on the model.


I've been sick the past couple of days, so no real progress model-wise. And I missed out on a clear, relatively warm day to do some priming... Today will be better for a little more assembly. More updates soon!!


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FWIW, you probably wouldn't need to sculpt it. A number of companies do these little resin muzzle flash thingies. You can probably just get one of those and pin it on with a bit of slender rod, which you could paint black. Though, it doesn't really need it - the model is fine without it - so I wouldn't complain if you don't do it at all!

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FWIW, you probably wouldn't need to sculpt it. A number of companies do these little resin muzzle flash thingies. You can probably just get one of those and pin it on with a bit of slender rod, which you could paint black. Though, it doesn't really need it - the model is fine without it - so I wouldn't complain if you don't do it at all!

I would. smile.png

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Put a fireball in it. Then he'll look awesome.

Seriously, though, what doesn't?
My marines are the Fireball Chapter. Their gene-seed defect is that their heads are all fireballs floating above their armor. Also, all their guns shoot little fireballs instead of bullets.
Legion of the Damned say "Hi!"


Also, the much praised empire wizard kit comes with a few fiery pieces. Including the absolutely baller sword.

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I mentioned in the BA Today thread that I have been sitting on some old Magic the Gathering cards and selling them to a local shop that grants an additional 30% to your total if you opt for in-store credit. So I sold some more cards today, bought these kits along with two VGC paints, and I still have almost $200 in credit to use!! I also have more cards to sell... he-he-he *evil sneer*

At this point I have my work cut out for me. Not pictured are the three drop pod kits, and another 30+ Tactical marines (legs and torsos built) that add to the army.


What do you guys think about adding the Chalice from the BA upgrade kit to the Librarians arm, instead of the open hand?? Are chalices only carried by Calix, or can anyone join in the fun??


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In fluff, sometimes other people carry them too. The Sanguinor model carries a small chalice in his right hand as well. You could always just say it's the Librarian's psychic focus.


Personally, I like making the various unit types different, so it's easy to tell them apart. The more models you give chalices, the less special they become.

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So I tried the chalice on the Librarian, and it just looked...weird. I'll be sticking with the casting hand.


I just primed these bad boys up!!



Working on assembling the remaining 5 marines for this squad, then onto the Death Company and their Chaplain.


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 Also what will you do about the grey hand??

I am going to use the same primer to paint the guns separately. Then black out the weapon itself.


Liking the poses of the marines - very dynamic! Your plan for painting them sounds good... Reikland Fleshshade is liquid magic for yellow. How come the left shoulder pads are missing - are you painting them separately?

Thanks, Luther!!




Keep in mind I bought Lamenters Pauldrons from Shapeways and I am awaiting their arrival any day now.

...still waiting on them too... :(


I built two more marines last night. I am hoping to finish the other three at some point today. I also started working up a rough army list to build off of. Here's that list:


Terminator Librarian

-Mastery Level 2

-Storm Shield





Tactical Squad (10)

-Melta Gun

-Heavy Flamer

-Combi-Melta and Melta Bomb on Sergeant

-Drop Pod w/ Beacon



Tactical Squad (10)

-Melta Gun

-Heavy Flamer

-Combi-Melta and Melta Bomb on Sergeant

-Drop Pod w/ Beacon


Tactical Squad (10)

-Plasma Gun


Combi-Plasma on Sergeant


Furioso Dreadnought

-Frag Cannon

-Powerfist w/ Melta Gun

-Magna Grapple

-Drop Pod


Death Company (10)

-Jump Packs

-2x Power Fist

-Power Sword


Sanguinary Guard (5)

-Chapter Banner

-Power Fist

-Axe Encarmine

-3x Encarmine Sword


Stormraven Gunship

-TL Lascannon

-TL Multi-Melta


Skyhammer Annihilation Force

-Assault Squad (10)

-- Eviscerator

-Assault Squad (10)

-- Eviscerator

-Devastator Squad (5)

--4x Grav Gun

---Drop Pod

-Devastator Squad (10)

--4x Heavy Bolter

---Drop Pod


I added the Skyhammer to the list because of a couple reasons. One, it offers Grav. And two, as a fleet based army it makes sense to the fluff that this kind of formation would be included in the army. At least to me it does.

As this is my first (and a VERY rough draft) Blood Angels army list in two editions, how did I do?? I am open to suggestions from the seasoned veterans here. Keep in mind that I am not looking for a WAAC army, or anything close to that. I play story driven games with Orcs and Chaos (marines and daemons) as my main opponents.


Thanks as always!!


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The BA Part is verry fluffy and filled with good units.

What is the Tactical Squad on foot supposed to do?

Where do you put the Termi Libby and who is going in the raven?


The Skyhammer is a nice addition. (if people agree to play against it. My gamingbuddys don´t want to play against the hammer)

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The BA Part is verry fluffy and filled with good units.

What is the Tactical Squad on foot supposed to do?

Where do you put the Termi Libby and who is going in the raven?


The Skyhammer is a nice addition. (if people agree to play against it. My gamingbuddys don´t want to play against the hammer)

The ground unit will hold objectives, or ride in the Raven. It can also combat squad if needed. I may try out a Missile Launcher in place of the Lascannon fr alittle more flexability. This is also were the Libby will most likely go. To be honest, I am thinking a Calix (Sang. Priest) might be a better option gaming-wise, and the Librarian better for hobby. We'll see.

As I mentioned, I have a very small handful of opponents/friends whom I actually play with, and they support harder units in their army, or simply do not care about the Hammers addition.


Thanks for the query, RiotEarp.


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