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For those we cherish, we die in Glory! A Lamenters WiP

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I also ordered a second box of Devastators.


I plan on swapping the winged Jumper from the new Chaplain model onto the Priest, I think it will look pretty sweet. Then I'll give the Chaplain one of the extra DC jumpers I've got in my bits box. I'll post pictures of the swap once I get to that point, just thought I would mention it here and now. For some reason...


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One issue I see is your tactical squad with lascannon will either be immobilised (if they want to fire it at full ballistic skill), or that weapon will be neutered (having to fire snap shots) if they move... Maybe you could reduce the squad to six marines, put them in a Razorback and have the lascannon on the RB instead? Twin-linked too!

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One issue I see is your tactical squad with lascannon will either be immobilised (if they want to fire it at full ballistic skill), or that weapon will be neutered (having to fire snap shots) if they move... Maybe you could reduce the squad to six marines, put them in a Razorback and have the lascannon on the RB instead? Twin-linked too!


Building on this - I'm a firm believer that Heavy weapons in tac squads are just the worst.


You pay the points for 5 marines to have them sit there while one shoots all game, instead you could give them the best weapon for Tacs ever - the Heavy Flamer and surge them forward - now sure maybe only he'll shoot, but you can assault with S5 after :D


Basically, use every model you can to the fullest!

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One issue I see is your tactical squad with lascannon will either be immobilised (if they want to fire it at full ballistic skill), or that weapon will be neutered (having to fire snap shots) if they move... Maybe you could reduce the squad to six marines, put them in a Razorback and have the lascannon on the RB instead? Twin-linked too!

Building on this - I'm a firm believer that Heavy weapons in tac squads are just the worst.

You pay the points for 5 marines to have them sit there while one shoots all game, instead you could give them the best weapon for Tacs ever - the Heavy Flamer and surge them forward - now sure maybe only he'll shoot, but you can assault with S5 after biggrin.png

Basically, use every model you can to the fullest!

This! When I play vanilla marines, I somtimes take grav cannons because they're salvo.

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The only Marine squads that should take lascannons are:


Devastators, Centurion Devastators sick of Grav spam & 5 man black Templars crusader squads who interestingly uniquely retain the ability to have a 5 man squad with a heavy and special weapon. Las/Plas like the old days.

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As a Space Wolf player, I am use to being able to take two special weapons per squad, so the option of a heavy weapon is still 'new' to me... At least that's what I'm telling myself!!

So even when taking Plasma or even Grav, a Heavy Flamer is the go to heavy option??


I'm building up a Jump Captain for funnsies and looks. I've read through the Captain load out thread a couple times now and have decided on the Jumpy Grav Pistol and Power Fist option (I prefer the look of the fist over the hammer for non-SW models). Has anyone had any success with the VV and a Fist/Hammer??


Squad Pontius is primed minus their guns...




Now onto the Drop Pod, and then the Death Company and their Chaplain!!


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The issue with 'heavy' weapons in tactical squads is that if the squad moves, the heavy weapon can only fire snapshots - so you have to choose between a lack of mobility or a lack of firepower. Not great. The beauty of the heavy flamer is that it's 'heavy' in name only - it's actually an 'Assault' weapon, so you can move, shoot and even charge afterwards. Much more suited to tactical squads.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Blood angels can´t take gravecannons so either you build up some allies (Scyhammer anyone?) or you sell the cannons on the bitz market for a good amount of money.

You can still wait for BA to get grav cannons in the next rule release (long wait).


I usually field my BA devs with Rocket Launchers or Multimelta and secure the backfield standing on objektives in cover.


I still have to test VV with fist and hammer. but i would not give one VV both. One gets the ss  to tank wounds and the other went in for hammertime.

Build mine in a similiar pose like this marine with the DC Thunderhammer.



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how many points of lamenters do you think youll end up with  by that  weekend you wanted to play ?  also are you opposed to playing the zone mortalis format  1000 ~ 1500 ? 

Things are going very slowly on this end, so I am thinking that I can shoot to get a 1000 point list together. 1500 might be pushing it...


Blood angels can´t take gravecannons so either you build up some allies (Scyhammer anyone?) or you sell the cannons on the bitz market for a good amount of money.

I am indeed running an allied Skyhammer formation, but they'll be painted like the rest of the army, because I don't care. That way I can run a Grav Devy squad and a HB Devy squad.


I started a wee lammys force a year back using those shapeways shoulders, i can vouch for them man they're amazing!! i ran out of time for my guys, best of luck with yours though bro!! 

Thanks!! I am planning on tackling some painting soon, and the pauldrons will certainly make it easier on me!!


I've recently started a new job, and it's cutting into my hobby time!! ARRRGH!!

I am currently cleaning up and assembling some Assault Marines. IMages and updates soon (ish).


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how many points of lamenters do you think youll end up with by that weekend you wanted to play ? also are you opposed to playing the zone mortalis format 1000 ~ 1500 ?

Things are going very slowly on this end, so I am thinking that I can shoot to get a 1000 point list together. 1500 might be pushing it...

Blood angels can´t take gravecannons so either you build up some allies (Scyhammer anyone?) or you sell the cannons on the bitz market for a good amount of money.

I am indeed running an allied Skyhammer formation, but they'll be painted like the rest of the army, because I don't care. That way I can run a Grav Devy squad and a HB Devy squad.

I started a wee lammys force a year back using those shapeways shoulders, i can vouch for them man they're amazing!! i ran out of time for my guys, best of luck with yours though bro!!

Thanks!! I am planning on tackling some painting soon, and the pauldrons will certainly make it easier on me!!

I've recently started a new job, and it's cutting into my hobby time!! ARRRGH!!

I am currently cleaning up and assembling some Assault Marines. IMages and updates soon (ish).

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Just as i did. I like my army in an consistent cheme. Maybe Blood Angels get gravcannons and evisecators in the future. ph34r.png


I´m curious to see a yellow Skyhammer.

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How do the Multi-Melta devy squad work for you, RiotEarp?? Do you find it redundant along side the Grav?? I had considered running them as well, but opted for Heavy Bolters as my main opponent and best friend plays Orks.


I'm Also excited to see a yellow Skyhammer Annihilation Force!! It may be some time before that happens, but look here for it periodically!!


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They are good if your opponent try to shield his tanks from meltacide units.

With 12" melta range you allways get the double six for penetration rolls. Also the 24" reach is gold.


Played Them also AS BA marines and let Them secure one flank in my BA battle company.

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