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Legio XIII Ultramarines - Sicaran Complete! Primarch WIP


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HI all.


Now that 2016 is here, it was a perfect excuse for me to start a new army and to buy the amazing Betrayal at Calth models. As I have been painting a filthy xenos army for the past couple of years, I think it's time for me to repent my sins and return to the warm fuzzy feeling of the Imperium, 30k style. I had originally intended to paint Imperial Fist, however I found out after a test model that I was terrible at painting yellow, so I chickened out and decided blue was a nicer colour.


With my previous armies, I've always just painted whatever models that looked good with no real end goal or structure. This time around, I've decided to paint following an army list and I will be trying my hardest not to deviate from that. I intend to start small at 1000 points and then expanding from there once the initial army is fully painted. My 1000 point list will include the following;


HQ - Praetor

Elites - Contemptor Dreadnought

Troops - 2 Veteran Tactical squad

Heavy Support - Legion Sicaran


Without further ado, I present to you



First test model



My first 3 models, Veteran Sergeant Marcus Aetius, squad vexillary and heavy bolter


I had intended to post WIP photos but as I am a log noob, I had forgotten to take photos before I started painting! A mistake that will be remedied for later units.


Thanks for visiting. Comments, criticism and suggestions are always welcomed.

Hey all. Thanks for the compliments, it gives me motivation to paint harder.


The steps for the armour is as follows;

1. Black undercoat

2. Macragge blue basecoat

3. Nuln oil wash

4. Layer with Macragge blue leaving recesses black

5. Highlight with Calgar blue

@ Mitsman I'm probably not going to use them for 40k as I find 40k marines, especially vanilla marines to be a bit bland to play.


Update 6 Jan 16




First 5 completed models for Veteran Tactical Squad Aetius


Overall I'm pretty happy with how my first 5 marines turned out. I just need to work on speeding up the painting of each model as it has taken me around 4-5 hours per marine. A lot of the time was spent correcting the mistakes during the highlighting stage and then correcting the correction. I am however, not too happy with the base, specifically the grass. It hasn't turned out how I had envisioned it and the material was an absolute nightmare to work with so the grass will be scrapped for future models. If anyone has any suggestions on basing I'd be ever so happy to hear it.


As for the remainder of the squad, they will be completed at a later date.


Now to reward myself, the next item on the painting block is Contemptor dreadnought, Ancient Ovidius. He has been undercoated and has received it's first lick of paint.



Ancient Ovidius WIP


I'm hoping to complete the Contemptor by tonight or at the latest tomorrow midday.


Thanks for reading.

Hey all.

A quick update. Finally finished my Contemptor dreadnought. Took a bit longer than I expected but eventually got there. In hindsight I should've taken a bit more time with it as I feel that I have rushed the paint job and as a result, the quality is not on par with the marines. It passes the tabletop test but on closeup inspection it doesn't look as good.

Out of the whole B@C box, I like this model the least. It was an absolute pain painting it as the body is only 1 piece, which made getting to certain places tricky. The pose of the model is just plain boring and offer no customization. I did not really enjoy painting this model and as a result i got a bit lazy with things like thinning paints and tidying up mistakes.

I want to strip the paint and start anew but I think I will just eventually replace this with a Forgeworld Contemptor.

End rant.




Up next will be the rest of the Squad Aetius and the Praetor.


The Praetor is the Chaplain model with the axehead from the Blood Angels Sanguainary Guard box. I quite like the Chaplain model and did not feel the need to modify it significantly. Just a quick snip and replacement weapon and voila.., a Praetor with Legatine Axe biggrin.png.

Update 14 Jan 16


It's been a slow week but I finally got a few things done that I'm happy with. Firstly I replaced the the horrible base that I previously had. Made urban/road bases out of cork, sprue pieces and plastic rods.





Secondly I finished the rest of the first Veteran Tac. Squad. I changed the loadout of the squad so I had to rip out the heavy bolter and replace it with the missile launcher. Overall I'm very happy with the result and I think they look quite cohesive.


My completed works so far;





I've started working on my Praetor/Chaplain model but haven't really done much except basecoat and started on the cloak. This will be my first try at a 2 tone cloak so hopefully it goes well. I might even try some freehand pattern if I feel adventurous, however I've never done it before so it should be interesting.





I have also lined up my next squad for undercoating. I recently acquired a can of Macragge Blue spray and I'm hoping that will speed up the painting a bit.



Lastly, my Forgeworld order consisting of a Sicaran, Fire Raptor and Guilliman himself will be arriving soon. Fun times ahead.


And as always, comments and criticisms are always appreciated.


Thanks for reading.


Edit: Replaced blurry pics with some clearer ones.

Your ultramarines are looking very slick, I thought your previous bases very just fine (it's nice to bring a cover save with you everywhere you go), but the new ones are just great, so well done. You have a very crisp style that I feel suits the Ultra's very well. I'd love to see you try your hand and some subtle conversion work to make the plastics really your own!

Your ultramarines are looking very slick, I thought your previous bases very just fine (it's nice to bring a cover save with you everywhere you go), but the new ones are just great, so well done. You have a very crisp style that I feel suits the Ultra's very well. I'd love to see you try your hand and some subtle conversion work to make the plastics really your own!


Haha, mobile cover saves would be nice. I normally like to do battle damage and weathering but I felt that Ultramarines would be meticulous when it comes to equipment maintenance and looking pretty. Plus it's nice to not have to splatter damage and weathering everywhere after completing a paint job.


The first squad of marines are a bit more basic with poses as it was a pilot squad and I was more concerned with getting the paint scheme right. The next squad will however be a bit more customised.

2 Updates in 1 day. Yay!


Got started on the Praetor/Chaplain. Really like how the cream colour of the cloak turned out.





Also started on the second Tactical squad. Huzzah for Macragge Blue spray.




 Update 17 Jan 16


My Forgeworld reinforcements arrived 3 days earlier than expected so that made me very happy. Got Guilliman, Fire Raptor, Sicaran and Ultramarines transfers.



Spent the day building the Sicaran. It's such an amazing model and one of my favourite Forgeworld tanks.



I've also spent the day building a praetor for my force. My green stuff sculpting skills are quite limited so it looks a little messy. Whether I end up using him or not depends on how the GS looks after I undercoat. The parts I used are a combination of Sanguinary Guard and Sternguard bits.



Painting wise, I haven't really done much for the last couple of days. Made some progress on my Chaplain. Tried to do a power weapon effect on the axe. It looks ok from a distance but close up it looks a bit funny. Will have to get a bit more practice painting power weapons.



That's all for today. Thanks for reading.


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