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Captain Semper's HH Word Bearers

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+++Kar Maaneth's Mission+++


This will be my Word Bearers project and will be tied to the Loyalty & Treachery event that is to be launched on January 15th, 2015.

A few words for my force:

I got the Betrayal at Calth box set and totally fell in love with the minis (bar the Contemptor but I can live with it). I immediately decided I wanted to go for an all-WB force given I always wanted to go for it - I even tested a few minis back in my Emperor's Children thread. Zardu Lyak has nothing to do with it, I swear! whistlingW.gif Truth being said, the only mini in the Word Bearers' range I'm not too hot about is the Primarch himself... sad.png

Anyway, back to my project. I decided that the first batch of my force will be the entire contents of the B@C box and will aim for my favourite 1,500pts force that is to be expanded later on as I add units at whim. Right now the focus is to get a playable force up and running. To this end I worked out the following list:


Centurion Delegatus Kar Maaneth - 120pts

+ Cataphractii armour w/ chainfist

+ Master of the Legion (Chosen Duty)

The reason I want for Chosen Duty is that it allows and indeed makes it compulsory to use at least two Vet. Tacticals as troops. I decided early on that there were too many funky stuff in the box to just go for "boring" Tacticals. However, if the box was offering 40 PA minis I might have considered it - just for the pure size of it.

Chaplain V'Atan - 140pts - WIP

+ Artificer armour

+ Burning Lore

+ Plasma Pistol

Total 260 pts

The Chaplain is compulsory for Word Bearers (well, it's either that or a plain Centurion). Since the mini was there I was compelled to use it.


Three Veteran Tactical Squads each ten-strong with vexillas and tooled up Sergeants:

+ Tac 1: Snipers with two plasma guns - 275pts

+ Tac 2: Tank Hunters w/ two missile launchers - 285pts - WIP

+ Tac 3: Furious Charge w/three power weapons + lightning claw for the sergeant - 285pts

Total 845pts


Contemptor w/ multi melta - 175pts

Termies w/ heavy Flamer, three Power Fists and a Chanfist - 220pts

Total 395pts

Overall total: 1,500pts

The fluff behind the force is that Centurion Kar Maaneth was given some mission of high importance of taking and keeping a Manifactorum sector (also a project underway) in a city the WBs invaded. To this end he was given a small but elite force to see this through. In his side is his friend and mentor, Chaplain V'Atan who will join him in his mission. I need to flesh it out some more but this is it for the time being.

Now enough of the intro, let's see the minis.

This is my first squad assembled:



What I mean is, my personal preference is that the WB the red should be really dark. Like really dark.

So what I did was undercoat them with Army Painter Chaotic Red - a colour that is very dark, bordering to brown. There are not enough good things to say about this colour! I love it. Really do... So that's how everybody looks after the spray:


And the Chaplain:


So next steps:

- I'm using Agrax Earthshade to shade it. I am using it without thinning it with Lahmian Medium - just a bit of water. I try to keep it tidy though, I'm not dipping it or anything... Just the recesses.

- then I'm using a 1:1 mix between Army Painter Chaotic Red and Khorne Red to cover most of the mini leaving not only the recesses but also the dryer areas in this very dark red.

- then I use Khorne Red as a final highlight. Initially this was where is wanted to stop.

The mini at that stage looked very nice under intense light but in normal conditions it seemed a bit too dark. So I used light dry brushing of Mephiston red in the most exposed areas...

Here is the result:


So I'll be doing this squad as for now and see what I'll pledge for the L&T - Probably another squad, the Termies and the Consul Delegatus himself!

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Thats a really nice looking red, how is the calth kit to work with (haven't given mine more than a quick look to see that nothing was missing)?


Never really like the Word Bearers especially the gruesome twosome (Erebus and whats his name) everyone on the BnC always makes them looks so damn cool, just stop it all of you.  I've already brought Gal Vorbak and Ashen Circle just because they look cool if I'm not careful I'll end doing Word Bearers.

Thank you guys, it's been a while, but I'm gradually getting my act together... :tu:


@ storm born: I think it's better than the average 40k kit. Very subdued mold lines, excellent fitting - espeically the. Missile launcher that is a pain to put together in resin form and of course a great assortment of specialist gear! I cannot recommend it enough! Very happy with it. :)

@ Kilofix: The Contemptor I'm least keen on... It will be done though, rest assured! :D


Thanks everyone! Truth is they look even better once they are grouped together... I'll put up the first batch soon. :)

I definitely agree about WB being dark red. I'm looking forward to trying out the chaotic red spray on my own BaC minis.


Regarding unbasing... if you need to remove the minis from their bases entirely, the best way (assuming you plastic-glued them on) is to use clippers to take the base apart around the minis' boots, then a knife to remove what's left. If you just need to remove the basing substance (like sand), somethng like the point of an old file and some tweezers might do that, ou'd just have to be very careful.

Thanks guys - I appreciate the assistance...


It's like the Ghost said, I need to remove them entirely. I have plastic glued them and will use the clippers when my new resin bases arrive... Done it only once before so wish me luck... :D

Have you tried painting on white script on the armour Cap'?


Might not be as intensive as brighter highlights of red/orange on the armour, but it does help break the continuous red on the model and brighten up the portion slightly on areas where applied (as naturally observed on white on any dark surface)


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