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Captain Semper's HH Word Bearers

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Thank you very much for all your comments! :woot:


@ Flint: Thank you very much for your kind words - but I'm grateful for your work as I think about going for the gloss / metallic look myself - but not with the WBs... When I do, I know where to turn for inspiration and guidance! ;)


@ Augustus & Eberious: You know me, I like to keep it simple. For those guys I use exclusively Army Painter paints. The base coat is the lovely Chaotic Red and then I do a 50:50 Chaotic Red / Dragon Red with final highlight Dragon Red. Shading is Agrax. Can't say I'm totally happy with those paints though... It takes a lot of time to reach the desired effect. An alternative would be to use Khorne red for the darker tone and Mephiston Red for the lighter but it sort of comes out a bit brighter than I wished for... 


Anyways, I'll stick to Army Painter for this project and see where it gets me! :D

  • 1 month later...

Gorgeous Red there Captain! Good work as always

Well, look who's here! Good to see you again Yak, hope to see more of your work too!

Loving your work good Captain, shame you turned away from the Lion smile.png

Stay turned from the lion, Cap'n.

The Word Bearers need more glammy armies like this biggrin.png

I have not turned away from the Lion, not a single bit. I just need to break the dark green once in a while... :P

Dragon Forge is best base maker. So much so that he's snowed under by orders and you can safely expect a minimum of two months before getting your bases. laugh.png

Lovely Word Bearers!

Thank you! And good points both on the quality and the delivery times. But still I'll remain a loyal customer. :)

Chaplain Captain Semper, you might try some Wazdakka Red instead of the Mephiston Red to brighten it up slightly. I tried that on my Techmarine and found it was a better match. Kind of hard to explain but being a layer paint it looks better than a base for highlighting.


I found the whole Khorne Red  with Wazdakka Red vs Mephiston Red with Evil Sunz Scarlett to be a bit confusing before I tried them both out.

I hear you... I struggled a bit to work out the kind of red I was looking for. I think I want to keep the reds really dark - as opposed to, say, a Techmarine where some brightness is welcome. 


But I will give it a go on some test mini anyway, see what comes of it! :)

Looking forward to more terminators. smile.png

Thank you! And good points both on the quality and the delivery times. But still I'll remain a loyal customer. smile.png

I'd love to have remained a loyal customer as well, but their bases don't fit with the Sarissa Precision movement trays I want to use with my models since there's often something going beyond the rim of the Ancient Ruins bases... that and buying a lot of 25 mm bases right before GW's change to 32 mm threw a wrench in my enthusiasm.


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