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White Scars @ 3k

Wolf Lord Loki

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Debating some changes to my Scars list. At the moment they are using the HH1 rules.


Yesterday I fought a friends Stone Gauntlet Impedial Fists and I lost 6:3 (Shatterstrike mission). Fair play to him he fought a long hard game. The issue ive noticed over my last 3 games is that while I can dish it out my own troops rapidly fade away when faced with any form of opposition.


Yesterdays scars looked like this:


Praetor + command squad on bikes

10 tacticals

15 assault marines



10 Vet tacticals. With USR Sniper


6 Outriders with plasma/ melta bombs

3 jetbikes plas cannon/ melta bombs,sarge with pfist



3 Landspeaders 2havoks, 1 graviton


2 predators with executioner cannons

Sicarian Venator


(which I have only just realised was an illegal list...oooops)


Last couple of games the storm eagle hasnt been present but ive typically not had more than 6 models left on the board whether ive won or lost.


The praetors been something of an under achiever I mostly have him for the command squad who in hindsight also havent been great achivers.


The tactical and assault squads both failed to score any kills the last game and have frwquently died horribly.


What tweeks would you guys suggest?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am considering increazing the number of froops choices in my list by adding either a support squad or a recon squad (as I only have the obligitory troop tax at the mo)


Some pros and cons:


Support squad

+can be kept cheap

+rhino for mobility

-options start getting pricey


Recon squads

+camoline allows them to just camp in cover

+have initial scout move

+can take the storm eagle as a transport (they dont have to deploy in it) to keep it in my list

-not particularly shooty/choppy



What are your thoughts?

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