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Raven Guard 2500Pts


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Hi guys/gals,

My 2500pts Emperor's Children army is nearing finish, so it's time to find my next army. Since blood angels will take a while to join us, I'm either gonna go for Raven Guard, Imperial Fists or Ultramarines.

I've worked with bright purple on my EC, so the dark of the RG may be interesting. Besides that, I love the rules of Corax.

So this is what I've come up with, I've been trying to stay as low on vehicles as I deemed fun and still a bit competitive and avoided tanks altogether:

+++Raven Guard (2498pts) +++

+ HQ (200pts) +

Legion Centurion (200pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Raven's Talons, Refractor Field, Void Shield Harness]


Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs)

Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs)

Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs)


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (55pts) [Laser Destroyer Array]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (55pts) [Laser Destroyer Array]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (55pts) [Laser Destroyer Array]

Mor Deythan Strike Squad (483pts) [Artificer Armour, 4x Combi-flamer, 2x Flamer, Melta Bombs]

Darkwing Storm Eagle


Dark Fury Assault Squad (270pts) [7x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs}

Chooser of the Slain

Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (95pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]

Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (95pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon Battery]


Corvus Corax (455pts) [Cameleoline]

I'm hoping this army has enough AT and anti-others.

The 3 tactical squads will infiltrate close to objectives or close quad mortars of the opponent and such. But mainly used for objectives and support using furry.

Corax and the Dark Furies will hop around the board like they do best, looking for the best targets for them and also trying to force my opponent to make mistakes regarding movement and target priority. (they'd deepstrike most likely, but as always, this depends on the situation)

The Chaplain will join the furies and Corax will be solo-ing.

Javelins will outflank or start on the board, depending of the list of the opponent and cover during deployment.

The Laser destroyers will infiltrate and hopefully get rid of the vehicle that threatens my list the most.

Mor Deythan will try and get rid of elite unites that are too nasty for the Furies to assault.

The Fire Raptor will looks nice, and provide the nastiest fire support in this list, making him a priority target to shoot down, while I wouldn't be bothered with that so much, cause it's all the other stuff that will win me the game (again, using the Fire Raptor I'll try to control the game and force my opponents hand into doing what I expect him to do).

I have no experience with any RG units, nor with Javelins, Rapiers and the Fire Raptor. I think it will work like I want it to, but before I go and spend a€1000, it would be nice to hear from people who have experience with RG and/or those units.

I haven't bought anything yet, and I'll start with buying the BOC box so I can start working on the paint scheme, so feel free to suggest any changes. As long as it will look like RG, feel like RG and doesn't have too many ground vehicles smile.png.

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Ordered BoC, Corax + 10 Furies. No matter how this list will change, I'm sure to need those :).


I'm not sure about the rapiers yet (don't like the stationary aspect). Maybe I could change 1 tactical squad to an infiltrating veteran squad with tank hunter and melta bombs and a 3th speeder (1 squad of 2 and 1 squad of 1).


I'm worried about the anti tank capabilities of a list like this. Not everyone in my meta plays tank heavy, but most of them contain Spartans.

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I feel you on the rapiers, that's the exact reason why I don't use any rapiers in my night lords lists-they just don't fit the rapid, fast attacks style of warfare night lords and raven guard share. 


I am very curious as to why you are not running the decapitation strike rite of war-I'd say it's one of the best legion specific rites of war, and given you are only using one heavy support there's absolutely no drawback for you to use it. Drop pods certainly would be very handy for a unit like tank hunting veterans, which I do think would be a solid replacement for one tactical squad. 


As far as anti tank goes, it's quite possible to have enough anti tank even without rapiers or heavy support. Javelins, which you already have plenty of are excellent, and you couldn't go wrong with more. Another favorite of mine is double graviton dreadnoughts in drop pods, and given dreadnoughts just got an extra attack in the latest faq, they are even better now. Running decapitation strike, you could throw in 2 dreadnoughts in pods along with one tac squad in a pod to ensure both dreadnoughts come in turn 2, and have a fairly solid chance of stripping 4 HPs off a spartan turn one. Along with vets and javelins, I think that's plenty of anti tank. 


Rest of the list looks pretty solid. Dark Furies might be a bit expensive, but I think the new models look great, it's worth having them in the list just because they look cool. 

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Wow, that's a lot of laser destroyer Rapiers! I reckon they're ok - graviton cannons & quad mortars are better IMHO, but lasers are cheap. Totally agree with Lord Asvaldir's thoughts: Decapitation Strike is perfect for RG and your list works with it. I'd make the Centurion a Consul of some sort to buff the Dark Furies too.


Missile boat Javelins are one of my top 3 units - so good. Shame about their £-cost...

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I didn't go for the Decapitating strike because of the new FAQ and rules update that states that models can nog longer stay inside the droppod (so they are now the same as 40k pods). Which hugely decreases the staying power and threat of veterans in a pod.

I know the furies are expensive, but when you do the calculations, they are very much worth their points compared to other jump pack (special) units out there. And yes, they look too cool not to take even if they sucked tongue.png.

I'll shuffle some of the units/points around to get rid of the rapiers and look at veterans, pods and extra javelin.

Don't think I'll able to fit in a Dread, but we'll see smile.png.

Thanks guys.


I'm really concerned with veterans in the pod since the update. If I drop 7-10 dudes with meltabombs close to the opponent, and have to get out.. then that will be 250-300pts of guys getting blow into bits. I don't want to put them in an Anvillus either (too many points and I'm already running that with me EC).

Perhaps it could work if not dropped right in his face, but just making sure I'll can get safely into a T3 charge?

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+++Raven Guard (2493pts) +++


+ HQ (200pts) +


Legion Centurion (190pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Refractor Field, Void Shield Harness]





Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [11x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

                                                   Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [11 Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

                                                   Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]




Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (210pts) [4x Legion Veteran, Melta Bonbs, Melta Gun, Tank Hunters, Legion Drop Pod]

                                                         Legion Veteran Tactical Sergeant [combi-melta]


Mor Deythan Strike Squad (483pts) [Artificer Armour, 4x Combi-flamer, 2x Flamer, Melta Bombs]

Darkwing Storm Eagle




Dark Fury Assault Squad (270pts) [7x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs]

                                                  Chooser of the Slain


2x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (190pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]


1x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (95pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]




Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon Battery]





Corvus Corax (455pts) [Cameleoline]



- So I got rid of the stationairy aspect (rapiers).


- I added 5 Veterans in a normal drop pod. The idea behind 5 is that they are easier to conceal, and adding 2 or 3 won't really matter when the opponent does decide/is able to pepper them. If 3 or more survive, that should be enough to still kill even a spartan (due to tank hunter). I added 1 melta gun and gave the sergeant a combi melta, just in case they do drop close (accidentally or intentionally), they'd still have a decent chance of damaging vehicles.


- Added a 3th Speeder. So I have 1 squad with 2 and one single speed. All armed with the HKM and multi melta.

- Gave the Chaplain a power fist to add some AT to the Furies.

- Added 2 tacticals to both normal tactical squad (cause I had the points)


I could leave the normal tacticals at 10 men, and add some veterans, but that's just something that playtesting can help decide.

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They're only forced out of the pod if its a normal one; you're still fine with staying inside a Dreadclaw which is the ride of choice for Tank Hunting vets anyways.

Yes, but I'm already running a Dreadclaw in my Emperor's children list, and I'm trying to stay away from building the same sort of list.


I'm hoping a normal pod will be almost as effective as a Dreadclaw. For the same 250pts, you can have 5 vets in a dreadclaw or 9 in a normal pod. I'm hoping the increased venerability will even out with the extra bodies or less points spend on the 'same' thing. The drop-pod scatter rule and shooting out of open-topped, does have it's benefits too I hope.


That being said, I cut the 2 tactical squad back to 10, and increased the vets to 9. 

I'm also thinking about the better choice for centurion to join the Dark Furies. I've got a chaplain now cause reroll to hit and reroll to wound sounds great. But if I give them a vigilator, they can start on the board, scout, and get a T1 or T2 charge instead of T3 earliest. Maybe cut some vets, add a Fury to compensate for not getting reroll to hit and swap for vigilator?

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You cant charge after Scouting or Infiltrating so if you do, its T2 at the earliest.


What a Vigilator Brings is an Extra Movement Phase and a Cameleoline for a better Cover Save which is used to set up a T2 Charge. T1 Charges are much harder to pull off and not something you can/should rely on, sadly.


With Shred on the Lightning Claws, you're losing some of the Benefits of Zealot though having them be Fearless and Re-roll To-hit might be all thats needed.


You could even go Librarian and fish for some powers like Kinetic Dome (I think thats it?) for an Invulnerable Save? (AFB)

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You cant charge after Scouting or Infiltrating so if you do, its T2 at the earliest.


What a Vigilator Brings is an Extra Movement Phase and a Cameleoline for a better Cover Save which is used to set up a T2 Charge. T1 Charges are much harder to pull off and not something you can/should rely on, sadly.


With Shred on the Lightning Claws, you're losing some of the Benefits of Zealot though having them be Fearless and Re-roll To-hit might be all thats needed.


You could even go Librarian and fish for some powers like Kinetic Dome (I think thats it?) for an Invulnerable Save? (AFB)


I looked up assaulting after scout and didn't see the restriction (this was before you pointing out it's not allowed, so I'll look again). But assuming it's true, then yes, it's a T2 assault. Still sooner than T3, but not as awesome as T1.



The vigilator doesn't bring the cover save to furies unfortunately, since it's not allowed with a JP. So, considering no T1 assault and no extra cover save, the Fearless and rerolls of the Chaplain will probably be in better synergy with the Furies. 


I'm trying to find a conclusive answer to the question if JP units get the infiltrate rule in a RG army. But I haven't been able to find true facts to support either yes or no, just people saying yes and no depending on their interpretation of the rules.

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Its another of those arguements that could go either way.


As for the Cameleoline, a Vigilator, regardless of Legion, comes with one standard, iirc, and then you tac on a Jump Pack. So he makes for a weird loophole of having a Cameleoline & JP at the same time if I'm remembering things right.


Its kinda like how a Primus Medicae still retains his Needle Pistol after swapping into TDA meaning he can, unlike most others, still get +1A due to CCW + Pistol if you're using non-specialist weapons. Mostly since the entry doesn't say anything about him loosing it if/when he swaps to TDA.


As for the JP and infiltrate or not, its down to how hardline RAW you are. On the one hand, the rule calls out specifically to the various infantry types so a distinction is made. However, on the other hand, in the BRB, Jump Infantry is classified as following the standard Infantry Rules and stuff with the Jump Specification tacked on.


RAI (To me at least): there is a difference and infiltrating terminators and jump packs which are bulky wasn't intended (even if a Praevian can infiltrate castellax)

RAW: They technically get FC + Infiltrate

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Its another of those arguements that could go either way.


As for the Cameleoline, a Vigilator, regardless of Legion, comes with one standard, iirc, and then you tac on a Jump Pack. So he makes for a weird loophole of having a Cameleoline & JP at the same time if I'm remembering things right.


Its kinda like how a Primus Medicae still retains his Needle Pistol after swapping into TDA meaning he can, unlike most others, still get +1A due to CCW + Pistol if you're using non-specialist weapons. Mostly since the entry doesn't say anything about him loosing it if/when he swaps to TDA.


As for the JP and infiltrate or not, its down to how hardline RAW you are. On the one hand, the rule calls out specifically to the various infantry types so a distinction is made. However, on the other hand, in the BRB, Jump Infantry is classified as following the standard Infantry Rules and stuff with the Jump Specification tacked on.


RAI (To me at least): there is a difference and infiltrating terminators and jump packs which are bulky wasn't intended (even if a Praevian can infiltrate castellax)

RAW: They technically get FC + Infiltrate

You recall correctly sir: The Vigilator does come with stock Cameleoline.


Me and my friends don't take the rulebook as our bible, and we interpret things the way we think it suits logic, fluff and fun all the time. 

I was honestly wondering what the intend was. If FW/Fluff suggest they should be able to infiltrate, then thats the way I will use them, if you say it was never the intention then I'll take your subjective expert opinion on the matter and follow suit and not give them infiltrate and fleet.


I think I'll like the list as it stands in my previous list post, with some allowance of switching squad sizes of the tacticals and vets. And I can always add the Dreadclaw for the vets if the normal pod doesn't work out (just decreasing vet squad size and removing the melta gun and combi melta frees the points for it).


Now I'll just have to find out how to play it. Most of the list wants to outflank or deep strike and the flyers HAVE to, so that doesn't leave much on the board for T1. I guess that if I have first turn, I could deploy some speeders and perhaps even Corax and the Furies? 

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Yeah for lists your tinkering with just get the absolute core down. After that just experiment with slotting things in and out as you see fit until you find something that clicks together.


Darkwings have outflank Innately so they dont have to deepstrike. They also have Stealth for a 3+ Jink save which helps.


As to deployment its going to change on a game-by-game basis but you usually want to alphastrike hard since you can; one of the things I see a lot is Instead of giving Mor Deythan a Darkwing, they Give them Rhinos (which Can Infiltrate due to dedicated), Move 6", Disembark 6" and then Fatal Strike Combi-Flamers.


Might bring the cost down enough to fit in a 2nd similar Mor Deythan Squad too.


A note about Corax is you rarely want to have him attached to squads so avoid doing so if you can; especially if you can make sure hes never the closest target to any potential shooting so that you force Snap Shots vs Him.

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I wanted to avoid any Vehicles. I did end up going for a Darkwing cause it's a special unit, and a raptor cause I think it fits and looks cool.

The 3 speeders, also look cool, fit the army nicely and I don't really regard them as vehicles.


I will keep the option for the rhino tactic in mind, I've seen most RG players opt for that tactic. But if I can, I'll avoid it. Besides I kind of refuse to pay for 2 Mor Deythan squads. Those guys are insanely expensive money wise. I have added one for the fluff and looks, but otherwise I wouldn't have bought them on principle alone. 50 pounds? Jeez..



Corax will be walking alone, he's the reason I'm going for RG. Because of his rules and because I look forward to playing a primarch who doesn't need a babysitter :).

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Take a Look at Recon Marines ;)


Fair enough on wanting to keep stuff; its all good, really. You'll just be performing more of a Beta Strike vs Alpha Strike since you have more stuff popping in at the later turns vs being INSTANTLY IN YOUR FACE WHICH I JUST SHOT OFF >:-D



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Take a Look at Recon Marines msn-wink.gif

Fair enough on wanting to keep stuff; its all good, really. You'll just be performing more of a Beta Strike vs Alpha Strike since you have more stuff popping in at the later turns vs being INSTANTLY IN YOUR FACE WHICH I JUST SHOT OFF >:-D


I did consider recon marines, but if I want to add the RG shoulder pads and helmets, I'm ending up with an even more expensive unit than the Mor Deythan (since I won't be needing the pads anywhere else, cause I ordered the BoC RG bundle).

Beta strike could work right ? rolleyes.gif I think it will be quite the shooty punch T2, with 3 speeders, fire raptor and darkwing with mor deythan coming in (hopefully). Also makes it easier for corax to deepstrike close, but not being the closest target, since I could drop a flyer closer, or use the drop pod in T1 for this.

I hope the amount of units coming in T2, will see the Dark Furies spared most of the return fire.

I'll see, lots of hoping here, but I think it'll work. At least the games won't be so long tongue.png. SInce the game basically starts T3 laugh.png (though that could see me behind in tactical objectives mellow.png .. meh.. whatever cool.png )

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While waiting for my RG to arrive (tomorrow biggrin.png) I've been playing with Battlescribe to build the army.

Right now I've changed the list quite a bit from the previous one.

I've taken out the storm eagle, gave the Mor Deythan a Rhino, and added 3 drop pods (2 deathstorm and 1 with plasma support squad)

How does this list look, and please compare it to the previous one and tell me which one you think would be better, more fun or more RG like.

What are your experiences with the Deathstorm pods? Are they good? Are they fun?

+++Raven Guard (2500pts) +++

+ HQ (200pts) +

Legion Centurion (190pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Refractor Field, Void Shield Harness]


Legion Tactical Squad (185pts) [10x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nincio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (280pts) [6x Legion Space Marines, Legion Sergeant, Plasma Guns, Drop Pod]


Deathstorm Drop Pod (145pts) [Five deathstorm krak launchers, drop pod assault rule]

Deathstorm Drop Pod (145pts) [Five deathstorm krak launchers, drop pod assault rule]

Mor Deythan Strike Squad (243pts) [Artificer Armour, 4x Combi-flamer, 2x Flamer, Melta Bombs]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier


Dark Fury Assault Squad (270pts) [7x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs]

Chooser of the Slain

1x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (85pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]

1x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (95pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta, Twin-Linked Lascannon]


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (211pts) [Reaper Autocannon Battery, Searchlight]


Corvus Corax (455pts) [Cameleoline]

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Decapitation Strike on Corax right? He's also equipped with a jump pack, so no camo. Not that he needs it.


First thing that pops out is the javelins, one is 190 and the other 95. Does the fist one actually have 2? Because that's the correct total if so.


As for the deathstorms I'm not a huge fan of the krakstorms when compared to the fragstorms. They will average one S8 hit per target within 12"; Not very good for 145 points. If there was an option to not use the "FIREVERYTHING" option when they first come down then 10 S8 shots would be great. Or if each of the 5 launchers fired d3 times at BS2. But it's not likely your opponent will let it live to shoot at full tilt. Compared to the fragstorms blast shooting everything d3 times they suffer less from BS2.


You also don't have anything that can reliably take out AV14 equipped with armoured ceramite; because at these points levels is when you see it. The javs are only doing 1-2 HPs, that one meltabomb on the Chooser isn't going to get far(and you don't want your tacs anywhere near LoWs or spartans), and the krakstorms are hitting once and probably getting popped(they are just drop pods after all). Corax can tear things up at S10 sure, but if it's a spartan full of nasty things you want to shoot them rather than fight them in CC after they inevitably charge you for punching their ride. Fighting fair is for other legions.


The minimal-impact change would to drop the lasjav and a krakenstorm to put in Lightning with four turbokraken missiles, tank hunters, and strafing run. Then change the other to a fragstorm. That way you still control when the plasma squad comes down and have a chance to shoot the contents should you face spartan. Then you have 60 points to beef up the Mor Deythan or plasma support.

That's my 2 beakies. Your mileage may vary depending on your group/meta.


As for list vs list they're all sufficiently RG and they are about the same as far as playing to the game-state.

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Decapitation Strike on Corax right? He's also equipped with a jump pack, so no camo. Not that he needs it.

First thing that pops out is the javelins, one is 190 and the other 95. Does the fist one actually have 2? Because that's the correct total if so.

As for the deathstorms I'm not a huge fan of the krakstorms when compared to the fragstorms. They will average one S8 hit per target within 12"; Not very good for 145 points. If there was an option to not use the "FIREVERYTHING" option when they first come down then 10 S8 shots would be great. Or if each of the 5 launchers fired d3 times at BS2. But it's not likely your opponent will let it live to shoot at full tilt. Compared to the fragstorms blast shooting everything d3 times they suffer less from BS2.

You also don't have anything that can reliably take out AV14 equipped with armoured ceramite; because at these points levels is when you see it. The javs are only doing 1-2 HPs, that one meltabomb on the Chooser isn't going to get far(and you don't want your tacs anywhere near LoWs or spartans), and the krakstorms are hitting once and probably getting popped(they are just drop pods after all). Corax can tear things up at S10 sure, but if it's a spartan full of nasty things you want to shoot them rather than fight them in CC after they inevitably charge you for punching their ride. Fighting fair is for other legions.

The minimal-impact change would to drop the lasjav and a krakenstorm to put in Lightning with four turbokraken missiles, tank hunters, and strafing run. Then change the other to a fragstorm. That way you still control when the plasma squad comes down and have a chance to shoot the contents should you face spartan. Then you have 60 points to beef up the Mor Deythan or plasma support.

That's my 2 beakies. Your mileage may vary depending on your group/meta.

As for list vs list they're all sufficiently RG and they are about the same as far as playing to the game-state.

It was supposed to be 2 squads with each 1 Javelin. I fixed the points.

The way you describe the Deathstorm pods, doesn't really sound attractive no sad.png.

Anti tank had my worries from the moment I started looking into RG. I wan't to avoid building the same list as my EC already have. And they have a Anvillus with melta dudes and Lightning with 6 krakens as AT. I'm trying to find another route for my RG.

Maybe I should go the anvillus route, and use recon models as melta bomb veterans (to give it the RG touch). This would mean consolidating the 2 javelins into one squad, but that ok.

I'll start doing some calculating right away, to see how I can add some decent AT without going for tanks or the lightning. (maybe I should go for dread in pod?)

I'm just unpacking my RG now biggrin.png, so I need to hurry with the list, so I'll know the correct weapon loadouts to give them.

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+++Raven Guard (2495pts) +++


+ HQ (200pts) +


Legion Centurion (190pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Refractor Field]





Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]

                                                   Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]

                                                   Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Legion Tactical Support Squad (210pts) [4x Legion Space Marines, Legion Sergeant, Melta Guns, Drop Pod]





Mor Deythan Strike Squad (354pts) [Artificer Armour, 7x Combi-weapon, 3x Flamer, Melta Bombs]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (150pts) [Melta Bombs, Tank Hunters]




Dark Fury Assault Squad (270pts) [8x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs]

                                                  Chooser of the Slain


2x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (190pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]


Anvillus Dreadclaw Drop Pod




Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (211pts) [Reaper Autocannon Battery, Searchlight]





Corvus Corax (450pts) [Decapitating Strike]





How about this? 

AT would be T1 dropping in Anvillus with Meltabomb veterans. T2 assaulting with the MB veterans and hopefully dropping the meltagun support squad pod. MB veterans would go after the biggest/armoured ceramite target. The support squad would go at the 2nd best target, and the Javelins would go looking for opening rhino's and such to give Corax and the Furies a target to assault.


I also removed the void shield harness since you need permission to include it, and I can see tournaments not allowing them. To compensate I added a Fury. Chaplain could become a medicae if that turns out better.


The Mor Deyhtan are a difficult unit to me. I like the sniper guns on them (looks), but the rending flamer thing seems to good to pass on. But then I end up with 1 lame rhino and a suicide squad inside. This seems a lot of points for an army that already has 1 suicide squad (MB veterans) and a as-good-as suicide squad (melta gun support squad).

What are the effective options running Mor Deythan?

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The term 'suicide squad' is over used in my opinion. One single unit flung deep into enemy ranks with no support is a suicide unit. A spear-tip unit backed up by other forward elements is just that, the tip of the spear. Which Mor Deythan can fill well. As for their loadout, the last three flamers are going to struggle to get enough hits to make them worth it. I always suggest plasma guns for the last three models. It keeps them potent during and after a Fatal Strike. Plus you aren't assaulting after infiltrating/scouting/disembarking a rhino anyway. Then they can hunker down with stealth and shroudbombs and take pot shots. If your opponent revenge kills them and leaves your other units alone then that only helps you in the long run. Mor Deythan can also be used to take out backfield scoring, rapiers, heavy support squads, etc. They shine at maximizing casualties.


As for the support squad, what are you fighting the most?

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The term 'suicide squad' is over used in my opinion. One single unit flung deep into enemy ranks with no support is a suicide unit. A spear-tip unit backed up by other forward elements is just that, the tip of the spear. Which Mor Deythan can fill well. As for their loadout, the last three flamers are going to struggle to get enough hits to make them worth it. I always suggest plasma guns for the last three models. It keeps them potent during and after a Fatal Strike. Plus you aren't assaulting after infiltrating/scouting/disembarking a rhino anyway. Then they can hunker down with stealth and shroudbombs and take pot shots. If your opponent revenge kills them and leaves your other units alone then that only helps you in the long run. Mor Deythan can also be used to take out backfield scoring, rapiers, heavy support squads, etc. They shine at maximizing casualties.


As for the support squad, what are you fighting the most?

Thank you, that was a very helpful post for shifting my expectations and goals of the Mor Deythan.


I will be facing mostly Salamanders (spartan, land raider, av14 dread) and Nightlights (light on vehicles). Because my brother has those armies. But I'll also face 40k armies (tau, space marines mosty) and I plan on going to gaming clubs/tournaments when my EC is finished completely (and I'll do the same with my RG when they are done). So there I'll hope to face all sorts of armies.



I hope I've been able to balance out the list a bit more.

I've removed the MB veteran squad in the anvillus (was too much like my EC army), and instead added a CC dread in Pod with graviton guns.

I lowered the amount of Mor Deythan back to 6 (which seems to be the best number if in Rhino?)

Added a drop pod to one of the tactical squad. Mostly so I'll have 3 pods, so I can have the dread and meltagun support squad both come in T1.


With the Anvillus gone, I can now split up the 2 speeders .


+++Raven Guard (2499pts) +++

+ HQ (200pts) +

Legion Centurion (150pts) [Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Refractor Field]



Legion Tactical Squad (220pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Drop Pod

Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [12x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (250pts) [5x Legion Space Marines, Legion Sergeant, Melta Guns, Drop Pod]



Mor Deythan Strike Squad (243pts) [Artificer Armour, 4x Combi-weapon, 2x Flamer, Melta Bombs]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier

Contemptor Dreadnought (290pts) [Chainfist, Dreadnought CC weapon, 2x Graviton Gun, Extra Armour]

Dreadnought Drop Pod



Dark Fury Assault Squad (300pts) [8x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs]

Chooser of the Slain

1x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (85pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]

1x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (85pts) [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi Melta]


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (211pts) [Reaper Autocannon Battery, Searchlight]



Corvus Corax (450pts) [Decapitating Strike]

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I'm a fan of dreads in a pod for punching things. It's hard to deliver meltabombs, but a dread in a DDP can peel off 2 HPs upon landing, stay relatively safe in the pod, take 2 more off and charge.


As for the number of Mor Deythan, it depends on what you want them to do. Six, which is great for grabbing that second special, with flamers in a rhino can go scour side objectives and score them. While 10 loaded for bear can be a spearhead like I mentioned before.

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