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2000pt Imperial Fist

Phoenix Darkus

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Trying to build a decent IF list using Sigismund as an HQ while sticking to the 2k build size, here's my attempt:




Sigismund, 1st Captain of the Imperial Fists, 230

Centurion, primus medicae, artificer armor, combat shield, power axe, 115




Templars (x8), champ with combat shield and solarite gauntlet, 2 extra combat shields in the squad, melta bombs, 300

Land Raider Phobos dedicated transport, armored ceramite, dozer blade, extra armor, multi melta, 305

Legion tacticals (x10), srgt with artificer armor, combi-melta, power fist, vexilla, squad has extra CCW, 215

Rhino dedicated transport, dozer blade, combi-bolter, 45




Legion veteran tacticals (x10), srgt with artificer armor, combi-melta, power fist, vexilla, 2 HBs with suspensor webs, sniper USR, 285

Rhino dedicated transport, dozer blade, combi-bolter, 45

Contemptor Mortis dread, dual kheres assault cannons, 180

Legion rapier thudd gun, 60




Legion heavy support squad (x5), srgt with nuncio vox, augury scanner, 4x lascannons, 220


2000pts on the dot.


I'm trying to keep this somewhat fluffy, representing elite units from the first company (Templars, vets, Contemptor) being supported by tacticals and fire support (heavy weapons and thudd gun), the apothecary and Sigismund will ride with the Templars. I would have gone with the Pride of the Legion RoW but I'd have to take termies or vets as compulsory troops and I didn't have the points to do that AND fit Templars in. I feel like this is a decent compromise.



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