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Straight up the middle...

Dr. Clock

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Hey all,


Working toward roughly the following... wondering if this is a potential way of getting my assaulties on the table (rad grenade forge lord).


Strategy is pretty simple... run at them until they're all dead, or I am...


Khârn - gorechild - 190

Centurion - Forge Lord - rad - arty - refractor - axe - jp - 145

2xApothecarion sword/axe - 110

3 Rapiers - auto - 195

15x assault squad - artificer - excoriator - 2 p. axes - 360

15 man tactical squad - ccws - nuncio/vexilla - excoriator/artificer - 275

15 man tactical squad - ccws - nuncio/vexilla - excoriator/artificer - 275

Leviathan siege dread - storm cannon - 280

Leviathan siege dread - storm cannon - 280

Leviathan siege dread - storm cannon - 280

Allies: Feral Abhumans  (70)

Force Commander - master power fist - carapace - Halo - 95

2x medics - 80

40 levy (+1A) - ccw/ccw - discipline - 115

40 levy (+1A) - ccw/ccw - discipline - 115

2 Artillery carriages - 150


Basic organization is pretty locked in... interested in feedback tho. Seems like it'll be fun at the least. Sitting at 2945 currently.


My club's just getting into Heresy, so I don't expect too many super-heavies for the time being... just wondering if any experienced HH players would care to comment.




The Good Doctor.

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Looks fun to play with and against. Bloody CC.


But medics can't go into levys and you are better off with cult horde/tainted flesh combo :)


3 leviathans will wreck faces.


Really need the assault marines? Why no butchers instead?

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Thanks, all...


This is a list based on the existing things in my KDK list... I'm building toward a cross-compatible 30k/40k thing...


@nonrgahl; good catch... and thanks, yeah... tainted/cult it is for me lol. My beastmen shall henceforth be known as the Rending Ponies.


@Slipstreams: yup... I'm certainly aware of the relative slowness of this list. I'm sort of trying for an infantry horde approach, though, so that's to be expected.


@Tychiil; The plan for the assault marines was actually to reserve, and then DS on to the table, ideally to support one of the tac-mobs. With rad grenades, most things are unlikely to want to mess with them too much.I have no idea why FW chose to make assault squads so expensive, but there you have it. These guys are in here because I have the models, and like using them when possible. I kind of want to try a Destroyer-heavy theme using 2x8 of them, but they're ALSO quite expensive to give packs to.


I suppose if I want to be more serious about the 30k side of this army, I may end up having to just bite the bullet and use WB rules in order to bring out some of my daemons...




The Good Doctor.

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