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The will of Olympia - Iron Warriors 3000 pts


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Hi all, i came back to write IW list after a long period during which i had test a lot of unit. During all of this game i hadn't never choose Perturb like LoW, because i think he give the best only if the army is built around him.

In this case i want to test the case in which I have 3 flyer that could attack from the first turn. The object is to destroy in the first turn the most problem unit of the enemy army and during the second turn hit the enemy with a great charge.

Perturb could entry in Deep Strike with the tyrant, while Kyr Vhalen, the 17 tactics and the 3 Thud stay to protect eventually my base behind the defense line.

What do you think?



IV Iron Warriors - Pride of the Legions

  • Kyr Vhalen 195
  • 17 tacs - Legion Vexilla and Sergeant in Artificer armor and Power Weapon- 250
  • 8 Terminator - 3 Chainfists, 5 Fists 320
  • 10 Veterans - Legion Vexilla, 2 Power Weapon, melta bombs - 255
  • 7 Tyrant - 1 Chainfists - 400
  • Apotecario -  Artificer armor - 55
  • 3 Legion Rapier - 3 Thud Gun - 180
  • Lightning - 4 Kraken, 2 Sunfury, Ground Tracking Auguries - 210
  • Castes Assault Ram - 305
  • Castes Assault Ram - 305
  • Perturabo 455
  • Egida Defence Line with Communicatios Relay 70


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Apologies for the delayed reply!


As Kyr Vhalen is a Loyalist and Perturabo is a Traitor, they cannot be taken in the same army.  They represent this with a red Eye of Horus or Palatine Aquila on special character entries.


List looks ok apart from that.  It doesn't feel like an Iron Warriors army, though that may just be the lack of heavy artillery. ;)

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No, I want use this kind of army against orks, because my friends and I want represent the Ullanor Crusade.


This kind of army has been created to maximize the special rule of Peturabo 'Relentless Strategist' which permits to rolling for reserves from the first turn of the game. According to my point of view the Caestuss with their brutal hull representes an appropriate vehicles for an IW army 

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Looks like a fun list, you're certainly really taking advantage of Preturabo's turn one reserves. 


What special rule do the veterans have? If you're going for an assault unit, which it looks like you are I'd recommend furious charge, or tank hunters if you'd rather go after armor. I'd also give their sergeant artificers and a power weapon or fist-since they are going to be up close and stuck in combat it's more important for their sarg to have gear than the tactical's sergeant. I'd also throw a plasma blaster and maybe a few combi plas on your terminator unit-little extra backup anti armor would certainly be useful. 


Also who is the apothecary going with? I might throw him in the veteran unit, though you'd need to get rid of a model for that. 

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