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+++Loyalty & Treachery II+++

Captain Semper

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I IronBars of the shattered legions vow to paint 


1 x Iron Father with paragon blade and volkite serpenta




1 x 10 tactical marines of the iron hands legion




1 x mortis contemptor dreadnougth with 2 x kherres assault cannon of the salamanders legion




Just started basecoating yesterday, wil post pictures later after work to check if they can still enter.

No, take your time... You can pledge your units whenever during the life of the event! smile.png

Cool msn-wink.gif

Also as I see it, once finished the requirements for a badge/title you cant loose it even if you fail one of your pledges?

Does the Navigator counts as part of the humans faction?

For the first question, you got it right. If you manage to paint three units you qualify for a badge of some sort. If you do more or specific types of units you may be eligible of other badges as well. Keep in mind that this is not the ETL - it's a way more relaxed event! ;)

For the Navigators, I don't know... wacko.png What are the options? :P

So i pledge for the White Scars

Legion Praetor whith combi weapon and paragon blade in cataphractii armour.

Legion terminator squad with fists and combi plasmas in cataphractii armour.

Legion Dreadnought.


I also plan to add 3 units of jetbikes to this but im holding fire until we get some more information about the rumoured new jetbike unit coming so its possible i may pladge an additional 2 lightnings instead. We will see.

Okay, im in. I will do 2 legions at the same time.


White Scars:


Terminator Preator

Cataprachtii Terminator Squad (5)

Veteran Tactical Squad (10)




Sons of Horus:



Justaerin Terminator Squad (5)

Contemptor Dreadnought with twin Volkite Culverins




Still need to build 7 WS tacticals, then if the weather gets bit warmer I can spray them all. Temperature has been between -17 to -28 for the past few weeks!

For my Sons of Horus, I pledge to do the following: 


Praetor in Cataphractii

Consul Chaplain


Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Legion Recon Squad (5)


Legion Terminator Cataphractii Squad (5)

Legion Veteran/Reaver Squad (10)








I pledge to the XIII Legion, the mighty Ultramarines, the following;


Praetor with Paragon blade

10 man Veteran Tactical Squad with 2 meltaguns

1 Sicaran battle tank


Veteran Tactical (only 5 built so far)



Legion Sicaran battle tank



Praetor is still to be built

I Cthonia, pledge to the IV Legion, Iron Warriors


+ 1x Legion Praetor

+ 1x Legion Tactical squad x10

+ 1x Legion Cataphractii Terminator squad x5

+ 1x Legion Veteran Tactical squad x5


For starters, Might move on to Perturabo and some rhino's if I am not too busy!


With addition, I shall be working on an Iron Hands force which will involve:


+ 1x Iron Father

+ 1x Legion Tactical squad x10

+ 1x Legion Terminator squad x5

+ 1x Iron Hands Dreadnought


(Ferrus Manus and Gabriel Santar too if I have time also)

I, Malus Trux, initially pledge the following loyalist Iron Warriors:


Kyr Vhalen

Narik Dreygur

Tactical squad (10)

Siege Tyrants (10)

Siege Tyrants (5)





And since I just realized I'm one away from a champion pledge I'll pledge a single Raven Guard tactical squad.





I've only got WIPs for some of it but I'll add assembled pics as I make them.

I, Mike Parker, pledge the following for the Word Bearers Legion:


+++ HQ +++

  • Zardu Layak and 2 Blade Slaves


+++ Troops +++

  • 20 man Legion Tactical Squad, Sergeant with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol
  • 20 man Legion Tactical Squad, Sergeant with Lightning Claw and Bolt Pistol
  • 10 man Legion Tactical Support Squad with Volkites, Sergeant with Power Fist and Volkite
  • 10 man Ashen Circle Squad
  • 10 man Ashen Circle Squad

+++ Heavy Support +++

  • ​10 man Legion Heavy Support Squad with Missile Launchers, Sergeant with Nuncio Vox, Power Fist and Combi-Plasma.


Most models are built, based, primed and base-coated, some are still in the process of being built. I have lots of others also in the process of being built, but don't want to pledge too much at the moment.


I'll be posting pictures soon, and be keeping updates in a plog.













I, Scaly Carp pledge the following loyalist Iron Warriors


10 Man Veteran Tactical Squad

vet tact


5 Man Seeker Squad



5 Man CC Terminator Squad

cc terminators

5 Man Flamer Tactical Support

flamer tact support

HQ Choice



1 Dreadnought


And i hope to add a Moritat if time allows!!!



I, Mike Parker, pledge the following for the Word Bearers Legion:


+++ HQ +++

  • Zardu Layak and 2 Blade Slaves


+++ Troops +++

  • 20 man Legion Tactical Squad, Sergeant with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol
  • 20 man Legion Tactical Squad, Sergeant with Lightning Claw and Bolt Pistol
  • 10 man Legion Tactical Support Squad with Volkites, Sergeant with Power Fist and Volkite
  • 10 man Ashen Circle Squad
  • 10 man Ashen Circle Squad

+++ Heavy Support +++

  • ​10 man Legion Heavy Support Squad with Missile Launchers, Sergeant with Nuncio Vox, Power Fist and Combi-Plasma.


Most models are built, based, primed and base-coated, some are still in the process of being built. I have lots of others also in the process of being built, but don't want to pledge too much at the moment.


I'll be posting pictures soon, and be keeping updates in a plog.


80 power armoured bodies.


You're insane. I am dying and I'm only doing 40 in one month!

Yes! I've been counting down the days!


I, Sol Invictus, in the name of the Omnissiah and the Emperor pledge to build the following for the Bringers of Blessed Ruin, the Ordo Reductor:


Ordo Reductor Minotaur Battery(1)



Ordo Reductor Artillery Tank Battery (Basilisk X 2)



Thallax Cohort(6 2x Mulit-Melta)


@ Captain Semper - one of the Vanquishers I primed & applied camostripes to yesterday evening. Am I still allowed to count it? It's still technically only primed.

No worries - go right ahead! smile.png

How can I get the banners in my signature to be side by side? It seems I dont have the skills to do it! msn-wink.gif

I'd wait a bit as I expect a slightly updated version of the participation badge very soon.... Other than that just copy the link and paste it in your signature area as you would do any picture in the site...


I pledge the following:

Thousand Sons, 55th Company


- Preator Alto Damokai (Paragon Blade, Artificer Armour, Archeotech Pistol)

- Librarian Kal Kalophik (Cataphractii Armour, Force Axe, Lumeferous Resonator)

- Tactical Squad Arrathii (15 men with Bolters, 1 Vexilla and Sergeant Arrash has Power Fist and Artificer Armour)

- Terminator Squad Lihst (6 men, 4 power fists, 1 Plasma Blaster, 2 Power Weapons, 5 x Volkite Chargers)

- Pyrae Destructor Squad Eklhak (5 x Heavy Support Marines with either Missile Launchers or Autocannons)

Sons of Horus, 15th Company

- Justerian Squad Messerat (5 men, loadout tbc)

- Tactical/Despoiler Squad Ankyr (15 men, Bolters, Bolt Pistols and CCW, Vexilla, Vox. Sergeant Darrus Kybarr has Power Fist and Artificer Armour)

- Predator Battle Tank 'Drukkar' (Configuration tbc)

- Whirlwind Scorpius 'Athek'

The Thousand Sons are going to be forming the start of my XVth Legion force, whilst the Sons of Horus are adding to my existing 6000 point army.

Initial pics will follow once I've actually built everything

How can I get the banners in my signature to be side by side? It seems I dont have the skills to do it! ;)



I'd wait a bit as I expect a slightly updated version of the participation badge very soon.... Other than that just copy the link and paste it in your signature area as you would do any picture in the site...



Nope, still cant do it. I have to upload the pics to photobucket then link them back here but I still cant put them side by side they just go on top of each other. I tried to copy the pics, links straight in there but it only shows the links not pics. So I gave up! :)

But enough of that. Back to the topic!

How can I get the banners in my signature to be side by side? It seems I dont have the skills to do it! msn-wink.gif

I'd wait a bit as I expect a slightly updated version of the participation badge very soon.... Other than that just copy the link and paste it in your signature area as you would do any picture in the site...

Nope, still cant do it. I have to upload the pics to photobucket then link them back here but I still cant put them side by side they just go on top of each other. I tried to copy the pics, links straight in there but it only shows the links not pics. So I gave up! smile.png

But enough of that. Back to the topic!

I'll PM you.


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