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+++Loyalty & Treachery II+++

Captain Semper

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Sorry for hopping onto the train so late. But here we go ...


My pledge:


1 Praetor with paragon blade and tainted weapon

1 big ass termi blob

1 Speeder with graviton and multi melta




OK, I have split then into two squads - one of which is Command Squad to take into account the banner. Let me know if you want it changed. Also any particular Legion for them?



That's totally fine with me. 5 man Command Squad (identified by modified Justaerin armour) and 5 man Cataphracti Termies.

They will be an addition to my XVII.

Ok, I'm going to drop some start up pics and progress pics all in one go

OK, here is part of what I am working on


And I got A little over zealous and stated the first highlight on these guys before snapping their primed picture


and all i've got done so far is mostly a bunch of basecoating




If you have any tips please let me know. I'm trying an iridescent medium mixed in with the blues to get more of a metallic look but i'm not sure it's coming out too well on these photos.

@ Kurama: Well, let me tell you how much I hate the artificer badge... It is the only thing I truly regret in relation to the ETL and the only reason it still exists is tradition (which may not last to see a fifth incarnation devil.gif ). Suffice to say that choosing among the outstanding work we see here is both subjective and arbitrary - hence unfair. And I want to stay away from it! laugh.png

@ Raktra: Your pledge is registered, I just want to make sure you are aware that there is a minimum of three legal units for the event... You can pledge the rest of the units whenever (before the end of the event obviously laugh.png). Also, I assume the Sicaran is Xth Legion - right? msn-wink.gif

@ Black Cohort: Same as Raktra above, I want to make sure you are aware of the three unit rule... No time restriction as to when to pledge though - so you choose the time.

@ Larkyn: The vow is perfectly fine - you can leave it as is! Just to point out that the Predator was not in the original pledge. Do you want to include it?

@ Stricken: Any Legion preference? msn-wink.gif

EDIT: Also 44 participants in the first 24 hrs - excellent!!! The event is gaining momentum fast! Remember, there is not cut-off day, you can join at any time and/or pledge new units to your vow at any time! So keep'em coming!


I've got my other units! Just hadn't made my mind up :p So it's the IH Sicaran, an IH Leviathan, and an IH Praevian. These all good, boss?

Whoops, late to the party! For the Alpha Legion, I pledge the following units :

  • Alpharius
  • Lernaean Terminators - 5 Strong with Volkite Chargers and Power Fists
  • Legion Tactical Squad - 10 Strong with a Legion Vexila

So far, I just have my before shot of "Alpharius", who will probably be re-purposed in to a Praetor when the Primarch receives his own model. Please excuse the rogue cat hair tongue.png


The Lernaeans are mostly complete, just awaiting the delivery of some Volkite goodness to complete them. The Tacticals are alas still on their sprue!

I'm possibly in danger of overreaching with this, as while I have the actual models already, I need to afford, buy and learn to use an airbrush in order to achieve the colour scheme I want all within the timeframe of the challenge! Wish me luck!

I pledge my Alpha Legion


It's going to be a bit light seeing as I'm away from home at the moment (or set the bar low and it'll be harder to fail...)


Autilon Skorr Consul-Delgatus of the Alpha Legion


Legion Veteran Squad (Five man squad with plasma gun and sergeant with power fist)


Legion Seeker Squad (Five man squad)


This will put me at 1000 points so I can finally start playing games which I'll be very pleased with, pics to follow tomorrow when the lighting isn't so bad!


Phosis T'Kar

I am delighted with the return of Loyalty and Treachery, as it gives me an opportunity to make a dent in some of my 30k that I probably haven’t accorded the amount of time deserved over the last few years. Having not participated in the last event, it is pleasing to be able to right that here! I’ve had a look, and probably have a little over ten thousand points of Heresy goodness available, most of which is unpainted. Although I've made a dent in painting things such as Cataphractii Terminators and Contemptors recently (both are heavily favoured styles and eligible for my 40k Death Guard!), as well as classic units such as Deathshroud, Grave Wardens and a couple of Sicarans, there was a great void of Troops missing! Betrayal at Calth has thankfully gone some way to redressing that – and I will be making a concerted effort to finish as much of my Heresy army as possible.


I am lucky enough to be taking part in an Escalation League at my local club, which is an added incentive to need to get this competed in manageable chunks. As so, the main three units I am going to want to paint form the first part of that, and will fit into a larger list of 3000pts I’m keen to play. In some ways, it is very hard for me to focus on a single playable list given the volume of stuff I want to both complete and game with, but it gives a good starting point of things to do within this mini-competition, and over the course of the year – the ‘grand design’ is definitely helpful for me!


My Escalation Force looks as follows:


Escalation Force:

Legion Chaplain – with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol – 115pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts



This will form the core of my vow. In terms of the wider picture, my larger list looks something as follows – with notes beside each bit denoting progress (as you can see, not a lot!):


+++ Death Guard - Loyalty and Treachery Sample List (3000pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3000pts) ++


+ HQ (115pts) +


Legion Centurion (115pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol]

····Consul [Chaplain] - First vow, to be painted. Painted!


+ Troops (960pts) +


Legion Tactical Squad (190pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Fist] First vow, to be painted. Painted!


Legion Tactical Squad (190pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Fist] First vow, to be painted. Painted!


Legion Tactical Squad (290pts) [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade] - Unpainted, new on sprue.


Legion Tactical Squad (290pts) [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade] - Unpainted, new on sprue.


+ Elites (440pts) +


Apothecarion Detachment (90pts) [Legion Apothecary, Legion Apothecary] - Built, unpainted.


Legion Destroyer Squad (175pts) [4x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only] - Built, painted (may be repainted!).


Legion Destroyer Squad (175pts) [4x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only] - Built, painted (may be repainted!).


+ Fast Attack (225pts) +


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship (225pts) [Twin-linked Multi-melta] - Built, unpainted.


+ Heavy Support (745pts) +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer] - Built, unpainted.


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery] - Built, unpainted.


Legion Spartan Assault Tank (315pts) [Armoured Ceramite] - Built, unpainted.


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XIV: Death Guard]


+ Lord of War (515pts) +


Mortarion the Reaper (515pts) First vow, to be painted. Painted!

····Deathshroud Terminator Squad [2x Deathshroud Terminators] - Built and painted.


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


So the good news is: plenty of progress to be made over the coming year and beyond to keep me entertained! There's a lot that hasn't been painted, so looking forward to doing it in chunks (like through this!).


My Vow:


For the purposes of Loyalty and Treachery II, I will vow to paint the following units to join my legion of Death Guard:


Legion Chaplain – with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol – 115pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts

Mortarion - 515pts

A nice round 1010pts to start us off, conveniently (approximately!) one-tenth of the Heresy army!


Here’s a photo of the Tacticals and Chaplain new on sprue:




And here is Mortarion (minus scythe, which is off for ease of painting):




Looking forward to completing these four units over the coming months - and we'll see where else everything takes me...! Looking forward to seeing everyone else's output over the course of this event!

I pledge to paint 1 unit of myrmidon destructors and 2 triaros for Loyalty and Treachery





Pledging another:

3 Krios

1 Knight Magaera

1 Archmagos (his abeyant too but that's getting fixed)



Right. Let's do this.


I oath the following-


Legion Praetor

5 Cataphractii Terminators with lightning claws

10 Veteran Tactical Marines


At present, I only have a (very) WIP picture of the Praetor to show-




But rest assured I'll build the rest of 'em.


EDIT: These are Night Lords, in case that was unclear.

More building on my end.







Alright, I have to put together my new camera, but I can post my list and planned units in the mean time: 

For the glory of Terra, I, Stofficus, amass the following force from the cobbled together remnants of those who deserve the title Emperor's Children, and the 7th "Saturnyne Rams" Solar Auxilia Cohort. 

Organization as follows, italics are already painted, and bold are the three units I shall initially pledge.

Solar Auxilia: 


1x Lord Marshal (Every upgrade imaginable - he hunts greater daemons for sport)

1x Tactical Command Section led by "Steve with the Telescopes"




Tercio Alpha: 1x Lasrifle Section, 1x Flamer Section


Tercio Beta: 1x Lasrifle Section



1x Household Retinue Squad (Glory to CHOOM)

1x Auxilia Medicae (5x Medicae) [Proxied with some of my 70 kasrkin, which I am also slowly painting concurrently for 40k/Imperial Militia]


Fast Attack: 


1x Leman Russ Exterminator w/ 2x Heavy Flamers


Heavy Support: 


1x Leman Russ Assault Squadron: 1x Leman Russ Incinerator1x Leman Russ Executioner

III Legion Ally (Pride of the Legion RoW)




1x Praetor w/Cataphractii TDA (and all the toys, wouldn't be the 3rd without melee toys, now would it?)


1x Cataphractii Command Squad w/ 1x Land Raider Phobos




1x Veteran Squad (2x Flamers, Sniper USR)


1x Veteran Squad (2x Melta, Melta Bombs, Outflank USR, usually)




2x Apothecaries (kitbashed from bits)


Heavy Support:


1x Legion Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons (The oldest model in my collection - I have spent the last two years trying to strip enough paint off this rescue job to use it) 

So, in summation, my initial pledge will be 1x Leman Russ Executioner for the Solar Auxilia, 1 Veteran Squad and one Predator for the Emperor's Children. 

If I, by some fluke, am highly productive I will expand beyond this "core" list into my two mono-faction lists. My Baneblade desires paint. 

I'll post some before pictures tomorrow, and once I've got some finished models for LaT, I may even open my own WiP blog and show off everything to this point. 

It's taken me far too long to pledge, which is totally my bad. There's been some amazing work so far, and you guys only started five days ago. Top stuff!


For now, I will pledge the following -


X Legion - Iron Hands

1 x Praetor

1 x Terminator Squad

1 x Thallax Cohort with Phased Plasma Fusil


Pics to follow later today!

@ the Boater: Lovely conversions mate - I really like your style! :yes: Beautiful, just beautiful!


@ Jud Cottrell: Fulmentarus are building up strength at a steady pace I see! Keep going!


@ SpawningDoom4u: Great nostalgic marines there! :tu: However I got you down for the Termies the Praetor and one 10 man squad which are all covered by the plastics in the picture... Do you want to add the old timers too? :unsure:


@ Raktra: Yeap, that's fine - I have updated your entry accordingly!


@ Chaeron: You crazy, crazy person! :lol: This is a very impressive and detailed statement of intent! I wish you luck and I look forward for your work. Who knows, maybe you'll join the Heresy in the next ETL!


@ Iron Bars: They look amazing (although the lighting could be better)! Look forward for the final "weathered" look!


@ Flint: Great to see some Auxilia painted to such high standards! I'm a bit lost though, the Dracosan is the ride for the Veletaris but have you put up a before pic for them? :unsure: (I assumed for some reason that the Dracosan was the ride of the command squad - don't know why! :lol: )


@ Stofficus: Another very detailed plan there! Well all UI can say is good luck mate, you sure have a lot of stuff in the pipeline! :tu:

@ StruManChu: Well, finally! Always nice to see the veterans return - good luck with the Xth!



Well, what can I say, this is going from strength to strength! Great to see so many different legions and other factions as well! So far the Mechanicum, the Auxilia and even Cults armies are represented!






@ Iron Bars: They look amazing (although the lighting could be better)! Look forward for the final "weathered" look!


Sorry about that, took some quick phone picts and uploaded them without looking. I will try and get some better ones tommorrow after doing some more work.

If it's not too late to pledge...!


My XIIIth legion list is the following:


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
Legion Centurion [Power Armour, Refractor Field]
··Consul [Master of Signal]
Legion Praetor [Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade]
··Artificer Armour [Mantle of Ultramar]
··Invictarus Suzerain Squad [5x Invictarus Suzerains]
····Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite]
Legion Tactical Squad [Rhino, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad [Rhino, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
··Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon x2]
Heavy Support
Fulmentarus Terminator Squad [Cyclone Missile Launcher, 4x Fulmentarus Terminator, 4x Power Fist]
Legion Heavy Support Squad [Flak Missiles, 6x Legion Space Marines, Missile Launchers]
··Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner]
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer
++ Solar Auxilia (Allied Detachment) ++
Auxilia Tank Commander
Auxilia Infantry Tercio
··Dracosan Armoured Transport [Demolisher Cannon, Extra Armour, Flare Shield]
··Veletaris Storm Section
····Prime [Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Fast Attack
Auxilia Leman Russ Strike Squadron [Auxilia Leman Russ Battle Tank x2]
I've jumped the gun a little as I hadn't seen this thread! I only started this week, with half of a tactical squad:
However, I'll pledge my other, as yet unmade, tactical squad, complete with Rhino; the Solar Auxilia Storm Section which is on it's way from Forgeworld, complete with their Dracosan; and my Fulmentarus squad, which is only one man strong so far:
But in reality I want to get as much done as possible!
- Izzinatah
Edit: Here's what I have so far - 10 of these marines, the Fulmentarus, his buddy, a Rhino & a Dracosan are my pledge:

Hey Captain, sorry I took my time getting in on this.


Im pledging for my Raven Guard, and going to start off with a small pleedge:


1 Contemptor Dreadnought with dual power fists

1x10 Legion Heavy Weapon Squadwith Missile Launchers




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