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Getting BaC Pride of the Alpha Legion to 2000 pts


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I'm thinking about making the BaC models into the following list:
+++ Pride of the Alpha Legion (1655pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1655pts) ++

+ HQ (290pts) +

Legion Centurion (120pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
··Consul [Primus Medicae] Add some Bits and bobs to make Steloc Aethon's chainfist look like a Narthecium and give him a (sheathed) power weapon and combi bolter from the Terminators.

Legion Praetor (170pts) [Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Power Dagger]
··Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion] Make the crozius into a paragon blade

+ Troops (830pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (235pts) [Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster use two plasma guns to make one, 3x Power Fist, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Grenade Harness, Lightning Claw, Power Dagger]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (280pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (315pts) [Furious Charge, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, 2x Melta Gun, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

+ Elites (200pts) +

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (200pts)
··Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Extra Armour, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]

+ Fast Attack (335pts) +

Legion Seeker Squad (335pts) [4x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Seeker Space Marines]
··Legion Strike Leader [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion] (Infiltrate)


So here are my questions:

  • As this list lacks vehicles, what Legiones Astartes Special Rule would you suggest besides infiltrate. I like the idea of infiltrating nearly the whole army, but what about doing something different?
  • What should I add to get the list to 2000 points? Spartan for the Terminators? A tactical Support squad? Something else? I'd prefer something cheap. The spartan is more expensive than another BaC box and a 10 man support squad is nearly as expensive.
  • What about the power fists on the Sgts.? Should I exchange them for Lightning Claws? Or leave them even bare?
  • What about the power fists on the terminators?
  • Any other suggestions?
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This is just me brain dumping but:


Do you intend to stick with Pride, or be able to try other rites?


A regular land raider (Phobos) for the termies might be fun - as a dedicated transport, it then benefits from the infiltrate/scout rule if you choose that mutable tactic - That-s the route I'm going down, I think.


My first FW purchase was a Sicaran Venator to keep pace with infiltrating bodies, although second on the list was a Vindicator laser destroyer. Weapons platforms can infiltrate as well, so a Laser Destroyer might be fun. 


Consider picking up another set of 5 termies on ebay, make a unit of 10 to better benefit from the medicae, then add banstrike bolts, or get some chargers from FW and make Lernean termies, which will hopefully be buffed soon. 


Otherwise, I'd consider transports to be able to use the coils rite.


In terms of actual army list building:


I'd put a power/chainfist on the termie champ - he's more likely to get challenged by something in artificer armour, and he wont be able to do a thing, add the claw to another guy. I'd rather go for the chainfist as then you get an extra attack vs tanks. 


Rule of cool on the fist on shooty vets - I did the same, but probably not so point efficient as the fist/dagger buys 2 more vets.


My second vets were going to be assaulty too - I hadnt considered meltas, just claws, so good idea. These could be given a combi melta and Tank hunters for extra poke.


Seekers - again, fist on a shooty squad, but a good charge deterrent.


The army is also mainly shooty. You could drop both HQ's to take a 65pt legion delegatus, keeping the rite of war and take two saboteurs/invigilators or something. 

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This is just me brain dumping but:


Do you intend to stick with Pride, or be able to try other rites?

I haven't bought any models yet, so I am quite open to options.

A regular land raider (Phobos) for the termies might be fun - as a dedicated transport, it then benefits from the infiltrate/scout rule if you choose that mutable tactic - That-s the route I'm going down, I think.

That would mess with my idea of attaching the Primus Medicae to the squad, but it is an interesting idea.

My first FW purchase was a Sicaran Venator to keep pace with infiltrating bodies, although second on the list was a Vindicator laser destroyer. Weapons platforms can infiltrate as well, so a Laser Destroyer might be fun.

Huh? Where is that rule?

Consider picking up another set of 5 termies on ebay, make a unit of 10 to better benefit from the medicae, then add banstrike bolts, or get some chargers from FW and make Lernean termies, which will hopefully be buffed soon.

I have thought about that too. What makes you think the Lernaean Terminators will be buffed?

Otherwise, I'd consider transports to be able to use the coils rite.

That would be a whole lot of transports, which messes with the idea of getting a "cheap" playable HH army

In terms of actual army list building:

I'd put a power/chainfist on the termie champ - he's more likely to get challenged by something in artificer armour, and he wont be able to do a thing, add the claw to another guy. I'd rather go for the chainfist as then you get an extra attack vs tanks.

Good idea. Also if everyone attacks at I1 anyways I can save the points for the Grenade Harnesss or the Frag Assault Launchers on a potential transport.

Rule of cool on the fist on shooty vets - I did the same, but probably not so point efficient as the fist/dagger buys 2 more vets.

You are probably right.

My second vets were going to be assaulty too - I hadnt considered meltas, just claws, so good idea. These could be given a combi melta and Tank hunters for extra poke.

Some infantry are unsporting and hide in mehtal bawkses. So I need melta to take away their mehtal bawkses. msn-wink.gif

The army is also mainly shooty. You could drop both HQ's to take a 65pt legion delegatus, keeping the rite of war and take two saboteurs/invigilators or something.

Interesting. Before I do that, I have to figure out how to build those guys, preferably from bits of the BaC box.

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This is just me brain dumping but:


Do you intend to stick with Pride, or be able to try other rites?

I haven't bought any models yet, so I am quite open to options.

A regular land raider (Phobos) for the termies might be fun - as a dedicated transport, it then benefits from the infiltrate/scout rule if you choose that mutable tactic - That-s the route I'm going down, I think.

That would mess with my idea of attaching the Primus Medicae to the squad, but it is an interesting idea.

My first FW purchase was a Sicaran Venator to keep pace with infiltrating bodies, although second on the list was a Vindicator laser destroyer. Weapons platforms can infiltrate as well, so a Laser Destroyer might be fun.

Huh? Where is that rule?

They have the LA: Alpha Legion rule, so gain the benefit of mutable tactics

Consider picking up another set of 5 termies on ebay, make a unit of 10 to better benefit from the medicae, then add banstrike bolts, or get some chargers from FW and make Lernean termies, which will hopefully be buffed soon.

I have thought about that too. What makes you think the Lernaean Terminators will be buffed?

There was a rumour that overcosted units will get more rules added. Currently, Lernean arent too much better than normal terms, so they might get something.

Otherwise, I'd consider transports to be able to use the coils rite.

That would be a whole lot of transports, which messes with the idea of getting a "cheap" playable HH army

Unfortunately, the coils RoW is that way. The Pride rite is possibly the best way to keep it cheap money wise, but inflexible.

In terms of actual army list building:

I'd put a power/chainfist on the termie champ - he's more likely to get challenged by something in artificer armour, and he wont be able to do a thing, add the claw to another guy. I'd rather go for the chainfist as then you get an extra attack vs tanks.

Good idea. Also if everyone attacks at I1 anyways I can save the points for the Grenade Harnesss or the Frag Assault Launchers on a potential transport.

Rule of cool on the fist on shooty vets - I did the same, but probably not so point efficient as the fist/dagger buys 2 more vets.

You are probably right.

My second vets were going to be assaulty too - I hadnt considered meltas, just claws, so good idea. These could be given a combi melta and Tank hunters for extra poke.

Some infantry are unsporting and hide in mehtal bawkses. So I need melta to take away their mehtal bawkses. msn-wink.gif

The army is also mainly shooty. You could drop both HQ's to take a 65pt legion delegatus, keeping the rite of war and take two saboteurs/invigilators or something.

Interesting. Before I do that, I have to figure out how to build those guys, preferably from bits of the BaC box.

Yup, I'm dealing with the same too. Think of ways to nuke rhinos. Finding another kheres from somewhere might be good to make a twin kheres contemptor, or mortis. A deredeo might be fun. :)

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They have the LA: Alpha Legion rule, so gain the benefit of mutable tactics

Where? Neither in HH1 nor LACAL do the vindicator datasheets show Legiones Astartes.

Yup, I'm dealing with the same too. Think of ways to nuke rhinos. Finding another kheres from somewhere might be good to make a twin kheres contemptor, or mortis. A deredeo might be fun. smile.png

Yeah I was thinking about getting a second BaC Contemptor, to make a dueal Kheres (mortis) Contemptor and a punchy Contemptor or a dual multimmelta contemptor.
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Xenith is referring to Rapiers with laser destroyers (weapon platforms), not Vindicators. Their crew have LA:AL, so the Rapiers can Infiltrate. Nifty! :)


Spartans are DT's for Terminators too, so that would be a good purchase. I would also recommend bumping them to 10 as well. Chainfist & power dagger is my load-out on the Sergeant, with power fists on everyone else. Banestrike ammo is good if you have the points spare.


Sniper Veterans are awesome. The way your first squad is equipped is how I like them, but I add melta bombs for versatility. I'd take units of 2 of them though.


I'll second the Delegatus. Can hang out with a Vet Squad, and you have the option of 'Chosen Duty' or 'Pride of the Legion'.

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Xenith is referring to Rapiers with laser destroyers (weapon platforms), not Vindicators. Their crew have LA:AL, so the Rapiers can Infiltrate. Nifty! smile.png

Nevermind then.

Spartans are DT's for Terminators too, so that would be a good purchase.

I didn't mention it in the first post, but I have thought about it. A spartan with a couple of upgrades gets the list to 2000 pts already.

I would also recommend bumping them to 10 as well.

Sure but then there is no room for the Spartan or I would need to aim for a bigger army size.

Chainfist & power dagger is my load-out on the Sergeant, with power fists on everyone else. Banestrike ammo is good if you have the points spare.

What's your opinon on Banestrike ammo vs. Volkite chargers?

Sniper Veterans are awesome. The way your first squad is equipped is how I like them, but I add melta bombs for versatility. I'd take units of 2 of them though.

Not enough heavy bolters in the BaC box and I wanted to have another squad to deal with vehicles.

I'll second the Delegatus. Can hang out with a Vet Squad, and you have the option of 'Chosen Duty' or 'Pride of the Legion'.

The delegatus does sound like an intersting idea.
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Banestrike is ok on Terminators as they'll statistically get more hits than any other unit. Given you pay a flat cost, it's only worth it if you have 10 models. Volkite is awesome, but if you want it on Terminators, then just take Lernaeans - WS5 and Stubborn is a nice boost.


Don't lock yourself into the BaC box too much. We're seeing that a lot at the moment - there is only so much you can do with it. My suggestion of 2 Sniper Vet units is easily remedied with a bitz site purchase or a swap with a mate. I myself want a single combi-bolter as I don't want a combi-melta on my Praetor, so I decided to order some other bitz for the army at the same time.


Delegatus is cheaper than before now. Not a bad choice at all! :)

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