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I've been playing around with an orbital assault RoW eaters army...


- HQ -

Khârn, gorechild


- Troops -

2 tacticals with nuncio vox and vexillas in drop pods, sargents with artificer armor and power fists


 - Elites -

Contemptor with a kheres in a drop pod

6 Regular terminators with volkites, plasma blaster, and power fists.  Sargent has a chain fist and volkite.  Deep striking.

6 Red butchers with a mix of lightning claws and power axe pairs


Fast Attack -

Storm Eagle - Khârn and the butchers go in here


- Heavy Support -  

Fire Raptor with the reaper battery upgrade



There are a couple things i'm not sure about.  First, i can move some points and swap the storm eagle for a kharybdis.  That as actually the way i built the list first but i felt like i was spending a lot of points just to get Khârn in the list whereas the storm eagle is a bit cheaper so i felt a bit better.  The down side is on turn 1 i'd only have two drop pods coming in...which brings me to my 2nd thing.  On turn 1 i only have 2 pods coming in and i think they would be the tactical squads which means for the first turn of the game i have 20 marines staring out at the entire enemy army.  Either way i think it would be a fun list.  Thoughts on the storm eagle/kharybdis


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Well, you're going to have a harder time now the new FaQ forces disembark from standard legion pods. You may be better served bringing the dreadpod down first turn with one of the tacticals. He can still stay in his pod, using it like a mini-void shield. If positioned corrected (ie no where near meltaguns ^_^ ) he'll be a lot more resilient than 10 power armored Astartes. 


Secondly, with Khârn and the Butchers in the Storm Eagle, they are indeed cheaper, but the  issue comes from the amount of time it takes them to get to where they need to be compared to a pod. Best possible circumstance, your Eagle comes in on turn 2, you get to where you want it with a single move, switch to hover mode, don't get blown out of the sky, and disembark Khârn and Co. within charge distance for a turn 3 combat. There are a ton of places that line of action can go wrong. Those important reserves always seem to roll a 2, and any opponent with a way to influence the reserve roll is going to cause you tons of problems. 


That being said, few things are more fun to play than a XIIth legion orbital assault (maybe a VIIIth legion Terror Assault but that's a matter of opinion :D ) and every game you play, you and your opponent are going to have a blast. 

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ah, that is a good point regarding the storm eagle...with the kharybdis you know you can charge into combat on the same turn it arrives.  With the claw the list looks like this (basically just traded 1 butcher for the claw).


HQ -

Khârn, gorechild


Troops -

2 tacticals with nuncio vox and vexillas in drop pods, sargents with artificer armor and power fists


 - Elites -

Contemptor with a kheres in a drop pod

6 Regular terminators with volkites, plasma blaster, and power fists.  Sargent has a chain fist and volkite.  Deep striking.

5 Red butchers with a mix of lightning claws and power axe pairs


Heavy Support -  

Fire Raptor with the reaper battery upgrade

Kharybdis Assault Claw - Khârn and Butchers go in here


I like the idea of dropping a dreadpod and 1 tac pod first.  I need to read up on drop pod tactics in general since i haven't used them before.

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You cant charge the turn you drop in with drop pods of any kind.


You'll probably always want to drop the Kharybdis first that way you can set up for a T2 Charge. Otherwise, Dropping in on T2 leaves you stuck with charging on T3.

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I am rethinking the list after seeing the price tag on the kharybdis.  0.0


I swapped out the butcher/kharybdis combo in exchange for a choom filled support squad to put Khârn with and a leviathan.  This brings the list up to 5 pods which would let me drop 3 in on turn one.  I am thinking the dreadnoughts and one of the tacticals for the first turn droppers.  


HQ -

Khârn, gorechild


Troops -

2 tacticals with nuncio vox and vexillas in drop pods, sargents with artificer armor and power fists

Support squad with 6 marines, volkite chargers in a drop pod.  Khârn goes with them.


 - Elites -

Contemptor with a kheres in a drop pod

6 Regular terminators with volkites, plasma blaster, and power fists.  Sargent has a chain fist and volkite.  Deep striking.


Heavy Support -  

Fire Raptor with the reaper battery upgrade

Leviathan with cannon and claw, volkites instead of flamers, phosphex, dreadpod

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Crunching some numbers assuming a MEQ target, a 5 man veteran squad with furious charge and 3 power weapons will out perform the volkite support squad for the same points cost, so i think i'd go with that.  Also, droping a terminator and the nuncios in exchange for a dread claw to put Khârn + vet sqaud in will give me some better tactical options since i could bring them in on turn 1 but then they could hang out in the claw until turn 2.

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