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Iron hands/House Krast Allies 2500 pt. LVO list


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Hello brothers and sisters,

I'm attending the Las Vegas open next month and will be running a combined list of Iron hands and knights of house Krast.


I originally planned on 3 knights but that seemed to shrink my Iron hands force to the point of being bare bones. I have a castigator, lancer, and magnetized plastic kit (so in this case, either an errant or paladin)


2500 points


Iron Hands


Head of the gorgon


Praevian, thunder hammer, cyber familiar, combi flamer, refractor field

-command automata group

-3 castellax, with dark fire cannons, advanced targeting, frag grenades, 1 flamer each



1 castellax with flamer, targeting array, frag grenades, paragon of metal




10 tactical marines, Sargeant with power first, combi weapon, melta bombs, in a rhino with dozer blade.


10 tactical marines, Sargeant with power fist, combined weapon, melta bombs, in a rhino with a dozer blade.


Heavy support


Whirlwind scorpius


Sicaran battle tank with lascannons, armored ceramite, aux drive


Sicaran venator with lascannons, armored ceramite, aux drive



Allied questoris knight detachment



Knight lancer (+25 hq upgrade) and ocular augments



Knight errant, ocular augments



The plan is to outflank everything iron hands but the Praevian and castellax if an alpha strike army is my first enemy, but I'm worried about my lack of interceptor. I was taking a castigator as the elite option that gives the interceptor bubble to friendly knights, but the issue was I felt like the head of the gorgon specialty lost some of its bite with so few tanks on the board. Any c and c is welcome.

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Praevian is a Support HQ, you need another one to make the list Legal; take a look at the most Recent FAQ on FWs site.


Additionally, you have no unit with Master Of The Legion special rule to permit you to take Head of the Gorgon.

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Here is my revised list


Iron Hands


HQ 725


Autek Morr 


Praevian with Combi Flamer, Cyber Familiar, Thunder Hammer, Refractor field 

-3 Castellax, including 

-2 Darkfire cannon,  flamer, advanced targeting 

-1 with bolt cannon, flamer, advanced targeting 



Elites 540


2 castellax with advanced targeting arrays, frag grenades, flamers 


6 Cataphractii Terminators with reaper autocannon, 5 volkite chargers,

Chainfist,  Thunder hammer, 4 lightning claws, cyber familiar and grenade harness for sergeant  320


Troops 410

10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 


10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 




Allied Knights 825









2500 on the head

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I'd probably ditch the Chargers on your Cataphractii if they're footslogging across the table. Having Combi-Bolters/Weapons means that their 24" range will come into play sooner than the chargers 15" and mesh better with the 36" of the Reaper.


I'd also go for Power Axes/Fists over lightning claws since terminators are better off fighting other Terminators or 2+ Saves; unless you gear them up specifically to go after 3+

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You cant go wrong with the Choom! But, they have to mesh with the unit.


If they were a Squad that had, as mandate, to go out and MURDERLATE some 3+ saves or Weaker, then giving them Chargers, 1in5 Heavy Flamers and Power Mauls/Claws would be worth it at that point since you'd be able to lay down a lot of hate. And with Autek Mor giving them Preferred enemy, they'd lay it on thick.


If they're more for general purpose, then you're better off going for Ap2 Weapons to deal with any Terminator Encounters so that their weapons aren't bouncing off 2+ Saves.


Were you able to deepstrike them (Pod or otherwise) giving them combi-plasma's for the same cost and a plasma blaster instead of a Reaper would lay down a lot of Shooting Pain the turn they dropped in.

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I would swap them out for Gorgons, who have access to Grav guns.


Autek Mor is a waste in this list, he doesn't have one valuable target to give prefered enemy, much less a second.


Would would proably be better off to hold off the knights for 3k games, as you have little to work with otherwise against armoured lists.

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Ok, So Finalized list


Iron Hands


HQ 875


Autek Morr 225pts


Consul, Primus Medicae, Cataphractii terminator armor, cyber familiar, powerfist 140pts


Praevian with Combi Flamer, Cyber Familiar, Thunder Hammer, Refractor field 135pts

-3 Castellax, including 

-3 Darkfire cannon,  flamer, advanced targeting  375




Elites 390


2 Castellax with Advanced Targeters, 1 flamer 205pts


5 Cataphractii Terminators with a Chainfist 185pts


Troops 410

10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 


10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 




Allied Knights 825









Random other question: Are the 50mm new bases for terminators? or can you still use the old 40mm ones?

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Oh I didnt see these responses before, Yeah I know Mor is a bit of a waste in this list, but For what I was looking at Praetor-wise, he wasn't much more expensive. I needed the cortex Controller backup for the castellax groups. I thought about a support squad with calivers, but I feel like the Terminators Provide another nice tank unit to Hold the center. I do have a squad of five unbuilt Gorgons, but I felt the Cataphractii armor provides a slightly more durable unit, including the Primus Medicae. 

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OK, so ive done some rethinking and now Im not sure whether the knights are a good idea. These are the two lists Ive come up with thus far.


I have three knights: a fully magnetized plastic kit, a lancer, and a castigator.


Im kind of leaning towards the pure iron hands list, and using head of the gorgon.



HQ 885


Autek Morr 225pts


Consul, Primus Medicae, Cataphractii terminator armor, cyber familiar, powerfist, Combi Weapon 150pts


Praevian with Combi Flamer, Cyber Familiar, Thunder Hammer, Refractor field 135pts

-3 Castellax, including 

-3 Darkfire cannon,  flamer, advanced targeting  375




Elites 185


5 Cataphractii Terminators with a Chainfist 185pts


Troops 410

10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 


10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 


Heavy Support

Sicaran Battle tank, with lascannons, armored ceramite 195pts


Allied Knights 825










OR a pure Iron Hands List


HQ 735


Autek Morr 225pts


Praevian with Combi Flamer, Cyber Familiar, Thunder Hammer, Refractor field 135pts

-3 Castellax, including 

-3 Darkfire cannon,  flamer, advanced targeting  375



Elites 545


2 Castellax with Advanced Targeters, 1 flamer 205pts


1 Castellax with Advanced Targeters, flamer 105pts


5 Gorgon Terminators with Grav Gun, Grenade Harness, Cyber Familiar 235


Troops 650

10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 


10 tactical marines, sergeant with powerfist and combi plasma, rhino 


10 support marines, With Volkite Calivers, Sargeant with Power fist 240pts


Heavy Support 570


Sicaran Battle tank, with lascannons, armored ceramite 195pts


Sicaran Venator, with Lascannons, Armored ceramite, auxiliary drive  260pts


Whirlwind Scorpius 115


Thoughts on the two?

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Under HotG you can only take a single unit of Castellax as Elites. Merge them with your praevian for a sturdy 5 man unit, it will pay dividents. You can swap that last Castellax for Orth to ride the sicaran or Venator. No sponsons on the venator, since they will have to snapfire.

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Under HotG you can only take a single unit of Castellax as Elites. Merge them with your praevian for a sturdy 5 man unit, it will pay dividents. You can swap that last Castellax for Orth to ride the sicaran or Venator. No sponsons on the venator, since they will have to snapfire.


That's not right, Wolfpack. It's the HS Cortex ones you only get 1 of. Here's the text from Head of the Gorgon:


"Iron Scions: Legio Cybernetica Battle-automata Maniples may be included as Elites choices within the army..."
If you are taking a Praevian and are also using Head of the Gorgon through another character with Master of the Legion you can take the following units of battle-automata:
HQ: Praevian and his Castellax buddies
Elites (HotG): As many as are slots (also, can be Domitar, Castellax or Vorax)

Heavy Support (Cortex): A single unit of Castellax or Thallax (with no augments)

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Ok, one other thing I was confused about and couldnt find a clear answer on: Can Orth fill the HQ requirement for HOTG rather than needing a Praetor?


He does not no.


Under HotG you can only take a single unit of Castellax as Elites. Merge them with your praevian for a sturdy 5 man unit, it will pay dividents. You can swap that last Castellax for Orth to ride the sicaran or Venator. No sponsons on the venator, since they will have to snapfire.


That's not right, Wolfpack. It's the HS Cortex ones you only get 1 of. Here's the text from Head of the Gorgon:


"Iron Scions: Legio Cybernetica Battle-automata Maniples may be included as Elites choices within the army..."
If you are taking a Praevian and are also using Head of the Gorgon through another character with Master of the Legion you can take the following units of battle-automata:
HQ: Praevian and his Castellax buddies
Elites (HotG): As many as are slots (also, can be Domitar, Castellax or Vorax)

Heavy Support (Cortex): A single unit of Castellax or Thallax (with no augments)



Touché. I would still condense the units though ;)

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