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3000pts Ultramarines


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This is my first foray back in the game after an absence for some time. This was originally supposed to be a 1750 point list, but I got a little bit carried away with it.


The list was was created with the battle scribe app as I don't have access to the Horus heresy books.


Any comments and criticism are greatly appreciated.


+++ Ultramarines 30K (2992pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2992pts) ++


+ HQ (687pts) +


Captain Remus Ventanus (410pts) [Master of the Legion]

Legion Command Squad (255pts) [2x Combi-bolter (20pts), 3x Legion Space Marine Chosen (60pts), Legion Standard Bearer, Melta Bombs (25pts), Plasma Pistol (15pts), Volkite Charger (10pts)

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (65pts) [Dozer Blade (5pts), Extra Armour (10pts), Heavy Bolter (15pts)]


Legion Centurion (122pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Bolter (2pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Fist (20pts)


Legion Praetor (155pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon (35pts), Master of the Legion, Paragon Blade (20pts)]


+ Troops (800pts) +


Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (40pts) [Twin-Linked Bolter (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]


Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (40pts) [Twin-Linked Bolter (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]


Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (40pts) [Twin-Linked Bolter (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]


Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (40pts) [Twin-Linked Bolter (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]


+ Elites (1000pts) +


Legion Contemptor Dreadnought (175pts) [Multi-Melta]


Legion Contemptor Dreadnought (175pts) [Multi-Melta]


Legion Terminator Squad (325pts) [Legion Terminator Sergeant, 9x Legion Terminators (270pts), Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]


Legion Terminator Squad (325pts) [Legion Terminator Sergeant, 9x Legion Terminators (270pts), Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]


+ Heavy Support (505pts) +


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Armoured Ceramite (20pts), Dozer Blade (5pts), Heavy Bolters (20pts)]

Legion Spartan Assault Tank (325pts) [Armoured Ceramite (20pts), Frag Assault Launchers (10pts)


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XIII: Ultramarines

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