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the Sons Of Orion Space Marine Chapter founding like many others is unkown, during the great exspansion of the imperium during the great crusade the world which would become there home was discovered but listed as a primal world with primitive human inhabitants, the world remained mostly untouched having no particular mineral wealth or strategic positioning, after the galactic civil war known as the horus heresy, and the great splitting of the legions, the world still remained untouched and for the most part forgotten about. the people of sirius IV, where a stocky light skinned race of humans, all possessed black hair, the hunted in the deep dark forests of there world. they lived in tribes nomadically moving around the green planet with there herds of Hulgrin, giant horse like creatures. 


The building of the great fortress of orion was completed in the year 38000, a delegation of chaplains, apothecaries, and libarians where sent from a variety of chapter to recruit and train the fledgling chapter, for the sons of orion it was to be a baptism of fire, rushed to fall strength, the where deployed into the killing fields of a system ravged by the tyranids, for 400 hundred years the chapter fought a grim war against the tyranids, barley remaining at full strength, eventually the hive fleet receded and the marines where sent back to there planet to train and await there next deployment. 


upon returning to the world, the chapter found a grey world, covered in concrete and manufactorums, the life of there green forests forever lost to the machine of the imperium, the chapter master wept for his world, but ordered his forces to return to there monastary, there they recruited, trained and waited.


it took a decade for the next deployment to arrive, 7 companies of marines, where ordered to the eastern edge of the imperium to curb the onsluaght of hive fleet kraken, the sons of orion jumped 700 space marines into the warp that day, the never arrived at there destination, presumed lost to the warp.





there you go guys, this is my first origin story for my oracles of the hunt chaos space marines, tommorow ill be uploading part two of there origin story, aswell as my first built models for the army. 

speak tomorrow dudes.


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They are a chaos space marine warband born out of the ashes of the sons of orion, sorry english isn't my first language, the projecht is mainly for fluff and conversion purposes, sorry if that was not clear..

As for the name,i made this account a few years ago, if you can tell me how to change it, it would be appreciated..



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Origin Part 2: 

The sons of orion, had been twisted by the warp during there long time lost in the empreyon. they emerged bitter with hatred for the imperium, there amour a tarnished bronze, adorned with trophies of the long years fighting to survive amongst those who turned there back on the imperium so many thousands of years ago. the once noble space fleet was servilely depleted, with only one battle barge still operational, the marines themselves obsessed with hunting, tracking, and trapping had become malious evil creatures, cruelty and torture had become the weapons of war for the brothers, turning there backs on those who had colonized there homeworld in the name of a greater good, they had taken a new name, The Oracles Of the Hunt had be born. 




well i think that explains that there chaos space marines, so time to start on the actual projecht log, 

i am building my own war band of chaos space marines called the oracles of the hunt. 

im focusing on conversions, so far i have started with the Betrayal on Calth, and the Chaos Space Marine Warband Boxes, 

my goal is to build the army whilst spending as little money as possible, luckily i have years of space marine armies to cannablize,




to kick things off, ive been fiddling around with the contemptor dread and the maulerfiend kits, 

brother Arcus was once a noble warrior encased in one of the chapters revered dreadnought sarcophagi, during there exile from the imperium,

he became obsessed with hunting the great heldrakes, as a result his armour was altered with gatling cannons and powerfists capable of slaying even the hardest daemon engines.



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So Here is my commander, originally captain of the fourth company, lord oberion is a brutal close combat specialist, prefering the killing surpise attack to the long arduous battles, 



Next up ihave my first squad, to spice things up abit ive built a squad of havocs, many years of fighting have lead to there armor falling into disrepair, brother dominus, was forced to cannabalise an ancient suit of terminator armour, its old and battered armour are so damaged, they only grant a 3+ save and no invun, the up side to this is its alot lighter then traditional terminator plate and as such he looses the slow and purposeful rule ;)

http://i.imgur.com/96NLKc7.jpgthe rest of the squad is pretty simple pre heresy missile launcher guys, but hey there only filler right? 

http://i.imgur.com/2kf3vZ1.jpgThe Squad is lead by my favourite conversion so far, check out the combi melta back pack, and termintor power axe :) 




And heres the look of the whole squad :)




I'll be back tomorrow with another update, 

Thanks for reading guys let me know what you think?


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