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Flesh Tearers Supplement 20/20 Pages, COMPLETED !

Frater Antodeniel

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Since month, i have provide many ideas on this forum. Yet, in december, i had great hopes about the Flesh Tearers Supplement, which in fact was only a bad Copy/Paste of the SoB:Exterminatus.


Full of Anger, i then decide to work on what could be a real Flesh Tearers Supplement, using the for Ressources, The Blood Angels Codex, SoB:Exterminatus, The Space Marines Codex, and the recent The Kauyon Supplement.


With all those ressources at hands, and more, i created this 20 page Flesh Tearers Supplement, who, regarding of either the other Space Marines Chapters advantage, is REALISTIC, rules speaking, as well as miniature viable. (Everything in this supplement, can be made real using the GW/FW stuff).


So, here come the Pinacle of month of works. (It was 22 pages at the start, but i reduced it to 12, and finally 20 in the end.)











































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I love the work you have put into this. The ability to assault out of Rhino Transports is exactly the kind of rule to make us competitive but also unique still from other marines. I wish there was an option to allow Librarians into the Detachment somewhere, and more auxiliary options to allow flexibility of list building. I hate to sound like a Negative Nancy, especially when those Death Company Terminators sound so awesome. Keep up the great work.

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Finally, the Supplement is finished. It was supposed to be only 18 page, yet i add the N°2 and 20 to make it a clean one, so it ended with 20 pages.


It would have keep me quite the time, but it is finally over^^. (Everything has been made with Word, Paint+The Gimp for the Graphics elements using simple Copy/Paste, and Inkscape for PDF => .png)


NB : An unexpected effect of converting from PDF to .png is the fact that some image appears like having "borders", i will try to clean this when looking for correction on the document.


Enjoy the Supplement.....even if it isn't an official one ;s. (But i think it is better than the official one sell for ~15 €....)



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I like this, although it just makes me long for an official one even more. Would it make sense to tweak death company (normal death company, not your termies which are a different discussion altogether) to reflect the style of rules we're seeing from the new wolfen? Overall I like it. Hopefully buddies and flgs goers everywhere would allow this diy supplement to be used. 

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I like this, although it just makes me long for an official one even more. Would it make sense to tweak death company (normal death company, not your termies which are a different discussion altogether) to reflect the style of rules we're seeing from the new wolfen? Overall I like it. Hopefully buddies and flgs goers everywhere would allow this diy supplement to be used. 


About a "Death Company Wulfen rules style", it will be a No. Having too powerfull units will only make them unplayable. (Also, i boosted the original design of the Death Company Terminator Squad, giving them the Eternal Warrior Special rules, as well as the option for SS/TH. Unlike the Wulfen, the DCTS cost reflect its Godlike stats/rules/options, as well as being a Lord Of War unit).


GW staff may be have been under drugs effect when crafting/writing the new Space Wolves/Wulfens rules, but i do not use drugs.




(I prefer that this unofficial supplement may be less powered and more playable/likable than what the wolves will be in a few weeks.)

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I like the idea and the rules seem fine. However, it would benefit very much from a proofreading as there are quite a lot of linguistic errors. I hope I don't offend you by saying so. My only goal is to provide honest, well-intentioned feedback :)
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Good job, overall. There are some grammar errors, i.e., giving Nassir Amit the nickname "Flesh Tearers" (plural) instead of "Flesh Tearer" (singular), and confusion over whether the Terminator armor listed among "Relics of Cretacia" is named "Eternal Guardian" or "Eternal Vigilance". But the graphical presentation is excellent; I especially like the quotes from Amit and noted members of the Chapter.

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A few things are janky, and just BA+1 in terms of power (fleet for everyone seems rather strong, razor claws are just LC but better, although a good inclusion) but overall a really nice supplement with attention to detail in the design too.


Pester GW until they vet it and make it official :P

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I like the idea and the rules seem fine. However, it would benefit very much from a proofreading as there are quite a lot of linguistic errors. I hope I don't offend you by saying so. My only goal is to provide honest, well-intentioned feedback smile.png

Good job, overall. There are some grammar errors, i.e., giving Nassir Amit the nickname "Flesh Tearers" (plural) instead of "Flesh Tearer" (singular), and confusion over whether the Terminator armor listed among "Relics of Cretacia" is named "Eternal Guardian" or "Eternal Vigilance". But the graphical presentation is excellent; I especially like the quotes from Amit and noted members of the Chapter.

Since the Supplement is done in form, i will perform a proofreading. Also, you are welcome to point the linguistic/grammar errors, since, it is quite hard to find & correct them. (Furthermore, i don't think it is too bad, i mean, for a French who mostly learned English trough internet^^).

A few things are janky, and just BA+1 in terms of power (fleet for everyone seems rather strong, razor claws are just LC but better, although a good inclusion) but overall a really nice supplement with attention to detail in the design too.

Pester GW until they vet it and make it official tongue.png

Well.....in the idea, i took as basic that BA Chapter Tactics would be "Furious Charge" + "Fleet" + A third minor unknow buff/rule, and i think that those two rules fit the Blood Angels in the ideal, plus they are not that powerfull, consider the Fleet like the Hit and Run of the White Scars^^.

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Yeah true, white scars do have some insane level of CT... If I had the models I'd ask if I could play this at my Apoc game coming up - Rhino assault rush for the win.


Actually... My list would take some tweaking but it's doable... Maybe I'll be able to test this...


Do you have a download link to the wonderful document Brother?

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Wow brother, thats hell of a work. Some minor issues i saw:

Page 16 has 'Relics of Baal', think it should be 'Relics of Cretacia'. Also why no gravs? Think that anvilus pattern autocannons are already on deredeo dreadnoughts, so idk if i would use same name for different weapon. Also 'beast must die' rule seems irrelevant. Gargantuans are already monster creatures, so monster hunter works vs them.

Great, amazing job overall!

edit: also from gaming point of view, the amount of units you have to field to start fielding death company (and death company terminators!) is realy huge. You sure you want them to be 'command', not 'auxiliary'? (also there is a spelling mistake there smile.png)

edit2: also maybe add an option to swap bolter for chainsword for tacticals in addition to that +2 point upgrade?

edit edit: omg thats amazing what you did there! Just missing some chainaxes :P

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Wow brother, thats hell of a work. Some minor issues i saw:

Page 16 has 'Relics of Baal', think it should be 'Relics of Cretacia'. Also why no gravs? Think that anvilus pattern autocannons are already on deredeo dreadnoughts, so idk if i would use same name for different weapon. Also 'beast must die' rule seems irrelevant. Gargantuans are already monster creatures, so monster hunter works vs them.

Great, amazing job overall!

edit: also from gaming point of view, the amount of units you have to field to start fielding death company (and death company terminators!) is realy huge. You sure you want them to be 'command', not 'auxiliary'? (also there is a spelling mistake there smile.png)

edit2: also maybe add an option to swap bolter for chainsword for tacticals in addition to that +2 point upgrade?

edit edit: omg thats amazing what you did there! Just missing some chainaxes tongue.png

1 - P16 : Indeed, thanks, it will be corrected =)

2 - Grav Weaponry is actually depicted as the one of the most advanced technology available to the Astartes, even more advanced than the plasma. And while such knowledge may be well shared by the mechanicus to most of the chapters, as well as common thing for chapter such as the Iron Hands, it appeared to me, looking at the Flesh Tearers fluff, that such technology wouldn't be available to them.

The Savage nature, the brutal style of warfare, as well as the bad relations that the Sons of Sanguinius have with the mechanicum, lead to the conclusion that Grav weaponry couldn't be available to most of the chapter. That the reason why i choose to replace Grav gun with Astartes Grenade Launcher and to suppress the grav pistol, in order to respect the fluff. Also, i choose to replace the Plasma Cannon with Autocannon and to suppress the plasma pistol. (Plasma pistol and cannon are the two most difficult piece of plasma weapon to craft for the common astartes. (Finally, another reason, it that Grav & Plasma requires rare ressources, and since i hardly imagine that the Flesh Tearers may have such ressources in great number, i found more logical that, trough millenia, their artificers choose to work on weapons with easier mechanism and that requires less rare ressources. Also, I better imagine a Flesh Tearers firing an Autocannon rather than a Plasma one^^.)

3 - For the Autocannon, i may changed it from "Anvilus pattern" to "Storm pattern", just because while checking at the Leviathan dread is saw that he already had the same autocannon profile as mine (but mine are 36" instead of 24"...a minor change...).

4 - "The beast must die" => I will check this, i was unaware a this however.

5 - Given the fact that the Flesh Tearers is the most cursed chapter of all, i choose to rise from 1-4 to 2-4 death company squad. That may look a great number, but Flesh Tearers always field them in great number^^. (It is minimum 1 chaplain + 2X5 DC...not a too great number^^).

Also, i choose them to be Command instead of Auxiliary, because i wanted people to make a choice between the 3 Command Formation available. Also, Death Company may be more common to the Flesh Tearers than other Blood Angels chapters, but DC isn't a normal thing at all, so in order to keep this true, i choose to put them into Command type.

6 - No, No need to swap, they are not Assault Squad. With +2 points each, they receive a +1 attack, but you are free to represent them with their bolter and a combat knife for exemple.

7 - No Chainaxes, they are not khorne berserkers^^.

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