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Flesh Tearers Supplement 20/20 Pages, COMPLETED !

Frater Antodeniel

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Nice, thanks smile.png

All your answers seem reasonable... bar one. Chainaxes are actualy part of their official fluff smile.pnghttp://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/SamaNagol/Picture6.png

I know, I know, but do Chainaxes need to have a particular profile ? Chainaxes or Chainsword, consider they have the same profile, and represent them on models if you desire. =) (But, i admit that i could add this explanation in the Modelling tricks page, with the link to the FW chainaxes, http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/Chain-Axes).

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Sorry to repeat Antodeniel but do you have a separate download link for this as a pdf or such? smile.png

Haven't seen the first, then no problem to repeat^^. For the PDF, i will release it either this week or the next. I would try to make it an official one to GW, so i won't spread it to much in a first time (Even, if i think that the Pridefull GW staff will never accept that a mere Fan can achieve a better supplement for free, even if it represent 3-4 full days of work). Also, i will use this week and maybe the next to correct some little things that have been pointed.

After that, i GW won't use my Supplement (That, i think, could really boost the Blood Angels / Flesh Tearers range profit, for the minimal investment...yes, i'm an accountant after all^^, so while writing the Supplement, i also worked it to stimulate sales as well as expending the fluff/rules side, like an official one should do^^). Then, i would release it as a PDF for everyone to use it. (After all, i can't force GW to do the good choice^^).

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Okay cool smile.png

Thanks. You've done a real nice job though, if anything it shows your heart is in it.

You know, i may be French, but when i work, i work with a professional mind, even if i must admit that i had satisfaction to work on this supplement, but after, all, i have all my time. Still, its a shame that i'm jobless^^. (Hardtime for everyone i think...).

(The official one make me full of rage, to think people can put so little heart in their work, notably one where passion is require...it was a necessity to me to make a least a Decent Flesh Tearers Supplement. When i think that someone certainly got paid an entire day for the GW FT supplement, Tssss !)

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03/02/2016 MAJ :


"Major" thing : (Relics, Eternal Guardian => Exitium)


When i was proofreading the global coherence of each elements, i stopped on one small/major thing, one of the Cretacia Relic, the Eternal Guardian. Basically, this Relic is design to grants a character both a Terminator Armour relic and the Eternal Warrior special rules. But while looking closer, i saw the "A Sanguinary Priest May replace his Wargear with Eternal Guardian, Blood chalice, Narthecium and power weapon for 65 points." unnecessary part, so i suppressed it in order for coherence. Also, i was displease in both the name and the second buff (It will not die). So, i picked one of my replacement idea that is "Exitium" with the "allow sweeping advances", that i thing fit a little more to the Flesh Tearers war style^^.


Minor things :

 - Correction for the Page 16 error. (Relics of Baal => Relics of Cretacia, and of course Eternal Guardian => Exitium)

 - Anvilus Autocannon => Autocannon Storm (P16,18,19)




Also, After verification, that indeed Gargantuan Creatures indeed follow the same rules as Monstruous Creature, i still kept "The Beast Must Die" special rule of P14 formation. Only because it is much more clearer for anyone to see. This way, it can avoid any unnecessary problems or checks in the rule book to verify if.....etc. =)


Well, i already prepare a GW mail with arguments for defending this project in order to make it an official one. (Unlike the Blood Angels, the Flesh Tearers supplement is a less sensible thing, so i thing GW would listen for propositions such as mine. After all, looking at my supplement version, i think it can be a cheap way to improve the attractivity of the Blood Angels/Flesh Tearers range while not touching directly to the Blood Angels codex, unlike my past BA FAQ & Errata, that finished of course unused.)

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Mail/Proposition send to GW with PDF version of the Supplement.




Join to this e-mail, you will find a PDF version of a 20 pages Flesh Tearers Un-official/Fan made Supplement.


Given the lack of new elements in the official version of the Flesh Tearers Supplement release in December, version that was only a copy/paste of the Shield of Baal Exterminatus Flesh Tearers content, and given the actually well worked Raven Guard/White Scars supplement that have come with the Kauyon Campaign Book, I decided, on free time to design a more decent Flesh Tearers Supplement, of quite the professional quality (as much as possible, with elements at hand^^).


That lead me to send you this final version of my work, which represents 20 pages of rules, formation, wargears, and even a “special unit”. I designed this “supplement” with the idea that it could be an official one. (The reason that P.19 all special wargear have their GW/FW kits).


Finally, I would be thankful to have this Supplement propose to your company to know if you are interest in this “Supplement”. I think this version of the Flesh Tearers can really improve the attractivity of the Blood Angels range. Furthermore, if your company is interest in this work, I would be happy to discuss on this Flesh Tearers “supplement” project.


Even if it represent a small opportunity for your company, I think it is still an opportunity.^^ (Also, I demand quite nothing in counterpart, maybe a “special thanks to …” in the credit part, not really much, and of course a voice on this project should your company be interested.)


In the Waiting of your answer.


Kind regards


A Blood Angels Costumer


And yes, everyone can see clear, i demand no money, or copyright thing, only a special thanks and a voice/eye on the project should GW interrested. (I don't know how i can do it less demanding^^). I'm waiting for their answer...

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