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Hetman & Troopers

Brigh gach cluiche nu dheireadh brothers!

I've been absent of late from the forum as well as the hobby but am glad to be back and with my first battle honour as well :)

Last night I played my first grown-up game of 40k since 5E at my FLGC - and it was awesome! 750pts a side with my ragtag highlanders taking on a the IX Legiones Astartes the dreaded Blood Angels. My thanks to Chris should he happen upon this post for his excellent sportsmanship - as a veteran guard player he excelled at kindly pointing out when I'd missed a rule or special ability.

So here is my first stab at what I hope will be many battle reports for the 'Fighting' Finreht! C&C welcome as always, especially on how best to defeat the Emperor's foes! I'll warn you ahead of time it's wordy - something I'll be able to reduce in future once I figure out how to do graphics - but I hope you enjoy!


Battle Report 1 / Astra Militarum vs. IX Legiones Astartes

Forces of Battle:

The 'Fighting' 451st Finreht Grox Raiders, Caderyn Cohort
Tallarn Desert Raiders USRs - Move through cover, re-roll 1s to hit, no carapace armour

CCS, Coy. Cmdr. with Power Weapon, 2 Melta Guns
Chimera, Auto Cannon, Augur Array

Veteran Squad, 2 Plasma Guns, Taurox
Veteran Squad, 2 Plasma Guns, Taurox

3 Drop Sentinels, Camo netting, Multi-Meltas

IX legions Astartes, Blood Angels

Praetor, Artificer Armour, Plasma Pistol, Paragon Blade

5 Cataphractii, Assault Cannon, Combi Bolters, 2 Power Swords, 2 Lightning Claws
5 Veterans, Vet. Sgt, Artificer Armour, Melta Gun

Heavy Support:
Predator Executioner, Armoured Ceramite, Las Cannons


Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost
Drawing one tactical on turn 1, then further objectives each turn up to the maximum number of held objectives.

First time using these Missions in anger - the mission certainly played in my favour as I had 3 obj. sec. squads with transports to zip around the table vs. his 2 squads and a piece of armour.

Field of Battle:

A 4x4 table, lots of craters and walls in and around the deployment areas, with a ring of buildings surrounding a clear killing ground in the centre field. Objectives spaced pretty much in a ring at the edges of the open ground with one squarely in each deployment zone on opposing flanks. This meant to claim more than one objective you also had to poke your head/hull out of cover so made for some fraught decision making on with objectives to risk taking each turn.


Winning the roll off I elected to go second - mostly as I wanted to know where that enemy armour was going to be before committing my CCS Chimera with that expensive Augury Scanner to the field.

For the Blood Angels the Predator was on the left flank with the Cataphractii and veterans in the centre. I deployed my three transports, with the chimera in the centre, towards the middle of the field, the drop sentinels staying in reserve. Failing to seize back the initiative Chris kicked off the game.

Legio IX: Turn 1

Given his lack of mobility and low model count Chris decided, quite rightly, that a swift advance into CC his best chance at victory, and in turn 1 set to with a vengeance, his Cataphractii and veterans moving through cover and laying down fire, supported by the executioner on the flank. His first Tactical Objective was the one squarely in my deployment zone and that framed the angle for his advance.

Shooting from the Predator managed to strip of an HP from the chimera and with a crew stunned result. The Cataphractii also managed to pin down a Taurox with another glance and a crew stunned. Luckily his veterans managed to get bogged down in the intervening terrain or he would have brought his Melta in range of my chimera probably finishing it off - no armoured Ceramite here lads :).

Astra Militarum: Turn 1:

I decided to maximise the number of tactical objectives available next turn, rolling forward the Taurox to secure my first objective then debussing the troops six inches from the handy forward hatches to claim number 2. With two objectives on either side of the killing ground I disembarked my remaining vets to hold the third, right in my deployment zone and Chris's first target. As the remaining Chimera and Taurox were both stunned I wasn't able to reposition for better cover so had to leave them exposed hoping they'd have enough hull points to pull through to turn 3.

Next up was shooting and a plucky Plasma gunner also managed to draw first blood, rolling a 1 to hit with plasma is bad, but the TDR special rules gives you a re-roll on 1s to hit - 20 points per unit and all infantry who can take the rule must do so - but worth it when Chris failed the first of what was to be many 2+/4++ saves on his Cataphractii. Only one Taurox was able to fire after the last rounds shooting, twin linked looked like a blessing from the emperor himself when I turned two misses into solid hits but then his Praetor showed what artificer armour is for, tanking both for the attached veterans squad. End of turn and I'd bloodied the enemy and secured my first tactical objective earning me a VP.

Legio IX: Turn 2

After repositioning to present only his front armour to my transports the Predator decided to do something about those hastily exposed troops - so began Lesson number 1: squad dispersal vs. template weapons :(. Two direct hits and a partial managed to put 17 wounds on my first veteran squad, they of the dead-eyed plasma gunner, amazingly I managed to save 10 of these on a 5+ leaving the Sgt and specialists shaken but unscathed.

Next the machine's spirit drew a bead on my Chimera with it's Las Cannon - a handy chunk of masonry took the brunt when I passed my cover save. Displeased with the low casualty rate the Cataphractii then followed suit targeting the reduced veteran squad with a torrent of bolter and Assault Cannon fire, and while the cruel gods of dice didn't give Chris any more wounds the sheer noise seemed to break the will of the plucky guardsmen, failing their leadership they 'advanced to the rear', and at less than 25% strength barring a snake-eyes roll would take no further part in the battle to follow.

Lastly the Praetor and veterans slogged their way out of the mire, bringing them in range of my vulnerable transports - a blast of Melta and the Chimera was down to 1 HP and again unable to move.

Chris finished up holding two objectives so would have the chance to start scoring some VPs next turn.

Astra Militarum: Turn 2

Drawing 3 tactical objectives sure felt good this early on, especially when I realised all 3 were in my grasp, then it was time to roll for reserves and try and get my retreating veterans back in the fight. A roll of a 2 meant no drop sentinels just yet, probably just as well as their feted augury scanner hadn't yet left the deployment zone, and atmospherics must have been crippling the vox as my brave boys failed to rally, running off the board before the commander could issue any orders to counter there 'strategic repositioning'.

Next I sent a Taurox forward to take a tactical objective, putting a building and some rough terrain between it and Chris's veteran squad and their Melta. The Chimera was still exposed and unable to move but I wasn't willing to de-bus the commander just yet, 1 HP between you and the enemy is still better than open sky and a clear LOS. Lastly my remaining veterans were doing a solid job holding my third objective so I left them to it - in hind-sight this was a mistake but we'll get to that soon enough.

Time for shooting and those autocannon shots started to tell, another Cataphractii failing his 2+ save while the second Taurox stripped an HP points off the Predator. The Chimera then opened up on the now too close for comfort veterans squad, but thanks to the Praetor and his shiny Artificer Armour all 4 shots which hit and wounded were saved. My own veterans were still out of range and without line of sight thanks to the bogged down Chimera so took the time to brew up and get a tab on.

End of turn and three more VPs into the pot with 3 objectives being held and I felt pretty good about how this was all going...buair an Diabhail! (tempt the devil....

Legio IX: Turn 3

Chris drew his objectives, 1 VP for destroying a unit, and another for issuing a challenge. Closing the distance the Blood Angels kept up their advance, the Predator rolling forwards no my repositioned Taurox couldn't threaten it's flank, while the Cataphractii closed in on the killing ground and the veterans and Praetor drew in for the kill at the Chimera. It seems I had failed to take Lesson 1 to heart, luckily the Angels were there to ensure I took the lesson to heart via further practical examples.

Shooting and the Predator again powered up it's executioner cannon, an aptly named piece of equipment, as it once again dropped three templates smack down atop my remaining veterans, woefully bunched together when I failed to reposition them during turn 2. This was a key learning point for me, I'd been so caught up with adding to my growing pile of objectives I'd forgotten an important rule of being an infantry man - Anything you do can get you shot, even nothing. This time I had 15 wounds to save on a squad of ten troopers thanks to another 5+ conferred by the nearness of available cover. Expecting the worst I rolled once again, and for the second time in as many turns cheated fate - 10 saves, 10 lovely beautiful saves! At this point Chris's sportsmanship really shone as he laughed louder than I did.

Reminiscence over the machine spirit targeted the chimera, another Las Cannon blast safely deflected by the obliging masonry nearby, I have to admit finding an extra 15 points for Camo netting is looking to be a priority for the next iteration of my army list.

The Cataphractii were now in the middle of the killing ground and made use of the angles of fire to strip a hull point off my Taurox while the veterans loosed another volley at the chimera. The combination of Plasma pistol, Melta and even a Krak grenade didn't quite cut it though so the Praetor and his boys followed up with a charge into CC. Krak grenades finished the job and it was up to the Colonel to calmly lead the men out of the back hatch of the now smouldering transport. Even if my Drop sentinels made it on next turn I was going to have to face a potentially wild scatter and the Angels were sure to be in close combat with my CCS and half strength squad next turn.

Chris finished up scoring a VP for taking out the Chimera and was still holding two objectives, one with the Predator on the far side of the killing ground, and another with the Cataphractii close to its centre.

Astra Militarum: Turn 3

First things first rolled reserves and the Sentinels were on their way - next time for my remaining vets to reposition - using the wreck of the chimera as cover I attempted to spread them out, holding their objective while trying to screen the CCS as best as able. The Colonel and his CCS drew back to maximise the screen, with the guardsmen shielding their commander as best they could from the charge I knew would be coming next turn. Valour may have been the sounder option here, but I was concerned if I rushed the enemy they'd simply shrug off the charge then follow up onto the objective and I wanted to deny them that chance as long as I could.

Then I realised I'd forgotten to pull my own objective cards - that gave me two more takes - the first already held, another being held by the enemy Predator, and a VP for destroying enemy armour or MC. Next I repositioned the Taurox - the first turned 180 on the spot, continuing to hold it's objective while presenting its front armour to the enemy veterans. The second sat still keeping a bead on the Cataphractii and maintaining my second objective.

Next in came the sentinels - without the Augur Array these guys were going to scatter - dropping them into the killing field would leave too great a risk of ending up inside one of the ruins - luckily Chris's deployment zone was now empty of enemy and there was a good clear space behind the predator with only a crater there as rough terrain. As luck would have it they scattered 8 and came in smack down in the crater. Having deep-striked (deep-struck?) they couldn't move but 2 of them had a good angle on the Predators rear armour - that's what they went for and the did brilliantly - two hits, one glancing one penetrating, and then it exploded taking out another Cataphractii after Chris failed another 2+ save.

My two Taurox now laid down some fire - the first killing one of the veterans, the second failing to hit. Next up the guardsmen - the Colonel called out FRFSRF and the half strength vets dropped another veteran Blood Angel with Plasma - the Col's squad then trained their Meltas on the enemy the wrecked Chimera meant both hits failed to kill as the Angels passed their cover saves.

End of turn 3 and another 2 victory points, one for destroying the armour another for holding the objective. More crucially I'd denied Chris an objective with the Taurox, and his veteran squad had moved off another. His only remaining objective was held by the remaining two Cataphractii who weathered the shooting phase again passing their leadership role.

Legio IX: Turn 4

Chris drew another card - this one for holding the Cataphractii's objective, but his main focus was on my Colonel - now out of his transport and ripe for a challenge. There was a bit of repositioning the veteran squad to put the Vet Sgt and his power fist up front while the Praetor split off to target the half strength veteran guardsmen. Then the Cataphractii turned to face the new threat of the Sentinels to their rear, still remaining within 3" of their objective.

Shooting and the Praetor took out a Plasma trooper with his pistol, the Vets then removed 3 of the CCS with a hail of bolter fire, their Melta again failing to hit. Next the Cataphractii let rip with the remaining Combi-bolter and the assault cannon - stripping a hull point off the lead sentinel but failing to kill it thanks to me adding the Camo-cloaks - even wide out in the open I managed to make 1 6+ save and that was enough to keep the lead engine in the fight.

But that was all preamble - close combat was next and Chris was ready to bring the pain. Praetors for those who haven't faced them are pretty awesome - throw in a Paragon blade and the BA charge rule and there's a lot of high WS attacks with ID coming your way - so discovered the veteran squad - a challenge to the veteran Sgt secured Chris a VP, the Praetors flurry of attacks cutting him down before carrying over to the rest of the squad leaving just one man standing. Even with the Colonel watching him the trooper couldn't master his fear, he tried to flee but was brought down, and with that Chris removed my last remaining squad from their objective earing himself another VP for securing the objective at the heart of my line, the card he'd been carrying since turn 1.

Next the remaining Angels charged the CCS - already reduced in number the Colonel and his piper stood tall - another challenge was issued - this time the Colonel fended off their attacks, taking two wounds but delivering one in return. Standing his ground the Colonel made ready to take his place at the Emperor's side.

End of turn 4 and Chris had secured a second objective while adding two more VPs to his tally.

Astra Militarum: Turn 4

Most of my right flank was no in tatters - two damaged Taurox with 3 HP between them and a lone Colonel surrounded by power armoured brutes. Luckily my Sentinels were on the far left flank so it would take a turn or 2 for the Angels to finish up then slog back over to be in range provided I could first take out the Cataphractii in the centre field.

Drawing two more objectives, one take/hold and one issue challenge - I started out by moving up the sentinels and pulling the Taurox that was facing the enemy veterans so that it was now sitting behind some rough terrain but still within 3" of its objective. The remaining Taurox also moved out, keeping it's front toward the Cataphractii but putting more distance between it and the Praetor who'd be coming back next turn.

Shooting and the Sentinels took out another Cataphractii, meaning the last terminator, the one with the Assault Cannon, was now out of contention for the central objective. Next the Taurox fired a volley at the same target but failed to wound. The final Taurox didn't have LOS to the Praetor so kept his guns on the continuing melee.

Close combat and the Colonel challenged the veteran Sgt, earning another VP but failing to wound. The rest of the squad piled on the hits and he failed his 5++ losing his last wound and giving Chris slay the warlord. End of the turn and two more cards on the VP pile - I was feeling pretty confident by this stage, in spite of the heavy losses, but knew that it would only take a few bad rolls and the game to run an extra turn to give Chris the chance to finish me off.

Legio IX: Turn 5

Getting straight down to it the last Terminator advanced on the Sentinels, also moving himself back onto the central objective. The Praetor moved up towards the nearest Taurox while the veterans circled round to face the one on the far side, maintaining a stretched line formation back to their hard won objective.

Shooting from the Praetor failed to do any damage, likewise the Cataphractii, then the veterans brought their Melta to bear and destroyed the Taurox - no explosions though so the wreck added to the terrain they'd have to negotiate to come at what remained of my force.

Next Chris attempted a charge with his Praetor, we both agreed that a narrow lip of crater wouldn't slow him down, he was 8" out, and rolling 7 on 2D6 couldn't pull it off so my last Taurox lived to see another turn.

No VPs this round for Chris.

Astra Militarum: Turn 5

Seeing the threat of the Praetor I pulled the Taurox further back towards the centre, risking the Cataphractii switching targets but I was pretty sure he'd stay focused on the 3 walking Multi Meltas rather than worry over a twin linked auto cannon. The Sentinels moved up as well, with the wounded engine dropping to the back of the squadron and holding onto that objective.

Shooting and the two of the Sentinels managed to remove the last terminator, the last had no LOS and couldn't get an angle on the Praetor thanks to my badly placed Taurox. The Taurox then put some rounds down onto the Praetor, taking off a wound in spite of his Artificer armour, Chris's luck just wasn't there when it came to making 2+ saves.

Turn done.

Legio IX: Turn 6

Keeping up his dogged pursuit the veteran squad moved through the intervening cover and over the wrecked Taurox to get LOS to the killing ground where both the Taurox and 2 Sentinels were now exposed. The Praetor continued to advance aiming to get a shot in at the Taurox side armour then finish it off with a charge is needed.

Shooting and the need to charge proved moot when the Praetor managed to take the Taurox last HP off with his Plasma pistol. The veterans loosed a volley at the sentinels but the Melta was just out of range and the Bolters failed to make it through the armour.

Astra Militarum: Turn 6

I'd like to say I carefully weighed the options between dancing the sentinels back out of the Angels threat range versus continuing the fight - but to be honest by this point we were both just caught up in the fun of the game - a lone Praetor now standing silhouetted by the buring wreckage of my army - right out there in the killing field and in range of not 1 but 3 Multi-Meltas - time to bring it down.

Abandoning the objective I fanned out my walkers line abreast and took aim - 2 hits and 1 wound causing ID on the IX Legion Praetor - at that point Chris conceded the game and it was victory for the 'Fighting' Finreht!


What an awesome return to the hobby - it's taken almost 10 months from deciding to get back into 40k to playing this first game - there've been stops and starts along the way as life likes to intervene - but I've thoroughly enjoyed modelling painting, and at last playing!

I learned a lot from the game, especially about the new vehicle damaged table, hull points, disembarking troops and most importantly the value of reserves.

The best performing unit in my opinion was the humble Taurox - the sentinels may have literally flew in to save the day, but those roving twin linked auto-cannons certainly scored the most Victory points - and it looks like in 7E achieving objectives is more important as coming home safely - something I feel is very grim dark!

So hope you enjoyed the Bat rep as much as I did playing and writing it - more to come - hopefully soon with graphics and even pictures of the troops on the board.

CarraigF - o7

Thanks 'fish - good to be back :)


Really enjoyed the game and the force worked well, was great to storm around objectives baiting the enemy into failed charges across all that terrain.


Reckon if I can keep my infantry alive past turn 2 ilk get a bit more use from their move through cover as well, but overall really happy with how the theoretical met the practical on the night especially as this little force represents 9 months of effort from conception to tabletop.


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