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Prot's Khorne Daemonkin Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury


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I don't normally post much of my finished stuff here, but I really enjoyed this model and thought there probably is a lot of people that never go down to the depths of the forum that the Khorne Daemonkin reside in!

I put some real time into this guy and it's a great sculpt. The rules aren't very good, but it's iconic to me and the 'sucker' in me will probably try to field one or two of these baddies whenever possible!

Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury


Went for a burned, firey appearance to the wings.... not the traditional reds.




And a peak at my next batrep featuring a re-match of the much hated Space Wolves... which seems to happen in a timely manner considering the Wolves are coming out of the Warp kickin' Chaos buttocks in the new campaign book:

So here is an opening shot of a batrep I hope to have up soon in my Khorne Daemonkin Thread. This Wolves army pasted me last time, as there was nothing I could do against the Thunderwolves Calvary. Will this time be different? One thing's for sure, the Blood god will see many a head roll.


++EDIT: Battle report LINK ++

Thank you for looking.

You can see some of my other KDK projects in the link below.

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Oh pretty!


I was a little saddened when GW rolled out that model and kinda got away from the fangy, "wolfish" look the older Bloodthirsters had. So even working from a handicap, that thing still looks badass!


Great job buddy! 

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Hey guys,

Sorry but I usually try to trim picture fat because of the 100's of images I store in our Gallery section. Literally with pics from most armies I've done it does add up and I've tried to keep this under 1.5Mb per picture.

My house doesn't have great light so this is the best I could do.



So here are some pics... with Grey Knights for scale. On my computer these show up much larger than actual size. Hope this is large enough for you guys to see.

Thanks again!

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Thanks Dos.


It was a very intimidating model for me. I really enjoy painting organics because it feels like you can just kind of let 'er rip with ideas. But it's an easy model to screw up I think because it can all just kind blend together and look flat.


I was so enthused to do this model and after I was done, I immediately wanted to do a D-thirster as well. lol

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Just as I suspected... awesomeness.

But I love that one little Gray Knight in the first pic.

He's even got his head tilted up like he's considering going back for a bigger hammer biggrin.png

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Yup, still cool.  Flesh is such a tricky mistress (Forte's ears must be burning after that phrasing) and I don't know if it would be easier or harder on a large scale like that.  Looks like you went with a sort of yellow/orange highlight rather than simply lightening the mauve flesh tone, which worked out quite well.


However, I kinda feel like simply going over the Khorn symbols on the back of the wings with a solid coat of yellow doesn't quite do the design justice.  A more targeted approach may have been better.  But what's done is done, and it's still an awesome model :)

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Thanks for the feedback! I have named him Bloodthirster Ebay from the Warp World of BuyitNow.


Just kidding!


I'm actually thinking of my second one.


I did finish up the Battle Report featuring Wolves (ironically considering the campaign) with this model and it does have a fair amount of pictures if anyone's curious:



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