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Night Lords 2k - Terror Assault


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Hey guys,


Another theory list about a Legion that has always had a soft spot in my heart, the 8th.


Sevatar - Terror Assault

Goes with the 9-man Terror Squad.


Terror Squad x9 - Volkite Chargers, Headsman with AA, Chainglaive & Melta Bombs, Drop Pod

Terror Squad x10 - Volkite Chargers, Headsman with AA, Chainglaive & Melta Bombs, Drop Pod

Terror Squad x10 - Volkite Chargers, Headsman with AA, Chainglaive & Melta Bombs, Drop Pod


Contemptor x1 - 2x DCCW, 2x Grav Guns, Dreadnought Drop Pod

Comes in during the first wave along with the Leviathan and Sev's squad.


Javelin Attack Speeder x1 - Typhoon ML, Heavy Bolter

I had a spare 80 points lying around and it fits the theme.

Primaris-Lightning - 2x Two Kraken, Ground Tracking Auguries, Battle-Servitor Control

For something that absolutely has to die and hasn't already been splattered by the Leviathan.


Leviathan Siege Dread - Grav-flux Bombard, Dreadnought Drop Pod

First Pod on the board. He will go after the big nasty on the opponents side.


Thoughts? Considering one of the big issues with Terror Assault is a lack of anti-tank, I think this list does alright. Though I would have liked to have included a second Javelin.


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Grav-flux bombard on the Leviathan is going to do f-all against armour. A siege claw & siege drill (with 2 meltaguns) will do nicely, or take the storm cannon and a siege drill. Phosphex launcher is almost mandatory too, as it'll ruin TEQs day.


Dreadnought chainfists are no longer specialist weapons, so taking 1 on the Contemptor is also a decent anti-armour upgrade.


Sevatar is awesome, but brings amazingly little to Terror Assault - an issue I always had with him. He's better in a PotL list. Taking a Praetor could save you some points for the upgrades I suggested.

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