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Chaos Space Pirates -- revisiting old models


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Trophy-bot's finally gotten his legs -- had to carve out a hole for every one of his limbs, oof!


Admittedly Tyranid limbs are overdone with Chaos, but I wanted a vaguely crab-like beast and none of the Spawn/CSM bits I had really fit the bill.



Hashing out a slug-like body for the spidly-cannon (just a basic skeleton now):


Although it's kinda adorable as a wee li'l gun-toting tick:




Found a use for one of the floating block things:


I initially wanted the console-block-whatever to be a visible part of the robot drone, but it just ended up being too restrictive; the bot would either have to be really small, or really off-centered from the stand.




  • 2 weeks later...

Things and stuff:


Octobot's got some paint -- inspired by the oily metallic blue of the machines from the Matrix (or at least the blue they seemed to be)



Started painting floaty drone #1



And built floaty drone #2




Adding 'guts' to the cannon-thing, looking quite a bit like he was torn out of a tank or something, with all the wires and whatnot getting yanked out along with the cannon






Cyclopean Sorcerer getting glued together



Not sure what to do with the arms yet. He needs a weapon, but nothing in my bits boxes is screaming "do something with me!"


Also... should probably cover up those suggestive orifices (it was either that or suggestive tentacles!). Or maybe just leave leave and claim "he" is dedicated to Slaanesh...

A whirling dervish of teeth and pain and noodley elbows!





EDIT: Can anyone see the images on this page (post #26 and later)? Imgur suddenly decided not to display for some reason...

I'm really starting to hate Space Marine arms. I go thru so much trouble finding the right ones, cutting and re-gluing to get the right pose I want, then I put the pauldrons on and it's like it completely undoes all my effort. Bah.


Anyways, finally decided upon arms on the Sorcerer:


Got caught up trying to find a right-handed weapon that looked sorcery/distinctive/cool enough because I wanted to use that palm-out/missile-launcher-supporting left hand, but I'm infinitely more pleased with this solution!


A more traditional (space) pirate; temporary beard made of kneaded eraser:


(didn't see that Khorne icon on the gun until posting, hrnn...)

Spent a good deal of time on getting a 'reaching for his sword' arm pose, but then that pauldron happened. Feh.

Didn't have a plan going in with that robotic leg, just winged it with whatever nifty leftover bits I had.


A good use for all those Tyranid heads (maybe a bit redundant with my earlier Metroid Space Pirate?):


Really though, it's like the Tyranid Warrior heads were designed to be used as arm-mounted combination shields/blades. I mean, not really, because I had to do a lot of carving to get it to work (and the design is lifted from Aliens), but still. And the Tyranid set even has 3 leftover heads with no other applicable use...



I can see them fine here! I like the noodly fellow, will you be doing any bulking up or blending into the joints with green stuff?

Dunno what happened with the photos, they went back working soon after my posting of them. *shrug* Machines.


I'll eventually be adding green stuff to at least the shoulders and the one Possessed arm, think I'll leave the rest of the limbs alone. Both because I rather like the oversized cuffs, and because I foresee the area being a nightmare to work with...

Proof-of-concept time!


Biker legs lend themselves nicely to "just hit by something' poses, if at the expense of giving the victim a rather wide codpiece. (was tempted to have daemons tearing out of him, but my Pirates don't really do that sort of thing)

Built the crazed leaper guy, didn't realize how much dynamism he lost until posting this against the prototype. Might have to rework him...






Meanwhile, I also built a couple other guys.


Sgt Smithereens - decorates his armor with the debris from his missile attacks




Purity seal toupee!



What started as goofing around with battle damage on an extra helmet ended up becoming my interpretation on the Cleaved. He's all goo now, the loss of a hand or forehead doesn't bother him anymore.


Also because I was goofing around with battle damage...


partially skeletonized marine -- maybe for a stereotypical 'dead body draped over a pirate's chest' objective marker or something. Got some Lego chests that're about the right size.

Well first I --there's no way to type this without sounding psychotic-- I drilled straight down his cranium, then stuck an x-acto in that hole and twisted the blade to 'scoop' enough out until it looked suitably empty, then I cut and filed the edges until they were even (also cut out the entire eye section to exaggerate the muzzle), and finally used a little bit of plastic glue to polish things a bit (as it melts plastic).


Was actually going for hollowed-out, like someone cleaved his helmet in half just to find he had no discernible head. Could definitely edit the process a bit to get melted-in.

A whirling dervish of teeth and pain and noodley elbows!






EDIT: Can anyone see the images on this page (post #26 and later)? Imgur suddenly decided not to display for some reason...


I`m actually not that a fan of your painting, but I guess that`s the kind of over-the-top that makes your style work! :biggrin.:

  • 2 years later...

Hey, it's been a while. Got a couple new figures built.



So I found some of my very first Chaos minis I had built, and decided to tear them apart and remake them so they weren't so... noobish. This guy here was initially based on the center Red Corsair from here, red power fist and all (I honestly don't remember how intentional that was, I'm not sure I even landed on the pirates theme way back then...). Since I'd rather avoid literally copying something like that, and since I already have two other punch-y chumps lazily pointing forward, this guy gets to dual-wield chain-axes.



Gunner guy... with really odd pants colors. The weapon is from the Loyalist Scouts set, I think. I honestly don't even know what kind of gun it is, I just know it looks neat and kill-y and my pirates could do with more non-pistols.



Another "big guns" Marine, made from that long-snouted Chaos Spawn head that took me an embarrassingly long time to realize was even a head, much less was meant to go with those sucker mouths...






Grim Reaper-ish skull-face Marine, since I just had to use this spare Zombie Scythe somewhere.



Mock-up idea: empty(?) armor puppeted by an unseen tentacled being.

Early idea was for there to be an entire unit like this; that is, a single cephalopod masquerading as part of the pirate crew --- though that seemed a bit overkill. Still, octopi and Khorne both being associated with the number eight makes for an intriguing connection...

Thanks for looking!

Your conversions are wonderfully made. Real fun kit bash feel. Kind of makes me wish I'd made the Fire Badgers chaos... Would also be a great mess of an army to play against.


As mentioned before the painting isnt the best, but do you care? If you want to improve there's plenty of stuff on this site and the internet but if you're happy then just keep doing what you're doing.

  • 2 weeks later...

A few more dudes:


Bugman pirate loosley based on a giant isopod. Which may or may not just read "Tyranid", I dunno; I went with less obvious bits like the Gaunts' middle limbs and modifying the Ripper head to have mandibles.



Bat-Marine -- I was curious to see how those Possessed wings could work as arms. Now I'm thinking Khornate Vampire Bats would be a fun army theme, hehe.

Also, biomechanical gun arms! The arm with the hose is a targeting doohickey - the ball joint at the end will (eventually) be painted like an eye.



Watching Talespin and wanted to make something like Don Karnage (and make use of those neat beast heads that are meant to go on the vehicle gun muzzles). He's got a little jetpack made of scraps of arms and topnots.




Reworked one of the earlier builds since his overall pose made him feel the same as the "Cleaved" pirate. Now he gets a sweet arm cannon to go with that mechanical foot and cybernetic face of his.



As mentioned before the painting isnt the best, but do you care?


Sorta, not really. I mean I'd hope to improve, but it's hard to get motivated to paint these tiny little things when all the fun was the crazy kitbashing...


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