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Regimental traits HR (Preferred weapons House Rule)


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For Steel Legion my toughts were similar to yours, making chimera embark/disembark at 12 and giving relentless while embarked. Plus 5++ to inf against poison attacks due to sealed uniform. SWS and HWS have access to chimers sd ded trsnsport. Maybe some more: i have the block notes at home, cant remember all smile.png

I didn't think about giving SWS and HWS dedicated transports, but yeah that makes sense. I was thinking about just giving the infantry squads relentless period, 2 reasons 1) it's simpler, and 2) They still get to fire heavy weapons if they disembark after a 12" move. In the current meta, things you want to shoot with missiles and cannons don't stay still for a turn so you can shoot them with your missiles and cannons. It also speaks to their ability as mechanized troops. I'd only give that buff to PCS/CCS, Infantry Squads and Veterans, seeing as relentless HWS would be rough. You might look into the IA2 Armored Battlegroup list for some ideas, since that's the easiest way I know of to represent Steel Legion these days.

About PE(something) im not a big fan of this rule, or PE all or nothing in my mind smile.png

I understand, but that's a fluffy thing. The two main adversaries the Steel Legion has fought were Chaos, during the First war, and Orks after that. The Steel Legion has been deployed to deal with these two enemies almost exclusively in fluff.

About Tallarns i was thinking about:

- infantry has hit and run. Poor buff but fluffy.

- sgt can issue his own squad the order that makes fire and run.

- rough riders have infiltrate

- sentinels move better (mtc? Or can move 12"? Ehhh??? Uh??)

Need to give bonus to other mech? I dont want to... there are a lot of bonuses already.

-You're right, hit and run is a poor buff, but it might get them out of combat so they can get back to doing what guard does best.

-We had a Sgt that could issue orders, and he got left out of the new codex. Sgts issuing orders is powerful, and especially the one that does Eldar Shenanigans. But it seems fluffy, especially if it's just the one order (you might rename it though, since FORWARDS!FOR THE EMPEROR! is a bit not right).

-Scout would be better for Rough Riders, as that gives them a 12 inch redeploy, and doesn't require any LoS considerations, and it's also fluffy (also look into IA3, Tallarn Mukali Rough Riders, +1 S HoW).

-MTC is definitely a good buff for sentinels, and IIRC Tallarn only use scout sentinels, so extra good buff. Maybe add a rule like dunecrawler from the AdMech, add 3" to any movement. A full 6 extra inches would be broken, but an extra 3 inches isn't so bad.

Don't feel obligated to add more mech bonuses, Tallarn tactics don't revolve around Mech as much as the Steel Legion does. I once had a Colonel tell me "I don't care if we're flying or driving, it's all just a ride to work..."

The Key differences between tallarn and steel legion is that tallarn don't need their tanks to be effective, steel legion does, and your buffs and debuffs should reflect that. Don't forget to add trade offs too...

Tnx for all the support!

No problem!

I was thinking about relentless olny in chimera to represent the inf settled in the transport like it was solid ground: you stay still respect the transport so its like you didnt move at all.

HWS are made of the same HWT as the inf squsds so they must hsve same bonus. Too op? Lets test it! Btw only 2 hwt can shoot outside chimera so you loose a shot. And you pay 65pts for that.


Hit&run is poor because ig is screwed when melee brgins but its usefull.


I will keep sgt orders, swiftness is too much fluffy for Tallarns, so is a bavkground issue :)


About Rough riders i made a mistake: i wrote "infiltrate" but i meant "outflank". Scout maybe is too much?


Sentinels like dunecrawlers? Yes please! Tnx!


About downsides there will be some for all the regiments.


Tomorrow i will introduce you the DKok, Cadians and Catacans for tweakings.

Yeh I'd think steel legion should be something like

While in a vehicle or the turn then disembark from a vehicle they gain the relentless usr


Blanket relentless would be too much and removes the reliance on armour

Sorry but i like the duality of the type of weapons (heavy vs all others). Heavy benefit from standing in chimera, others benefit from disembarking after 12in movement so i will leave relentless only when embarked.

Tnx for your toughts btw.

Others regiments are on the way.

Here the sum of the rules i wrote until now. Only quick rules not full descriptions.

The pourpose of those rules is NOT to give you a full depth army but a way to give some flavour to your Guard. Its like the Chapter Tactics in the SM codex. If you want a more detailed army those rules are not for you.

You can decide to give the Regimental Doctrines (RD) to one or more Astra Militarum detachments. Choose a RD for each of those detachments, you can apply same RD to more than one of them.

"Regimental Training" (RT) :

Its anew special rule, its purpose is to simplify to know wich units have some bonuses.
Only CCS, Lord Commissars, Commissars, PCS, Infantry Squads, HWS, SWS, Veterans, Militarum Tempestus CS and Scions have the "Regimental Training" special rule.

Preferred weapons:

This rule is under judgement, for now its: "Infantry Squads (the 10 man ones from platoons) can have one more weapon of each type (heavy and special) chosen from the preferred ones. You have topay the point cost of the waepons."
Not sure about it, maybe too powerful

Forbidden units:

Those units cannot be taken as part of a detachment with the choosen Regimental Doctrine.



- Units with RT are Stubborn and have +1 Ld when making Morale, Fear and Pinning tests. They cannot voluntary Go to Ground.
- All infantry models have a -1 to Cover rolls.
- Infantry Squads from platoons cannot take any dedicated transport. Howevere they can be fielded with a single Leman Russ of any type that must stay in 4" cohesion with the squad. This LR count as Heavy Support but does not take any FoC slot.

Preferred weapons: Granade launcher, Lascannon.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT are Relentless while embarked in Chimeras, Tauroxes or Tauroxes Prime.
- HWS and SWS have access to Chimera or taurox as dedicated transport.
- Chimeras, Tauroxes or Tauroxes Prime can embark and disembark if move up to 12" instead of 6".
- All Infantry units have a 5++ invul against Template Poison attacks.
- Units with RT have PE(Orks) or PE(Chaos). Choose every game.

Preferred weapons: Granade launcher, Missile launcher.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT have the Hit and Run USR.
- Sgt and Vet Sgt can issue only to their own squad the order "Forward for the Emperor!". (Never seen a game where i use this order to advance instead of run away from enemies biggrin.png )

*- None can take carapace upgrades.
- Rough Riders have the Scout USR.
- Sentinels add 3" when they move or run.

Preferred weapons: Plasma gun, Missile launcher.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT have Stealth(Trenches, Defensive lines) and have the Counterattack if the enemy charges them while they are in Trenches or Def lines.
- Units with RT can charge after firing lasguns if they fired standing in Trenches or Def lines.
- Units with RT and all vehicles scatter 1" less when firing Barrage weapons even without LoS.
- All Infantry units have a 5++ invul against Template Poison attacks.
- (not sure of this) Going to ground in open ground gives to units with RT a 5+ cover save due to digging mastery.

Preferred weapons: Melta gun, Heavy bolter.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT have Stealth and Scout USR. Scout gained this way does not allow them to outflank but they can if gain outflank from other sources.
- When firing Sniper Rifles units with RT rolls to hit equal to 5 are precision shots. Not apply to snapshots.
- You can, into platoons, swap Infantry Squads for SWS only if equipped with full snipers. Those sws caount as the 2 mandatory Inf squads for the platoon minimum. (they are few and snipers).
- Vetrerans does not have access to Granadiers. For same price they can choose between "All veterans can take a sniper rifle for 2ppm" or "The squad gains Infiltrate"

Preferred weapons: Flamer (censored.gif?!? no sniper?!?), Missile launcher.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT have +1 Ld when making Ld test for orders. Officers and Jr Officers add 6" to theyr command radius. Tank Comm pass order tests on 10.
- Units with RT reroll 1s to hit when firing Lasguns, Laspistols or Hotshot Lasguns. Not apply with snapshots.

*- You can take a Kasrkin Platoon per Detachment as a Troop choice. Kasrkin Platoons are like MT Platoon but all models included loose DeepStrike and gain Scout. You can take also Kas Platoons instead of MT Platoon occuping Elite slots.
- Need more ideas

Preferred weapons: Granade launcher, Autocannon.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT and sentinels have Move trough Cover and Stealth (Jungle,Forest).
- Units with RT equipped with Flakk armour have a 6+ armour save instead of 5+.
- Units with RT have +1 Weapon Skill.

*- None can take carapace upgrades.
- (Not sure) Units with RT treat Chimeras and tauroxes as Assault vehicles.
- Need more ideas

Preferred weapons: Feamer, Heavy bolter.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Forgot to think about them. Poor Valhallans!

Preferred weapons: Feamer, Mortar.
Forbidden units: under development.


- Units with RT have the deepstike USR. Roll for deepstrike reserves from turn 1, other reserves are rolled normally.
- Units with RT does not scatter when disembarking from Valk/Vend using deepstrike.

- Units that can take a Chimera as ded transport can take a Valk/Vend instead but MUST begin game imbarked in them.
- Valk and Vend squadrons can have a mix of them, not forced to be all Valk or Vend.

- Valk can transport a single Sentinel (Armoured or Scout) instead of an inf squad.

Preferred weapons: Dunno! HELP!!
Forbidden units: under development.

Further mods and adds are identified by an * before them

Criticisms, comments and suggestions are welcome!

For Catachans:

I have never seen MTC have stipulations, so I'd just give them straight up MTC, because rough ground is rough ground, and roots act exactly the same as exposed rebar (based on experience).


Steel Legion:

It's not that the Transport is limited to disembarking after 6 inches, it's that the unit inside can't disembark if they've moved more than their max movement. Also, you might want to add that they are relentless after disembarking too, otherwise they essentially can't do anything after disembarking.


All regiments: Regiments may not take Special characters from other factions.

Catachans: Straken and Harker

Cadians: Creed and Kell

Steel Legion: Yarrick

MTC: you are right, no stipulations allowed, my fault.


Embark/disembark: you are wrong. None can disembark if vehicle move more than 6. Relentless after disembarking is not needed, after disembark the unit count as haved moved so heavy will snapshot (ok for me) others weapons fire as normal. While embarked relentless matters: up to 6" the unit count as moved so heavy can fire full BS, more than 6" unti can only snapshot so all will snap regardless own rules (ok for me). Those limitations are for unuts while embarked, not after disembarking.

Heavy benefit from stay in snd have a 6" movement for free, others weapons benefit from disembarkig after 12"+6".


All this clearly stated in BRB.


Tnx for your help!

MTC: you are right, no stipulations allowed, my fault.


Embark/disembark: you are wrong. None can disembark if vehicle move more than 6. Relentless after disembarking is not needed, after disembark the unit count as haved moved so heavy will snapshot (ok for me) others weapons fire as normal. While embarked relentless matters: up to 6" the unit count as moved so heavy can fire full BS, more than 6" unti can only snapshot so all will snap regardless own rules (ok for me). Those limitations are for unuts while embarked, not after disembarking.

Heavy benefit from stay in snd have a 6" movement for free, others weapons benefit from disembarkig after 12"+6".

These are your rules, so feel free to ignore my input if you feel it's unhelpful. Just trying to help.



All this clearly stated in BRB.

Just for my own sanity, can you paint me to the pages?



Tnx for your help!

As always, my pleasure to be of assistance.

Consider the idea that Cadians should be allowed to take scion platoons as troop choices, but are not allowed to deep strike them if take as such. This represents the fielding of regimental Kasrkin, stormtroopers native to Cadia and not a part of the militarum tempestus.


Why no deepstrike?

Mostly because Kasrkin are grenadiers, not true stormtroopers. Which means they don't deep strike, rather they are mechanized/Airmobile troops. Kasrkin are heavy close assault troops, in the vein of the classic grenadier. I'd give them scout instead of deep strike, pretty much like the old special operations rule. Imperial Guard suffers from an alarming lack of forward deploying units.


In order to not make the Cadians too similar to MT codex maybe allowing only 1 MT Platoon per detachment to occupy a Troop slot.

I think that's a fair trade off. I mean in all honesty who regularly fields more than one platoon? It also frees up those elites slots to b used for other things Cadians would take, like Ogryns/Bullgryns.

I want to leave Valk/Vend as ded transports to Elysians (another regiment that i forgot to add).

About deep strike the Scions have thst rule to simulate grav-chute insertion, not teleportation (codex says they are deployed vis gravchutes) so there are 2 ways:

- leaving things as they are (they can be mech forces with tauroxes or airborne with deepstrike)

- swapping DS with Scout in order to make them a foot or mech force of reconaissance/close assault.

I wanted to add some regiments, to the list, that were left out as well. The Harakoni Warhawks, Vostroyan Firstborn, Praetorian Guard, Salvar Chem Dogs, Drookian Fen Guard, Atillan Rough Riders, and the Kanak Skull Takers. That rounds out the classic list of Imperial guard regiments.


Harakoni Warhawks - Elite Drop Regiment, that uses all the standard heavy weapons, and would only use Stormtroopers and Vets as troops.

Vostroyan Firstborn - Tough heavy infantry regiment. Everyone wears carapace and has a sword. Skilled in urban warfare.

Praetorian Guard - Similar to Mordians, and they form up in firing lines in combat.

Salvar Chem Dogs - Penal Legion, armed only with Lasguns, flamers and Heavy bolters. Tenacious and hardened, would only take infantry platoons and conscripts

Drookian Fen Guard - Excel in scouting and infiltration, mostly light infantry. Known for high rates of desertion in the face of superior foes, must be accompanied by commissars.

Atillan Rough Riders - Cavalry regiment, specializing in hit and run attacks. Would take Rough Riders as troops.

Kanak Skull Takers - Savage close combat specialists, would trade lasguns for laspistols and CCWs, Would not have access to advanced weaponry.


These are just suggestions. And you can pick and choose whatever you want.

I want to leave Valk/Vend as ded transports to Elysians (another regiment that i forgot to add).



About deep strike the Scions have thst rule to simulate grav-chute insertion, not teleportation (codex says they are deployed vis gravchutes) so there are 2 ways:

- leaving things as they are (they can be mech forces with tauroxes or airborne with deepstrike)

- swapping DS with Scout in order to make them a foot or mech force of reconaissance/close assault.

True, Stormtroopers do not teleport. I would replace Deep Strike with Scout, because as I said, Kasrkin are primarily Mechanized or AirMobile. AirMobile doesn't mean Paratroopers, it means Air Cavalry/Air Assault. Scout is conferred onto the transport that a unit with scout is embarked upon, meaning a chimera full of scouting troops gets a free 12" move, or can outflank. They wouldn't have a dedicated Valk/Vendetta, but still be embarked upon it, you can outflank the Valk/Vendetta. That's powerful, and not at all useless. The reason for this is to get the Kasrkin closer to the fighting sooner, so that they can actually do work. They'd keep MTC, which would make grav chute insertions from the valk less perilous, and allow them to move around more easily. Basically you're usiing the old Reconnaissance Special Operations rule (Scouts and MTC). I've said before, C:AM has an alarming lack of forward deploying choices.

You could fluff it up. Make one of each character for each regiment.

Sry i dont understand what you are talkinbg about. Can you write in another way? smile.png

I wanted to add some regiments, to the list, that were left out as well. The Harakoni Warhawks, Vostroyan Firstborn, Praetorian Guard, Salvar Chem Dogs, Drookian Fen Guard, Atillan Rough Riders, and the Kanak Skull Takers. That rounds out the classic list of Imperial guard regiments.

Harakoni Warhawks - Elite Drop Regiment, that uses all the standard heavy weapons, and would only use Stormtroopers and Vets as troops.

Vostroyan Firstborn - Tough heavy infantry regiment. Everyone wears carapace and has a sword. Skilled in urban warfare.

Praetorian Guard - Similar to Mordians, and they form up in firing lines in combat.

Salvar Chem Dogs - Penal Legion, armed only with Lasguns, flamers and Heavy bolters. Tenacious and hardened, would only take infantry platoons and conscripts

Drookian Fen Guard - Excel in scouting and infiltration, mostly light infantry. Known for high rates of desertion in the face of superior foes, must be accompanied by commissars.

Atillan Rough Riders - Cavalry regiment, specializing in hit and run attacks. Would take Rough Riders as troops.

Kanak Skull Takers - Savage close combat specialists, would trade lasguns for laspistols and CCWs, Would not have access to advanced weaponry.

These are just suggestions. And you can pick and choose whatever you want.

Tnx for the list and for the descriptions but i had (and still have ) a terrible headache making only the "famous" ones, i dont want to add pain to the pain smile.png

I would be happy if you make them for us all, keeping in mind the guidelines of this project smile.png

True, Stormtroopers do not teleport. I would replace Deep Strike with Scout, because as I said, Kasrkin are primarily Mechanized or AirMobile. AirMobile doesn't mean Paratroopers, it means Air Cavalry/Air Assault. Scout is conferred onto the transport that a unit with scout is embarked upon, meaning a chimera full of scouting troops gets a free 12" move, or can outflank. They wouldn't have a dedicated Valk/Vendetta, but still be embarked upon it, you can outflank the Valk/Vendetta. That's powerful, and not at all useless. The reason for this is to get the Kasrkin closer to the fighting sooner, so that they can actually do work. They'd keep MTC, which would make grav chute insertions from the valk less perilous, and allow them to move around more easily. Basically you're usiing the old Reconnaissance Special Operations rule (Scouts and MTC). I've said before, C:AM has an alarming lack of forward deploying choices.

Tnx for the clarification, i didnt know the difference between AirMobile and Paratroopers. Yeah a Valk/Vend scouting or outflanking is a real pain in the a.. ehm.. flank for the enemy!

I like this!

I will add this!

FOR ALL PEOPLE: my replys are short and i go straight to the point because im not english mother language and i have some issues explaining complex toughts clearly.

Tnx for the list and for the descriptions but i had (and still have ) a terrible headache making only the "famous" ones, i dont want to add pain to the pain smile.png

I would be happy if you make them for us all, keeping in mind the guidelines of this project smile.png

I'll see what I can do. Harakoni Warhawks would really just be an extension of the Elysians, as they are similar regiments. Warhawks would simply lose the Infantry platoon, and similarly to cadians be allowed 1 MT platoon as troops, with vets being the only other troops choice, but allowed access to the full array of heavy weapons.

I can come up with some rules to represent them, drop regiments having some sort of reserve manipulation, chem dogs would basically be a port of the old Penal legion squads over to 7th edition, and drookian fen guard would be similar to Tallarn, only with infiltrate on vets and no stormies. I'll give it some thought and post up some rules, and see what you think.

Tnx! I will add my Elysian stuff asap, i have to find a little spare time in front of a pc and write down what i have on my note paper.





- Units with RT have the deepstike USR. Roll for deepstrike reserves from turn 1, other reserves are rolled normally.
- Units with RT does not scatter when disembarking from Valk/Vend using deepstrike.

- Units that can take a Chimera as ded transport can take a Valk/Vend instead but MUST begin game imbarked in them. 
- Valk and Vend squadrons can have a mix of them, not forced to be all Valk or Vend.

- Valk can transport a single Sentinel (Armoured or Scout) instead of an inf squad.

Preferred weapons: Dunno! HELP!! 
Forbidden units: under development.

Tnx! I will add my Elysian stuff asap, i have to find a little spare time in front of a pc and write down what i have on my note paper.






- Units with RT have the deepstike and MTC USR. Roll for reserves beginning from turn 1 instead of turn 2.

- Veterans With forward sentries doctrine gain infiltrate. Sgt may take a locator beacon for 5pts.

- Units with RT does not scatter when disembarking from Valk/Vend using deepstrike.

- Units that can take a Chimera as ded transport can take a Valk/Vend instead but MUST begin game embarked in them? Why?

- Valk and Vend squadrons can have a mix of them, not forced to be all Valk or Vend. What?

- Valk can transport a single Sentinel (Armoured or Scout) instead of an inf squad. Sentinels count as Very Bulky for the purposes of transport.

Preferred weapons: They use all special weapons, and all heavy weapons, except lascannons and autocannons.

Forbidden units: Vehicles with the tank vehicle type.

I've put my thoughts in red.


I think rolling for all reserves from turn 1 is better than just deep strike reserves. That way Elysians get to keep something like their combat drop rule. That way they don't lose their flavor or only real advantages. Giving them MTC, lets the infantry move faster, and ignores the Dangerous terrain test on a scatter from a valk/vendetta, because not scattering is 100% broken if multiple units are doing it. Think about it, you fly 2-3 valks/vendettas by your opponents big killy thing, and now you plop down non scatting squads kitted to kill the thing, you had no disadvantages while he had all of the disadvantages, locator beacons are one thing, because it requires synergy and planning to work. That's just my thoughts on that.


Giving forward sentries infiltrate, and the Sgt a locator beacon really helps out anyone entering from reserves, deep strike or otherwise. Infiltrate lets you grab objectives early on, as well as giving you some area denial, which without tanks you sorely need.


You don't have to be embarked on a chimera when you start the game, why must you be embarked on a valk/vendetta? Maybe that one made a pre-game pass, and dropped your troops in the DZ. It's way too limiting for no reason.


Vehicle Squadrons must all be of the same type (Valkyries and Vendettas are two separate entries). Mix and Match makes little sense as Valkyries and Vendettas have different targets for shooting. Valkyries are best kitted to deal with hordes or large formations of infantry, while the Vendetta is for anti-vehicle/MC work. If you put the Vendetta in the Valk Squadron all of them are stuck firing at the same target, so either the Valkyrie's shooting is wasted or the Vendetta's is. Not only that, but the vehicles must stay within coherency, which is 4 inches for vehicles, that's incredibly limiting, it works for pure squadrons because it increases volume of fire, but a mixed squadron with split fire would be cumbersome. Not a good mechanic IMO.


Additionally, in Elysian fluff, the Valkyrie has been able to carry 2 sentinels, in the cargo bay, so that means they essentially count as extremely bulky. Which means a vendetta could carry 1 sentinel. That opens up a lot of possibilities.


I did not intend to just shoot enormous holes in this particular entry, but Elysians were the first style guard army I played, so I got to know them very well. I know how they should be played, and some of your rules didn't make sense, from either fluff, or crunch perspectives. I added in the Forbidden units and I added the weapons they use.

As always tnx for you suport and knowledge sharing!
I agree with some of your suggestions and disagree with others smile.png

I think rolling for all reserves from turn 1 is better than just deep strike reserves. That way Elysians get to keep something like their combat drop rule. That way they don't lose their flavor or only real advantages. Giving them MTC, lets the infantry move faster, and ignores the Dangerous terrain test on a scatter from a valk/vendetta, because not scattering is 100% broken if multiple units are doing it. Think about it, you fly 2-3 valks/vendettas by your opponents big killy thing, and now you plop down non scatting squads kitted to kill the thing, you had no disadvantages while he had all of the disadvantages, locator beacons are one thing, because it requires synergy and planning to work. That's just my thoughts on that.

I was thinking about simulating a drop pass at the beginning as heck the battle, so only the infantry virtually embarked on the non-playing aircrafts would arrive, other playing aircrafts, infantry or vehicles would arrive as usual. That because i was thinking that havig flyers in the 1st turn could be unbalanced.
But the fact that Elysians doesnt have tanks maybe mitigate this advantage, balancing all.

Non scattering in-game drops are and advantage like you said and have a big killing ower but at the best they are T3 Sv4+ 1W infantry, they will be owned from most of others enemies, especially in cc.
MTC for ignoring dangerous test when deepstrike is ok but its necessary to make inf more fast in rough terrain? I would let only the Catachans to be masters of this particular behaviour. Just limit Elysians to ignore test when Deepstrike? Dunno.

Giving forward sentries infiltrate, and the Sgt a locator beacon really helps out anyone entering from reserves, deep strike or otherwise. Infiltrate lets you grab objectives early on, as well as giving you some area denial, which without tanks you sorely need.

Locator beacon works only for DS units.
I would leave infiltrate to Tanith and give the Elysians possible DS from 1st turn just to make them a little different, otherwise y would totally agree.
Adding Locator to Vets makes dropping squads from Valk/Vend as powerful as you said. You also said that this is not a brainless buff so you have to gain it with strategy. But if you infiltrate and roll 1st turn with a Valk/Vend Squadron you will still have powerful drops without scattering.

You don't have to be embarked on a chimera when you start the game, why must you be embarked on a valk/vendetta? Maybe that one made a pre-game pass, and dropped your troops in the DZ. It's way too limiting for no reason.

Didnt tought about a pre-game pass. I was only thinking about forcing the player to keep the bond between aircrafts and troops.

Vehicle Squadrons must all be of the same type (Valkyries and Vendettas are two separate entries). Mix and Match makes little sense as Valkyries and Vendettas have different targets for shooting. Valkyries are best kitted to deal with hordes or large formations of infantry, while the Vendetta is for anti-vehicle/MC work. If you put the Vendetta in the Valk Squadron all of them are stuck firing at the same target, so either the Valkyrie's shooting is wasted or the Vendetta's is. Not only that, but the vehicles must stay within coherency, which is 4 inches for vehicles, that's incredibly limiting, it works for pure squadrons because it increases volume of fire, but a mixed squadron with split fire would be cumbersome. Not a good mechanic IMO.

Tactically speaking mixing Valk/Vends would be awful, i agree. This were made to do only a thing: letting a full platoon to enter simultaniously using a single squadron as transports but allowing to have some more high S low AP fire than the one provided by 3 Valks. And that only for making my dreams come true :) (i like this idea so much)

Additionally, in Elysian fluff, the Valkyrie has been able to carry 2 sentinels, in the cargo bay, so that means they essentially count as extremely bulky. Which means a vendetta could carry 1 sentinel. That opens up a lot of possibilities.

Glad to hear that! smile.png I like it!


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