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2k Terror Assault - "Don't be a dick"


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OK guys I'm looking for some impartial opinion. I've just started playing a campaign with my local club, very much focuses on the narrative aspect of the game. Rule number one of said campaign is "Don't be a dick" however in my first game I ran headlong into a Khan-scars bike/scouting army who wiped the floor with me by virtue of seizing and carry objectives off the board by turn 2. So fluffy let's make it fun for everyone armies are done. The big hitters are out. What I want is opinion on whether there's now too much dick here against less competitive armies (anything non Eldar in other words)


2k Terror Assault


Konrad Curze


Centurion - Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Chainglaive


Terror Squad  x10- 9 Volkites, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Chainglaive


Terror Squad x10  - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Lightning Claw


Terror Squad x5 - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs


Night Raptors x8 - Chainglaive


Seekers x5 - 3 Combi-weapons


Leviathan - Grav, Volkites, Phosphex, Armoured Ceremite, Dreadnaught Drop Pod

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Is there any way you could talk to the Organizer about that Khan list? Did it have grav? If so then you probalby player one of the top lists in 40k.


What combi weapons do those seekers have? I feel like they don't really do much for this list unless you have them with melta. If you can, I would try to give them a rhino so they don't get destroyed by turn 3 after night fight is over.


Since your playing 40k maybe a melta gun support squad in a rhino for drive bys?


Your list honestly doesn't look too dickish to me. The only thing that my give people a hard time is kurze but he's really only a MC that can hide in squads. With the amount of firepower in 40k he can probalby get killed, you'll run into problems if you play some of the early 7th edition codecs like Orks, or the real old dexes like CSM. Looks like a fun list, would play against.

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I did have a quiet word, in fairness the previous week that list got absolutely annihilated by KDK so not dramatically overpowered, just a bad match up vs my list and the mission being played almost made it auto win after seizing. And no grav, melta, still pretty hanging all told.


Sorry combi melta's on the seekers. Only really got them there because they can go after anything particularly nasty in the opposing list, plus they infiltrate and score so fit in with the Terror Squads

And I've got something truly filthy for the harder hitting lists like Knights and Eldar Bike Spam, this is quite tame compared to that lol

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Your list is good but I wish you could fit in some drop pods for those terror squads. I'm not sure where you'd get the points from though.

Terror Squads have Infiltrate anyways so its not much of an issue.

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Wait seekers can infiltrate? I thought they didn't have that though I haven't really looked at their rules much. If that's the case then I may just have to grab them for my terror list.


Since your footslogging so much stuff then it would be nice to have apothecaries but I think your fine.


i would try to give the raptors melta bombs either on te Sargent or the centurion in case of a dreadnought. Kurze has a hard time with armor and it provides insurance.


Otherwise the list looks nice.

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Ha I may as well have had infiltrate with them, played 3 games and got the infiltrate warlord trait 3 times.....


List did fairly well against a non cheese Eldar list but against GK/IH/Loth filth got blown away. And damn that Leviathan is an absolute monster. Podding it would be mean I think given how it performed foot slogging

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Honestly if I hadn't have been wiped out across the rest of the board (yeah like a hundred rending shots against Konrad will kill him) I would have felt terrible for using it. In total it butchered a wraithlord, a squad of wraith blades, a tooled up autarch and a squad of rangers in 5 turns, not bad going at all

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I mean, really, its not like you're going "Balls to the wall" with this and if people do bring up the issue (despite having gunned down a Primarch), then you can always adjust.

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It's more my sense of decency, I'm not really happy with single unit(s) marching their way through an army unless I'm playing cheese in which case I'll go all out gloating when it happens

However, you gotta consider that the Leviathan costs more than a Wraithknight and is nowhere near as powerful so you can take solace in the fact that should anyone ever bring it up, you've got a scapegoat :p


But I get what you mean.

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It wasn't that bad all told, it only got stupid when a unit of 10 vanguards totting storm shields rocked up with 2 gk libbies, Loth and an IH master with the gorgon's chain in a single turn ended up with a 2+ 3++ 2+FNP all with EW and invis

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