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Emperors Children - 3rd Company Elite 2500


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Hey guys,


I didn't want to clog up the EC tactics thread with my list as I have found myself strangely drawn towards the 3rd Legion as of late. How does this look for a 2.5k list using the new Rite of War:


Praetor - Tartaros, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Sonic Shrieker, Iron Halo, Digital Lasers

Chaplain - AA, Phoenix Spear, Power Maul, Melta Bombs, Refractor Field

These two go with the Phoenix Terminators in their Spartan. The Chaplain is there so that they can make the most of their charge. If they don't they're toast!


Phoenix Terminators x5 - Sonic Shriekers, Grenade Harness

Legion Spartan Assault Tank - AC, Flare Shield

The heavy hitters of this list. Even though they're lackluster after the charge they will hopefully wipe out whatever they charge in the first round (or neuter them enough to not worry).


Kakaphoni x10

Kakaphoni x10

Objective holders. Contemplated sinking points into AA and a Power Sword for the champ, but if they're getting assault they're probably done for anyway.


Contemptor Mortis - 2x TL Lascannons

3x Rapiers - Grav Cannons

Anti-tank. The Grav Rapiers can also try to control the movement of enemy units with their pie plates.


Sicaran Battle Tank - LC Sponsons

Sicaran Venator

Vindicators x2 - Laser Destroyer Arrays

My primary source of AA. I have access to a Deredeo Dreadnought as well, which can be substituted in for something to use as extra AA. Thankfully my area is pretty light on air units, except for a Fire Raptor....which is mine :D


Comes to 2485 by my math (Battlescribe isn't working on my laptop unfortunately). Plenty of anti-tank, hopefully enough anti-infantry. I don't usually go for the death star approach, but the Phoenix Terminators are the reason I'm being pulled toward the 3rd!


Thanks for looking!

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I'd be a bit concerned about your body count. You've got your phoenix terminators moving straight up the field, but that's really it, everything else just sits back, which I'm not sure is the best approach for EC. Another assault unit, maybe in a raider would certainly be nice, palantine blades are cool if you could afford them, or if not maybe a unit of veterans. To get the points I'd drop the contemptor mortis which I feel you definitely don't need, and maybe a sicaran or the vindicators. Course that all depends a bit on how tank heavy your meta is. 


Kakaphoni don't need a power sword, but AA armor on the sarg would be nice if you could find the pts. 

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This is going to be pretty similar criticism to that of your Ultramarines list, I'm afraid.


You're spending 965pts on a unit of 7 marines in a transport.


Granted, in the Spartan there is a good chance they will get into combat, but there is only so much they can kill, and it won't be 965pts worth of models - especially as they are a melee only unit.

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Yeh I didn't want this to be a Spartan Deathstar list but the Phoenix Terminators are hard to deny. My original draft of this list had a 10-man Palatine squad with JP's which the Chaplain attached to. However it was nearly 400 points for 9 power armoured bodies and one in artificer armour!


My other thought was to drop the Contemptor and a Vindicator to maybe squeeze in a Leviathan with a bombard and Drop Pod. It would require a bit of tinkering but that would give me a solid T1 threat.

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Depending on how competitive your meta is, I'd consider dropping the Spartan and running your Phoenix Terminators in a Dreadclaw (as a dedicated transport) instead. Since they have higher WS now as well as a way to reduce your opponent's WS they are far more viable on their own then they used to be. In all honesty though if I was looking for a unit that is absurdly deadly in combat I'd go for Palatine Blades with Chappy in a Dreadclaw instead, with a few upgraded to Power Spears. Not as tough, but a lot more killy on the T2 charge. You can take the points you'd save and put it into some Fast Attack such as Javelins or Attack Bikes.

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I may be way behind the times given all the recent updates and releases, but I thought Terminator Praetors could only choose one melee weapon, not two (exception being twin lightning claws). If that's still the case, your Tartaros Praetor can't have both Paragon Blade & Power Fist ☹️.
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If you are running a Tartaros Praetor, have you considered taking a Tartaros command squad instead of the Phoenix Guard?  They are also WS5 and project a fearless bubble from the banner.  They are also I5 on the charge, so in exchange for losing Sudden Strike and that "win on ties" ability, you get a plasma blaster and 4 combi blasters and can sprinkle in some chainfists too.  The unit should cost about the same.


The above comments are correct that a terminator praetor can only take one weapon.  If you don't go with a command squad, you may be better off leaving him in artificer armour and giving him an Iron Halo instead. That way he can still take power fist/paragon blade as a combo, has a better invulnerable save, and will take up less space in transports.


Don't rule out Kakophoni in assault, they are still stubborn and pseudo WS5 (and I5 in challenges). I wouldn't go out seeking combat by any means, but I would spring for at least the armour.

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