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Alpha Legion - New to HH


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Hey guys


I'm new to 30k, been playing 40k for a few years and have really gotten into 30k through the novels.


I have spent a lot of time looking at legions and trying to decide which I like the best, I've settled on the Alpha Legion and have been trying to make up a list. Like most people making a new HH army at the moment, I'll start with the Calth box and add in some legion flavour.


This is what I have come up with so far:



Legion Centurion; delegatus (Pride of the Legion), artificer armour, power weapon, Jetbike with heavy bolter



Veteran Squad (10 marines); Sniper legion tactics, melta bombs, vexilla, plasma gun, artificer armour & power weapon on sergeant

Veteran Squad (10 marines); Sniper legion tactics, melta bombs, vexilla, plasma gun, artificer armour & power weapon on sergeant

Lernaen Terminator squad (5 terminators); Void spheres on Harrower, 2x chainfists



Contemptor dreadnought; Kheres assault cannon, heavy flamer


Fast Attack

Skyhunter squadron (3 jetbikes); multi-melta


Heavy Support

Deredeo dreadnought; Aiolos missile launcher


1495 points



I was tempted to go for the coils of the hydra rite, but I think I like the idea of using infiltrate/scout on the vets with sniper tactics as a base for my force. That's why I'm going for the Pride of the Legion. I've added melta bombs as my anti armour. I'd like to deep strike the terminators in somehow, but not sure of the best way to be able to do that.


I'm unsure of the consul on the skyhunter with the skyhunter unit, are they worth a look? or am I better off going for a praetor to join the terminators or another unit (if I drop the skyhunters)


I wasn't sure whether to build one unit of veterans as snipers and the other as melee orientated with furious charge and some power weapons.


I've also been told that Autilon Skorr is a good option for lower points armies, does anyone have experience using him? As I understand it, you can pick a warlord trait, which would allow me to get scout and infiltrate for my veterans, which could be fun!


Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated as I'm new to this and trying to learn quickly!

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Iam playing a bit oher List. I played a few times with plasma veterans but i got offen Bad luck und then i changed my veterans to heavy bolter and what should i say the damage output with sniper is still amazing. And a apothecary saved often my life for 10mariens just 60 points with armor and dager.I played the most times a preator in termi armor to go with my termis or i choose skarr. And his rule to choose his Warlord trait from 40k is amazing. I picked so offen master of ambush and choose Scout AS mulitpe tatic. So your opponent have to deal with it. 2 troops of veterans so close to his units. And deep striking termis.

I learned that he skyhunters are to fast go to ground because the Small units. 1of4 is your Warlord . so it was the most times i saw they are First target and very fast down.

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I don't think a jetbike unit that small accompanied by your warlord really makes sense. Your delegatus should be assaulting, and jetbike unit that small isn't going to last long in an assault. Really the only use I see for them would be loading up on melta bombs, otherwise a unit that small won't do a whole lot. 


I'd definitely take skorr, picking your warlord trait is awesome and he's got decent equipment. Throw him in with the terminators and with scout/infiltrate you can live without giving the terminators a transport, though they'd certainly be better with some sort of transport. Dreadclaw might be a good option for them, you can deep strike in first turn then assault something turn 2, just means Skorr needs to go with a veteran unit. 


For your veterans unit, I'd make one unit anti tank with melta guns/bombs and tank hunter USR, other unit sniper with 2 heavy bolters. You certainly could  use the dedicated anti tank. 


Lastly I'd change your dreadnought out for a mortis dreadnought, take dual keres assault cannons. Since the dreadnought can't infiltrate, you're going to be slowly walking up the board, so may as well have a solid backfield firebase with the two dreadnoughts. 


Overall with this list I'd be worried about stuff like medusas, phosphex and anything ap2/3 large blast. 20 power armor bodies won't last that long, points are tight but rhinos for both your units and a dreadclaw for the terminators would really help. Only thing I think you can drop is the skyhunters. 

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Thanks a lot for the feedback, I've had a think and reshuffled things. This is what I've come up with:


Pride of the Legion



Delegatus; artificer armour, power weapon,



Legion veteran squad (10); tank hunters, vexilla, melta bombs, 2x melta-guns, sergeant; artificer armour, power fist, power dagger

Legion veteran squad (10); sniper, vevilla, banestrike rounds, 2x heavy bolters, sergeant; artificer armour

Lernaen terminators (5); 2x power fists, venom sphere harness



Mortis contemptor dreadnought; 2x kheres assault cannons


Heavy Support

Deredeo dreadnought; aiolos missile launcher

Sicaran venator tank destroyer


1500 points


I'm a bit unsure about the 2 veteran squads, they are pretty expensive and I've only got 25 bodies on the board, is that enough for 1500 points? or should I drop the tank destroyer for more marines?


I'm not played 30k so I'm not sure of the best way to get a core sorted to cover all the bases. I want to get a decent 1500 points sorted before I buy any models and get the painted!


Thanks again for taking the time to read and I would appreciate any further opinions or suggestions

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So one thing you can do to save some pts, take the banestrike rounds off those veterans. It's a complete waste, because with sniper to wound rolls of 6 are already ap2, no need to stack the ap3 on top. 


You might be a bit low on bodies, but I don't see what I'd take out to add more marines in. All the units you have are pretty solid. One thing I might consider changing is make both your veteran units anti infantry with sniper and heavy bolters, keep a power fist/dagger on both sarges for a little combat power. Between a venator, deredeo and the mortis you're pretty solid on anti tank, I don't imagine you'll have any troubling dealing with vehicles at that pts level. 

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