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Frater Antodeniel Knights of Blood Photo Update 22/06/16

Frater Antodeniel

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Recently i've been known for paper inspirating project, but some may have wondered, what about my paint projects....well, i always find my work lacking of "something", but with the recent Flesh Tearers inspiration, i decide to start a little Flesh Tearers themed army. Here is the sample of the project.





And some Red Marble (from Baal) Base that come from the Reclusiam of the Flesh Tearers on Cretacia.




Edit : Everything is hand painted using only brushes, no machine. The symbol is hand made too, but i really think to order the GW ones, for stayed 20" on it applying white on white, until it was right....but the result is satisfying.

Edit : Method used :

All Part :

Base Coat : Abaddon Black on all part. (I do not use spray bomb, i just use the regular Abaddon Black and apply it on the plastic with Large Brush.)

Legs, Torso, Arms :

- One coat of Khorne Red (Standard Brush)

- A good washes of Nuln Oil (Large Brush)

- The dark red coat of 50/50 Khorne Red/Abaddon Black (Standard Brush)

- Abaddon Black on the joint part (Standard or Small Brush)

- Highlight with Khorne Red (Standard or Small Brush)

Shoulders :

- A good washes of Nuln Oil (Large Brush)

- One coat of Abaddon Black (Standard Brush)

- Highlight with Eshin Grey (Standard or Small Brush)

Flesh Tearers Symbol :

Multiples layer of white and a Final Blood drop.

I strictly followd this Tutorial found here (A big Thanks to the guy who made this tutorial, shoud he ever read my post) => http://precinctomega.deviantart.com/art/Flesh-Tearers-Chapter-Symbol-Tutorial-280869765


Bones and Skulls :

- One coat of Rakarth Flesh (Standard Brush)

- A thin coat of Ushabti Bones

- A washes of Agrax Earthshade

- A thin coat of Rakart Flesh to highlight most of the Skull part

- Final Highlights with Pallid Witch Flesh

Parchment :

- One coat of Rakarth Flesh (Standard Brush)

- A washes of Agrax Earthshade

- A thin coat of Rakart Flesh to highlight most of the Parchment part

Blood Gems :

- Khorne Red

- Mephiston Red on the 2/3 lower part

- Evil Sunz Scarlet on the 1/3 lover part

- Cover the whole with a very thin coat of Blood For The Blood God

Optics :

- Khorne Red

- A thin coat Mephiston Red

- A spark of Evil Sunz Scarlet

- Cover the whole with a very thin coat of Blood For The Blood God

Metallic Parts :

- Leadbeltcher

- Washes of Nuln Oil

- Highlight with LeadBeltcher, and for some part, with Runefang Steel


The Marble Effect :

- Abaddon Black

- Khorne Red

- Lines of 50/50 Khorne Red/Mephiston Red

- Smaller line on the previous, of Mephiston Red

- Small line of Abaddon Black

- Cover the whole with a coat of Blood For The Blood God (For this example, i may have use too much Blood For The Blood God, it is a little bit to shiny, but well marble is shiny....)

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  • 1 month later...

03/04/2016 UPDATE, New Exemple :

As i was looking back to my previous work, i saw that my First published exemple had his bolter painted red instead of black, so i decided to provide a second better exemple considering this mistake. (Note that i use the Skulls Shoulders of the DC company box to represent the Crux Terminatus of the Flesh Tearers Veterans and Sergeants Veterans, in the case of the two miniatures showed, the Silver upline on the helmets depicts the fact that they are Sergeants, so the miniatures in both photos series are Sergeants Veterans.)

Nota Bene : For the last photo i used the Flash in a dark room, instead of the light of my "workstation" lamp.

Edit : I spotted some particles on some photos, those particles are the room dust, since the miniature awaited some days before i had time for the photoshoot session. (I though i removed all the dust, but, i was wrong^^)









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Looking really good. Your free handed chapter symbols are so good aswell I'm staring to think that you're a machine. tongue.png

Thanks biggrin.png .

No, i'm not a machine^^, though i would agree with some mechanics help for the black/red base coats^^.

Each miniature require "days" (1hour + 30 minutes...etc), and for exemple, the chapter symbol require between 20-30 minutes to be done with. (This excessive amount of time is explained by the raw difficulty of keepin the proportions, and my hands that naturally trembles wacko.png.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another Tutorial-like Work, this time on another Bloody-handed chapter, the Knights of Blood :











Photo taken using 2 sheet of paper as a studio photo, under the daylight lamp in a dark room. (Also, presence of dust particles^^.)


All Part :

Base Coat : Abaddon Black on all part. (I do not use spray bomb, i just use the regular Abaddon Black and apply it on the plastic with Large Brush.)

Legs, Torso, Back pack, Arms :

- One coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey (Standard Brush)

- A good washes of Nuln Oil (Large Brush)

- One coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey (Standard Brush)

- Abaddon Black on the joint part (Standard or Small Brush)

- Highlight with Administratum Grey (Standard or Small Brush)

Shoulders, Helmet, Red Wings :

- One coat of Khorne Red (Standard Brush)

- A good washes of Nuln Oil (Large Brush)

- One coat of Khorne Red (Standard Brush)

- Highlight with Wazdakka Red (Standard or Small Brush)

Parchment :

- One coat of Rakarth Flesh (Standard Brush)

- A washes of Agrax Earthshade

- A thin coat of Rakart Flesh to highlight most of the Parchment part

Blood Gems :

- Khorne Red

- Wazdakka Red on the 1/2 lower part

- Cover the whole with a very thin coat of Blood For The Blood God

Optics :

- Caliban Green

- A thin coat/highlight of 50/50 Caliban Green / White Scar

Metallic Parts :

- Leadbeltcher

- Washes of Nuln Oil

- Highlight with LeadBeltcher

Gold Parts :

- Balthasar Gold (Small or Standard Brush)

White Wings :

- One coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey (Standard Brush)

- A very small washes of Nuln Oil (Standard Brush)

- One Highlight coat of Administratum Grey (Small or Standard Brush)

- Second Highlight coat of White Scar (Small or Standard Brush)

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know, I was led to believe that the Flesh Tearers were one of the first to arrive at all joint campaigns. Surely you're not going to tarnish that reputation by making a late pledge? msn-wink.gif

I understood nothing of the ETL rules thing, yet i know one thing for sure, a it is that i have in stock, waiting to be paint :

- 2 x DC boxes

- 1 Librarian Dreadnought

- 1 Assault Squad box

- 1 Terminator Squad box

+ incoming => Lost Patrol Box (so 5x scouts) + a Get Starter SM box (so a Tactical Squad, A Terminator Captain, and a Dreadnougt that will become a Furioso thanks to the remaining Frag-Cannon, i will do it like the Raven Guard model, but with the Frag Cannon instead of the Assault Cannon^^.)


And about the Flesh Tearers, like their brothers of the Knights of Blood, they tend to come this way :

"They have been noted on several occasions to have intervened to aid beleaguered Imperial forces, though they are unwelcome allies at best, arriving unannounced (and often unwanted) to lend their considerable might to a conflict or war." Knight of Blood Wiki page.

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unwelcome allies

Didn't we bury that hatchet on Baal when Leviathan tried its luck? ;)

I can assure you that your Flesh Tearers will be very much welcome on our ETL crusade :)

In short, select something unpainted from your collection that is a legal entry from the BA Codex or one of its many external sources. Reply here before the 15th June with a starting image of your models (no more than undercoated at best) and make a vow. Here's mine:

I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, first of his name rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one squad of Terminators with an assault cannon, heavy flamer and two chainfists from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 440 points on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to ETL Faction Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until my vow is complete.


You've then got until the 15th August to complete it. Once it's complete, you can make a further four vows but all must be finished before 15th August.

Other than that, if there are any questions or anything else you don't understand about the event then just ask as I'm fairly clued up on it ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I know someone who will not be happy that i did not VOW anything, but, well, i'm kind of renegade now^^.

Also, since i got the time to do some photo shoots, here is a comparison of Knights of Blood paint scheme. (Eshin Grey/Dawn Stone VS Mechanicum Grey/Administratum Grey. I personally choose the Eshin Grey/Dawn Stone, since it is more conform to the official paint scheme picture and the novel description, but the difference between the two is light.)












I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO LEFT IN THE BOXES....Plus some more boxes to buy....^^

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The way you've done the grey armour us sooo cool.




The Grey Armour is simple :


Base coat : Abaddon Black

First coat : Eshin Grey

Washe : Nuln Oil

Second coat : Eshin Grey

Highlight : Dawnstone Grey


For the Tabart :


Base coat : Abaddon Black (The whole miniature have an Abaddon Black base coat^^)

First coat : Ulthuan Grey

Washe : Nuln Oil (Applied it carefully, do not put too much)

Second coat : Ulthuan Grey

Highlight : Pallid witch flesh

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