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2000pt Alpha Legion Orbital Assault


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So I bought a lot of resin MKIVs a 18 months ago, and now they're all mostly painted. What I have available is


MKIV Command Squad (Standard Bearer and Praetor)

30 MKIVs

5 Autocannon MKIV Havocs

10 CSM

DV Chosen

1 Beakie Assault Marine converted into a Saboteur


with that I've been trying to find a cheapish way of getting a 2000pt army - I have about 100 Cultists that I'll ally in if I go higher.


So the list I've come up with includes buying 4 drop pods, Armillus Dynat, 2x Combi-Weapon packs, and a Fire Raptor.


           Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness)
  • HQ
    • Armillus Dynat
      • Master of the Legion

        Orbital Assault

    • Legion Centurion

      Artificer Armour, Combi-Weapon, Jump Pack, Refractor Field

      • Consul


      • Relics of the Dark Age of Technology

        Combat Augment Array

  • Troops
    • Legion Tactical Squad

      Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Dagger, Power Weapon

    • Legion Tactical Squad

      Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines

    • Legion Tactical Support Squad

      Legion Drop Pod, 8x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns

  • Elites
    • Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

      Fearless, Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, 2x Melta Gun, Nuncio-Vox, Power Weapon

      • Legion Veteran Sergeant

        Power Dagger, Power Fist

  • Fast Attack
    • Legion Seeker Squad

      Banestrike Bolter Shells, 9x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Seeker Space Marines

  • Heavy Support
    • Legion Fire Raptor Gunship

      Reaper Autocannon battery                 


The list is for use against both 30k and 40k armies, as I'm not really able to function in a semi-competitive meta with my Cultist and CSM-heavy Alpha Legion. 


My plan is as thus:
T1: Deep Strike the Veterans and Nuncio Vox-carrying Tactical Squad. Veterans do some damage with the meltas, Tacticals take up a position close to a LR or otherwise dangerous tank, making it easier to Deep Strike next round.

T2-4: Veterans, firing meltas, charge vehicles, Tactical Squad #1 seizes Objectives or gets into CC. Saboteur arrives, auto-wrecking the LR or otherwise dangerous tank through the combination of Combat Augment Array (Any one roll is a 6) and Armillus' +1 for Alpha Legion units on the Vehicle Damage Table. The Saboteur is then otherwise equipped to keep wrecking vehicles. Combi-plasma-wielding Seekers (who can Deep Strike due to Armillus Dynat's ability) or Plasma gun-wielding Tactical Support Squad (with Armillus) proceeds to wreck TEQs. Tactical Squad #2 seizes Objectives if needed, and with the Seekers and Tactical Squad #1 lay waste to Infantry using Banestrike and Fury of the Legion. Fire Raptor supports anything that needs it.


Does anyone see anything I should change or alter?


Edit - removed points

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First, Relics are now a campaign based option only. Not recommended for competitive play. See the latest FAQ.


Second, the Dynat/Saboteur/CAA mega-combo was debunked a long time ago. Saboteur starts off the board and therefore cannot activate the CAA on the turn he arrives, so no automatic 6. He also lost the ability to take a Jump Pack, but Dynat can Deep Strike him if need be. His Sabotage attack is now AP2 against vehicles, so with Dynat he is naturally getting an Explodes! on a 5+!


Third, you have listed all the points values in your posts. You should read the forum rules, as that's not allowed.

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First, Relics are now a campaign based option only. Not recommended for competitive play. See the latest FAQ.


Second, the Dynat/Saboteur/CAA mega-combo was debunked a long time ago. Saboteur starts off the board and therefore cannot activate the CAA on the turn he arrives, so no automatic 6. He also lost the ability to take a Jump Pack, but Dynat can Deep Strike him if need be. His Sabotage attack is now AP2 against vehicles, so with Dynat he is naturally getting an Explodes! on a 5+!


Third, you have listed all the points values in your posts. You should read the forum rules, as that's not allowed.


I know Relics needed to be agreed upon prior to the game :)


Where do you get the stuff about jump pack and he has to be on the board? Is it a FW e-mail, 'cause I can't find anything in the FAQ.


Fixed the point costs :)

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Jump pack is latest update from Retribution, as is the improved AP value.


The not being on the board is part of his rules.


Since you are aware it needs opponents permission, who do you know that will agree, in a friendly game, to an instant death of their biggest vehicle? Why not just ask them to play a spartan or knight down or something?


Also, power daggers are specialist weapons, so no extra attack for pairing them with a power weapon (axe I guess?).

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Actually, the Saboteur has been updated in the new Red Book (apparently). Willing to bet it's true given the accuracy of the rumours elsewhere. Made him more useful with his Sabotage! being AP2 against Vehicles (and AP3 against everything else) but losing the jump pack was annoying, as I'd just converted mine!


I'll elaborate on the Combat Augment Array. Like everything, it requires its bearer to be on the board to use. You activate the CAA at the start of the turn. Given the Saboteur is in Reserves at the start of the turn, he cannot activate it, and cannot get his automatic 6 on the Sabotage! when he arrives. As Terminus said, it was a very unsportsmanlike combo. Apologies if I came down hard with the lawhammer before! :)


Most of your list is fine actually. Try to pair up power daggers with other Specialist Weapons, as it's a cheap extra attack (like you've done with the Vets). I wouldn't bother on Tactical Squads though - their job is to hunker down on Objectives and shoot - I go for AA, vexilla and melta bombs only.


You've got 3 Drop Pods, which is good as it's an odd number, but I'd try for 5. More "alpha strike" potential with 3 on Turn 1. You have Seekers with combi-plasmas and a Support Squad with plasma guns - possible anti-TEQ overkill? Maybe convert something into an anti-tank unit, as that's the one thing you're short on.


And I only ever give a Saboteur a combi-melta. He's going to die if anyone shoots him, and AA and a RF won't save him! :)

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Jump pack is latest update from Retribution, as is the improved AP value.

The not being on the board is part of his rules.

Since you are aware it needs opponents permission, who do you know that will agree, in a friendly game, to an instant death of their biggest vehicle? Why not just ask them to play a spartan or knight down or something?

Also, power daggers are specialist weapons, so no extra attack for pairing them with a power weapon (axe I guess?).

Cheers for the sourcing on the update!

Basically because there's several Spartans with Primarchs (Specifically Perturabos) kicking around at my LFGS :)

Durr, you're right, they're Unwieldy, not Specialist! Thanks for the heads up!

Actually, the Saboteur has been updated in the new Red Book (apparently). Willing to bet it's true given the accuracy of the rumours elsewhere. Made him more useful with his Sabotage! being AP2 against Vehicles (and AP3 against everything else) but losing the jump pack was annoying, as I'd just converted mine!

I'll elaborate on the Combat Augment Array. Like everything, it requires its bearer to be on the board to use. You activate the CAA at the start of the turn. Given the Saboteur is in Reserves at the start of the turn, he cannot activate it, and cannot get his automatic 6 on the Sabotage! when he arrives. As Terminus said, it was a very unsportsmanlike combo. Apologies if I came down hard with the lawhammer before! smile.png

Most of your list is fine actually. Try to pair up power daggers with other Specialist Weapons, as it's a cheap extra attack (like you've done with the Vets). I wouldn't bother on Tactical Squads though - their job is to hunker down on Objectives and shoot - I go for AA, vexilla and melta bombs only.

You've got 3 Drop Pods, which is good as it's an odd number, but I'd try for 5. More "alpha strike" potential with 3 on Turn 1. You have Seekers with combi-plasmas and a Support Squad with plasma guns - possible anti-TEQ overkill? Maybe convert something into an anti-tank unit, as that's the one thing you're short on.

And I only ever give a Saboteur a combi-melta. He's going to die if anyone shoots him, and AA and a RF won't save him! smile.png

He's not updated in the red book, but apparently in Retribution. I've not assembled mine completely yet, but I also have a jump pack for him, so I'll need to magnetise that and go for a combo Moritat/Saboteur. A Moritat with the Draikana (If my opponent allows it) can be hilarious too!

I always interpreted that the CAA didn't need to be on the table from the text, but the text has grammatical mistakes (dice as singular...) and is generally unclear. Is there a FW FAQ or e-mail, or am I missing some basic rule? Don't worry about the lawhammer; that's why I posted it here :)

I'll try making my Tacticals more ranged - the change from 40k where I run my CSMs at high utility, low specialisation, is quite big!

I've got 4 drop pods actually, but if I then give the Seekers a drop pod and Deep Strike the Saboteur I'll be fine. Thanks for the input, never thought of that! I also realised I forgot to put what Mutable Tactic I was gonna use - Tank Hunters. I thought between the Saboteur, the melta bomb and meltagun vets, and plasma gun seekers I'd be able to wreck anything short of land raiders, plural.

So the Saboteur is that much of a one-shot guy? I don't see why most opponents would bother wasting an entire unit's shooting at him after he's spent the combi-melta and is footslogging melta bombs around.

So, updated list:

  • HQ
    • Armillus Dynat
      • Master of the Legion

        Orbital Assault

    • Legion Centurion

      Combi-Weapon, Power Armour

      • Consul


  • Troops
    • Legion Tactical Squad

      Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Melta Bombs

    • Legion Tactical Squad

      Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Melta Bombs

    • Legion Tactical Support Squad

      Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns

  • Elites
    • Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

      Fearless, Legion Drop Pod, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Melta Gun, Nuncio-Vox, 2x Power Weapon

      • Legion Veteran Sergeant

        Power Dagger, Power Fist

  • Fast Attack
    • Legion Seeker Squad

      Banestrike Bolter Shells, 9x Combi-weapon, Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Seeker Space Marines

  • Heavy Support
    • Legion Fire Raptor Gunship

      Reaper Autocannon battery

I've got 50pt left... Any ideas? I've switched Armillus over to the Vets whom lost a meltagun vet to make room in the drop pod, added another Tactical Support plasma gun marine, while adding a Drop Pod to the Seekers instead of relying on Armillus Deep Strike, which is being used on the Saboteur now.

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Most of your list is fine actually. Try to pair up power daggers with other Specialist Weapons, as it's a cheap extra attack (like you've done with the Vets). I wouldn't bother on Tactical Squads though - their job is to hunker down on Objectives and shoot - I go for AA, vexilla and melta bombs only.

And I only ever give a Saboteur a combi-melta. He's going to die if anyone shoots him, and AA and a RF won't save him! smile.png

With other Legions' tacticals, I can see just keeping them as a dirt tax, but I'm always tempted to give a power fist/dagger to every sgt. But it's 20 points and probably you're right that it's not worth it for an exclusively scoring unit. Yet another reason why I loathe tactical squads. :P

As for the Saboteur, the new sabotage attack actually makes me like him enough to start gearing him up with artificer/rf/lightning claws/jump pack, and then they take away the jump pack, making all the upgrades kind of a waste. Then again, he's an easy kill point, so in some ways you're better off moving him onto the board somewhere safe and keeping his head down in some cover for the rest of the game. Just hope that explosion kills 85 points of stuff and at least you break even, I guess? I'd throw him in a 3000+ point list where it's like "screw it, just 85 points, it might do something funny", but even then the Jewish part of my brain is like "oy gevalt! you can almost buy a javelin for that!"

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Ap2 auto pen with a potential +1 if it can stack from Dynat (can it?) is potentially hilarious and more reliable than having to roll a 6 for a boom.


For ZM games though, he can be pretty awesome if he pops in an potentially immobilizes/nukes a dreadnought on arrival.

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He's not updated in the red book, but apparently in Retribution...

Pretty sure the Saboteur is updated in the new Red Book, not Retribution, given there's been mention of it previously. Time will tell - can't wait to be able to grab it!


As for the Mutable Tactics - I guessed Tank Hunters was your choice. Still think you'll be short on anti-tank, but see how it goes.


50 points will get you artificer armour, vexillas and melta bombs on your 2 Tactical Squads. Or just artificer armour on all 5 of your squads - if the Sergeant isn't loaded up with gear, you can put him up front to catch bullets with his 2+ save. :)

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Yep, its Legion Redbook 2.0 (called Age of Darkness Legions), not Retribution or LA:CAL


Ah, okay, I don't have that one! I'm guessing it's LA: CAL 2.0? Only one I can see available at FW

No, it's called Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions. It will be available within a few weeks, as it was just sent to the printers during the weekender at the beginning of this month.


There are some vague rumors regarding a Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List v2.0, but nothing definitive, and we'll see the AoD book as well as the red book that combines militia/auxilia/knights before we see that.  We may well not see LA:CALv2.0 until after Book 7.

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Also, power daggers are specialist weapons, so no extra attack for pairing them with a power weapon (axe I guess?).

Right!  Unless you're fielding a headhunter kill team, power daggers should be paired with another specialist weapon...a cataphracti sergeant rocking a chainfist makes the most of it (it's basically +1A on a model with a fist, the exception being the aforementioned headhunters...)

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