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Scratch builders starter kit

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My fellow hobbyists, I come to you with a request for guidance. I would like to step up my "hobby game" and was wondering what you would all recommend as a starting point for scratch building. I will start with something very simple like close combat weapons but would hopefully move into more intricate things in time.


So the question, what would you recommend getting as a starting point for scratch building, I've got the physical tools I just don't know what material I need. Looking at plasticard there's a lot of different types, thicknesses, sizes. Where would be best to start? Should I also get some rods and tubes? Which shapes and sizes? Thanks for any advice you can offer

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For plasticcard you should have at least one from the common thickness (0,1-2 mm) with that you can stsrt building weapons like swords. If you want to make a handle then rods and tubes in various degrees are not the worst things to buy. And of course: greenstuff, grey stuff or milliput.


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