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Noob Death Guard 2500/3000

The Acid Dog

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I'll be honest and up front.  I've never played Horus Heresy.  I've settled on two legions I never saw coming: Sons of Horus (The Reavers) and Death Guard (The Reapers).  Since I've never played, I feel like I'm taking shots in the dark and hoping to hit something when it comes to writing a list.  I've written up a tentative list for the Death Guard mostly centered around the theme of a besieging force, throwing as much forbidden weaponry at the hunkered down enemy as possible. What I really need, though, is someone to take a look at it and see if I'm shooting myself in both feet (blowing a few toes off one is fine, I just don't want to be a complete one-trick pony)


One more point before I throw the lists down: there is no meta here.  I've got one friend who's waiting for Thousand Sons to get released so he can play, and another friend who's looking forward to some Iron Warriors and has ordered Perturabo.  They're both looking to expand, but as of right now, they've got Betrayal at Calth sets. That's it.


First, the 2500 list:




Legion Consul Delegatus + Deathshroud Bodyguard

  • Cataphractii Armor
  • Rad Grenades
  • Deathshroud Scythe
  • Master of the Legion: The Reaping
  • 4x Deathshroud
  • Land Raider Phobos w/ Frag Assault Launchers

Legion Consul Siege Breaker

  • Artificer Armor



Legion Heavy Support Squad x5

  • Sergeant w/ Augury Scanner
  • Missile Launchers w/ Flakk

Legion Heavy Support Squad x5

  • Sergeant w/ Augury Scanner
  • Missile Launchers w/ Flakk

Legion Tactical Squad x10 w/ Rhino

  • Sergeant w/ Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Rad Grenades
  • Extra CCW
  • Vexilla
  • Nuncio-Vox

Legion Tactical Squad x10 w/ Rhino

  • Sergeant w/ Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Rad Grenades
  • Extra CCW
  • Vexilla
  • Nuncio-Vox



Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery x3

  • Phosphex Canister Shots
  • Shatter Shells

Heavy Support


Grave Warden Terminators

  • 2x Chainfists
  • 1x Heavy Flamer w/ chem-munitions
  • Land Raider Phobos dedicated transport

Legion Artillery Tank Squadron

  • Legion Medusa w/ Phosphex Shells




Expanding the list to 3000 is pretty simple: add another Medusa w/ Phosphex, and a Typhon Heavy Siege Tank as a LoW.


Some questions I have off the top of my head:


1. Is it better to run the Quad Guns separately, to drop Phosphex on separate targets?  12 Phosphex blasts is a lot to drop on one target...

2. In the same vein, would it be better to run the Medusae separately?

3. Too many missile launchers in the Heavies?  I've considered dropping the Augury Scanner and swapping the missiles for Heavy Chem Flamers, upping their number to 8 in a Rhino, and then giving Rad grenades to the two Heavy sergeants, but that's just another spitball.


And that's about it.  Any ideas?  Tips, tricks?

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Rad grenade heavy flamers are the Ultimate defensive unit, as the -1 toughness actually applies to over watch. So when charged your guys will each do D3 hits that wound on a 2+, with shred!


Id not bother with missile launcher heavy squads. The quad mortar shatter shells are better at taking out AV and Phosphex is better at taking out infantry. Theyre sadly a middle Road weapon that doesn't achieve much. Volkite Culverins would be a great addition. Or, if you can find the points some lascannons. That said, the flakk can cover the skies for you, but again - they aren't that great.

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Rad grenade heavy flamers are the Ultimate defensive unit, as the -1 toughness actually applies to over watch. So when charged your guys will each do D3 hits that wound on a 2+, with shred!


Id not bother with missile launcher heavy squads. The quad mortar shatter shells are better at taking out AV and Phosphex is better at taking out infantry. Theyre sadly a middle Road weapon that doesn't achieve much. Volkite Culverins would be a great addition. Or, if you can find the points some lascannons. That said, the flakk can cover the skies for you, but again - they aren't that great.


I took the missile squad(s) for two reasons: something to throw at flyers and something to put my Siege Breaker in so his Tank Hunter could do at least a little work for me.  How nasty are flyers in Heresy?  Am I walking a dangerous path if I just ignore them and be about my business of rendering everyone on the board down into bubbling alchemical goo?  I like the idea of culverins, they're a very reap-y weapon in my opinion, but I was afraid I might have too much anti-infantry already.


Two possible alternatives for the Heavy Support Squads:


Heavy Support Squad x8 w/ Rhino

  • Heavy Flamers w/ Chem-munitions
  • Sergeant w/ Rad Grenades

Heavy Support Squad x5

  • Sergeant w/ Augury Scanner
  • Volkite Culverins



Heavy Support Squad x5 w/ Rhino

  • Heavy Flamers w/ Chem-munitions
  • Sergeant w/ Rad Grenades

Heavy Support Squad x5

  • Lascannons
  • Sergeant w/ Augury Scanner


As it stands, I don't feel like I'd have much to throw at heavier armor like Land Raiders (especially if I toss the Tank Hunter Missile Squad), other than some twin-linked Lascannons and having my Grave Wardens in Phobos make a bee-line for it, try to pry it apart with Chain Fists, and then dare whatever's inside to charge me... which actually doesn't sound terribly un-Death Guard now that I think of it.

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Couple of ideas for you:

- your Delegatus has Cataphractii, but the Deathshroud have Tartaros, so he'll stop them from making Sweeping Advances. Consider taking Tartaros and an iron halo instead. Personally, I'd go all in and take a Praetor with a Paragon blade.

- DG Heavy Support Squads with heavy flamers get a lot out Promethium Relay Pipes, like extended range & cover. Gives a great defensive unit some offensive potential. Also costs less, being a plastic GW kit, and only 8 melta bombs in points.

- Phosphex Medusae are cool, but normal shells will do a better job most of the time. They're S10, so will wound almost anything on a 2+ (As opposed to a 3+), with Feel No Pain being negated most of the time. They have AP2, Ordnance & Barrage, so they do a respectable job against even the heaviest of Vehicles (like flare-shielded Spartans). Great unit, but 2+ is ideal


Fitting all of this in will be impossible, but you can always proxy stuff until you're convinced, and swap stuff out in different games for variety. :)

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Couple of ideas for you:

- your Delegatus has Cataphractii, but the Deathshroud have Tartaros, so he'll stop them from making Sweeping Advances. Consider taking Tartaros and an iron halo instead. Personally, I'd go all in and take a Praetor with a Paragon blade.

- DG Heavy Support Squads with heavy flamers get a lot out Promethium Relay Pipes, like extended range & cover. Gives a great defensive unit some offensive potential. Also costs less, being a plastic GW kit, and only 8 melta bombs in points.

- Phosphex Medusae are cool, but normal shells will do a better job most of the time. They're S10, so will wound almost anything on a 2+ (As opposed to a 3+), with Feel No Pain being negated most of the time. They have AP2, Ordnance & Barrage, so they do a respectable job against even the heaviest of Vehicles (like flare-shielded Spartans). Great unit, but 2+ is ideal

Fitting all of this in will be impossible, but you can always proxy stuff until you're convinced, and swap stuff out in different games for variety. smile.png

Hmm... I just went with Cataphractii because it just looks too cool to pass up (considering a conversion from the Typhon model), but I could fit in that Praetor with proper equipment if I did a 5 man Heavy Support squad with Heavy Flamers and the Volkite Heavy squad... Looks like I'll be buying 20 marines for Heavy Support rather than 10, for the 5 lascannon squad, 5 culverin squad, and 10 heavy flamers. I'm totally cool with that!

For the Relay pipes, don't I have to be standing still to benefit from the Torrent rule? It's cool but it's very static and very defensive... which is a lot to ask from 5 marines, even in cover. I was planning on buying some Promethium Pipes anyway, just for scenery, so I might give it a go once or twice in some alternate lists just to see, but I'm a little hesitant.

As for the Medusae, you've got a very good point; standard Medusa shells are definitely nothing to scoff at... but Phosphex just makes me squee with delight, so I really, really want to try them out! If nothing else, it's a free swap, so if I find myself getting swamped by armor in my games, I can always switch to taking the standard shells. smile.png

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