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[UM] 1'000 point starter list


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OK, I'm thinking of a 1'000 point list to start off. AoD detachment, no RoW. Also thinking of going with the Ultramarine Legion tactics.

With that in mind, I was thinking with going for two ten-man Tactical Squads with additional CC weapon. Both Sergeants would be equipped with artificer armour and combi-bolters (flamer or plasma?). Since the points are tight, I'm thinking of forgoing transport to concentrate on having more units, though having a Rhino to fire first on a unit to "paint" it and giving the attached Tactical Squad the re-roll bonus could be interesting. Thoughts?

I also need two HQ choices due to the "Rigid Chain of Command" rule. I guess the Master of Signal is a bit of a no-brainer with the +1BS bonus he confers and the orbital bombardment. I'm also going to equip him with artificer armour, just in case, but is it worth getting a Refractor field for him? Also what kind of squad should I attack him to? Can I attach him to, say, a Rapier Squadron? Or perhaps a Heavy Support Squad would be better?

Right, I think that's it for the moment, question-wise. Any help appreciated! smile.png

Update! Here's what my list would look like at 1'000 points. I just threw together my ideas and came up with this, so feel free to tear it apart!

+++ 30k Ultramarines (1000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1000pts) ++

+ HQ (105pts) +

Legion Centurion (105pts) [Artificer Armour, Refractor Field]
··Consul [Vigilator]

+ Troops (605pts) +

Legion Reconnaissance Squad (155pts) [Legion Sergeant, 4x Legion Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox, 4x Sniper Rifle]

Legion Tactical Squad (225pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]
··Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Twin-Linked Bolter]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad (225pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]
··Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Twin-Linked Bolter]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

+ Heavy Support (290pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (175pts) [Lascannons]

Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (115pts)

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Loyalist, XIII: Ultramarines]

Created with BattleScribe

The basic idea is to have the Vigilator+Recon Squad to hunt down annoying characters and "paint" units for the rest of the army to shoot at. The Apothecaries boost the Tactical Squads as they are minimum size. The MoS goes with the Rapier Battery and guides their shooting to bring down anything armoured.


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Master of Signals goes very nicely with a battery of Rapiers and I would get him a refractor field just to be safe (you might be able to get away with no arty armour since whatever fires at the battery may make the arty armour irrelevant anyway and if they're in combat game over for them lol). 

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You don't need 2 HQs for Ultramarines. In fact, at 1000 points I'd highly recommend NOT taking 2.


May I suggest you take Rhinos for the Tactical Squads? The Interlocking Tactics special rule is simple to take advantage of if each squad has an enabler, like a Rhino. Extra combat blades is not a particularly efficient purchase though.


Beyond that, the world is your oyster! Are you aiming to get Guilliman eventually? If so, then taking multiples of the same unit is a decent idea (like Sicarans with Tank Hunters). Invictarus Suzerains are also amazing. :)

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Reyner: Cool, I'll swap his artificer armour for the refractor field and will make him tag along with the Rapiers.


Callium: Hum. I was thinking of taking two because of the Rigid Command rule which can be a real pain if they take out my Warlord. However since he's sitting in the back with a Rapier Battery, perhaps I can risk not taking a 2nd HQ.

Suggestion for taking Rhinos is noted. But that would mean reliquishing the Apothecaries; big deal?

Re: extra combat blades, I was thinking that if they get charged they might have a slight edge over their opponent with +1A.

Lastly, not sure about Guilliman. Perhaps, if I can replicate Apologist's magnificent conversion as I'm not too keen on the stock model.

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ccw's on tacticals almost never pays off (at least for me). I would probably use those 40 points to give both the vigilator and MoS a refractor field and a legatine axe on the vigilator. Otherwise it looks like a decent little list, the only real drawback is the lack of movement (everything footslogging).

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Tooling up the Vigilator might be a better idea than CCWs on your tactical squads - could always give it a test to see how it performs but try squeeze points for an invulnerable save for the vigilator too. 

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Of note is that the Master of Signal is a support officer so if he's included, you'd need a 2nd HQ without the rule.


For such small games, id probably trade in the Apothecaries for Rhinos and using the spare points to give both Characters Artificer Armor and a Refractor Field.


I rarely find extra CCW on tacticals all that useful outside of say, World Eaters. Use the ~40 points freed up by not taking them to possibly take a 4th Rapier to split the battery you have now into 2 2gun batteries for wider application.


You also dont need to buy a Bolter for the Vigilator since he gets one witb Special Issue Ammunition for free.


Im also generally not a fan of single combi-weapons on sergeants in general. I prefer a Melta Bomb and/or power axe when possible.

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Great! Thanks all! I took on board most of your feedback and have updated the first post accordingly.


I'm having a few doubts about the Laser Destoyer Rapiers though. There's likely not that many vehicles running around at 1'000 points and I'm wondering whether I'd be better off investing those points somewhere else?

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Well, if you have the Points and dont mind swapping the Vigilator to a Siege Breaker, you could take Phosphex Thudd Guns to absolutely Murder 3+ Saves or MC's with 3+ saves (poisoned 3+).

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Not particularly keen on taking a Siege Breaker. What about removing the power weapons on the Sergeants, removing the Rapier Battery and replacing all of that with a Sicaran (lascannon sponsons and auxiliary drive)?

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OK, so I updated the list in the first post. I removed the MoS as he was the one thing I couldn't place anywhere decent. I also removed the Legatine Blade off the Vigilator and will just be careful not to get him into close combat. With those extra points, I've now added a Sicaran with lascannons and a Whirlwind Scorpius, as well as nuncio-vox's to all three infantry units. Thoughts?

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I would say your list looks a lot better, there's not much I would change now. Are you planning on running this list soon? I'd love to know how this list does as I'm considering getting a scorpius myself but am uncertain if it has enough output to justify not taking a vindicator instead.

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The earliest I'll be able to test the list will be in at least a month's time, if not more. So not sure if that's going to help you much, sorry.


But thank you for your input, much appreciated!

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So are the Recon team and Vigilator acting as forward spotters for the Scorpius? Can you squeeze any points for some melta bombs for these guys? Could be a sweet little demo team if it came to it (other than sniping).
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Forward spotters for the Scorpius and the "tag team" for both the Scorpius and Sicaran. Unfortunately no points to squeeze from anywhere. The only option would be to remove meltabombs off one of the two Tactical Sqauds and I'm not sure that's really an option.

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