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2k Alpha Legion - Pride of the Legion

Sentinel Guy

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I'm after some advice on the following as an 'all comers' list for use at my local club which is not particularly tournament focused, but we do like to make games interesting.



Autilon Skorr - pride of the legion.



1 Contemptor Cortus, kheres assault cannon and graviton gun in a Dread Drop Pod.


2 Quad Launchers, shatter and incendiary shells.



10 Veterans, 2 heavy bolters, vexilla, nuncio vox, artificer armour on sergeant - sniper.


5 Cataphractii, 3 powerfists, 1 chainfist, banestrike rounds, sergeant has chainfist and power dagger.


5 Cataphractii, 3 powerfists, 1 chainfist, banestrike rounds, sergeant has chainfist and power dagger.


6 Tactical Support Marines, plasma guns, sergeant has combi plasma and artificer armour in a Rhino.



1 Land Speeder, multi melta and graviton gun.


1 Land Speeder, multi melta and graviton gun.



5 Heavy Support Marines, missile launchers, sergeant has augury scanner.



Sub-orbital Strike Wing - 1 Avenger Strike Fighter with missile launchers and battle servitor control.



That's exactly 2000 points and I think with the Alpha Legion abilities and Skorr's warlord trait I should be able to seriously mess with my opponents.  I really like the Alpha Legion doctrine of attack from all sides at once and sow confusion whilst  tearing the head from the snake so I tried to theme it with this in mind. I'm quite keen to finally make use of my terminators as they never see much use and I really don't want to take a spartan so infiltrating them seemed like the best use.


Any thoughts on how I can improve it?

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