Servant of Dante Posted May 21, 2016 Share Posted May 21, 2016 Complete! I hope it's OK that my sections don't match the given ones exactly. Thanks for putting this together! The Order of the Glorious Reprisal SUMMARY Home World: The planet Delmarus in the Talmion system on the galactic northern fringes of the Garon Nebula in the Segmentum Tempestus Main Colours: Black, White, Silver, and Gold Specialty: The Sisters of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal relish the opportunity to meet the enemies of the Emperor in close combat. Battle Cry: “Swift is the Emperor’s Vengance!” “Faith, fire, and death!” “Victinia, lend us your strength!” Patron Saint: Saint Victinia Current Strength: 223 sisters Traditional Full Strength: 250 sisters FOUNDING OF THE ORDER OF THE GLORIOUS REPRISAL The Order of Our Martyred Lady established a Commandery of 186 sisters of the world of Delmarus in the year 003.M38 to stand sentinel at the edge of the galaxy and to ensure the light of the Emperor shone ever on in that desolate region of space. The original Commandery was lead by Seraphim Superior Vendela, who also held the rank of Canoness Commander. As the years turned to centuries, the Commandery grew apart from its parent Preceptory and adopted its own customs, which where especially influenced by the growing number of native Delmarian sisters. In the year 473.M38, the Order of the Glorious Reprisal was officially founded. The new order took its name from the vindictive, almost bloodthirsty attitude of the people of Delmarus. Their all black robes and armour (pre Third War for Armageddon Order of Our Martyred Lady) where painted with silver, white, and gold in honor of the glorious light of the Emperor and his holy vengeance. The first Canoness of the order was sister Alexius, who’s Eviscerator has been passed down to each of her successors. DELMARUS Delmarus is characterized by fertile but dry farmland in the mid-latitude regions, brutally hot desserts around the equator, and small polar ice caps. There are few large bodies of water, however, most of the population is concentrated near the planet’s largest freshwater lake, Kellegog, in the northern hemisphere. The Convent of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal is located almost directly south of lake Kellegog, on the equator. This site was chosen both for its remoteness, and for the harsh environment it provides. Both are assets in a defense of the Convent, and the harsh conditions serve to make each day a penance for the sisters who live there. TALMION BATTLEGROUP The isolation of the Talmion system makes it necessary for the order to maintain a small battlegroup for transport and defense. These ships are usually salvaged from Imperial Navy scrap yards. The majority of the crews of ships in the Talmion Battlegroup are native Delmarians, and a sister of the order captains each of them. Sundering Light (Dauntless-class Light Cruiser) Flagship Herald of Vengeance (Endeavour-class Light Cruiser) Breaker of Heretics (Tempest-class Strike Frigate) carries assault boats Repentance in Death (Tempest-class Strike Frigate) carries assault boats Dawnhammer (Sword-class Heavy Frigate) Flame Transcendent (Viper-class Destroyer) carries bearding torpedoes PRESENT ACTIVITIES Although the defense of Delmarus and nearby planets is a priority for the order, Canoness Raedia has embarked on a “Crusade of the Emperor’s Deliverance” with 87 sisters, including Seraphim Superior Katelien, in the Sundering Light and the Repentance in Death. The sisters of the order have become restless in the recent years: they have engaged in only one hundred seventy-eight battles and skirmishes in the past five years. This crusade has already taken the order across dozens of systems and into nigh countless engagements, fighting in the name of the Emperor and defending his realm. COMBAT DOCTRINE The Order of the Glorious Reprisal possesses relatively few vehicles, but reveres them no less than any other faithful servant of the Emperor. Above all else sisters of the order wish to crush their foe in close combat. Through strict discipline, iron will, and liberal application of holy promethium to burn their foes they are almost always able to repress compulsion when the tactical situation calls for it. The sisters of the order detest being beholden to any outsiders, even other branches of the Ecclesiarchy. By the same token, they are not inclined to hold others in their debt. ROLL OF HONOR 003.M38 - The Delmarus Commandery is established by the Order of our Martyred Lady. 032.M38 - WAAAGH! Gorthung enters the Talmion system. Seraphim Superior Vendela leads the defense of Delmarus, turning the tide against the greenskins, and personally slaying sixty-four orks. 074.M38 - The Delmarus Commandery fights its first major engagement after the death of Seraphim Superior Vendela, ambushing an Eldar scouting force. The foe is annihilated, but at no small cost to the Commandery. 473.M38 - The Order of the Glorious Reprisal is founded. 516.M38 - Battle for Delmarus -The Chaos Lord Mronthrouk the Revealer launches a crusade in the name of Tzeentch out of the Garon Nebula. Within weeks the chaos war fleet surrounds Delmarus. With casualties mounting and reinforcements caught in the currents of the warp, the sisters of the order launch a desperate offensive. During the ensuing void combat Saint Sister Victinia, Captain of the Resolute Shield steered her ship straight toward the broadside batteries of the traitor flagship, ramming into it at full speed amid a thousand brilliant fires. The Saint then led her crew into the maw of the waiting chaos cultists, cutting a trail of divine vengeance through their midst. She plunged her power sword into the ships reactor, sundering it and breaking the back of the fledgling crusade. 573.M38 - The order fights a number of skirmishes with Eldar raiders in the wake of Chaos Lord Mronthrouk’s crusade. 588.M38 - Sister-Captain Victinia is canonized by Ecclesiarch Decius VI and is named the patron saint of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal. 554.M40 - A ship emerges from the warp just outside the Talmion system. Its passengers and crew have been corrupted and possessed by the daemons of the warp. The sisters of the order fight to contain the heretics until the Imperial Navy arrives to dispose of the tainted vessel. 681.M41 - An uprising led by a chaos cult begins in one of the outlying settlements on Delmarus. The sisters carry out a purge of the region and the cult is destroyed, but not before several dozen sisters are killed and over ten thousand acres of farmland are burned to the ground. 993.M41 - Canoness Raedia launches the “Crusade of the Emperor’s Deliverance” ORDER ORGANIZATION As with all of the orders militant the Order of the Glorious Reprisal is led by a Canoness. Unlike many other orders militant, the traditional second to the Canoness is the most senior superior of the order’s Seraphim, who goes into battle with the armour and weapons of Seraphim Superior Vendela, which are known as the Instruments of Reprisal and are the most prized relics of the order. Beyond this the structure of the order is very much like any other, except that Seraphim hold even more sway than in another order. The order’s current Canoness is Raedia, and the current bearer of the Instruments of Reprisal is Seraphim Superior Katelien. BELIEFS The sisters of the order believe that all who oppose the Emperor are doomed to fall. Even more, they believe it is their sacred right and duty to deliver the Emperor’s vengeance onto their foes, thereby fulfilling their doom. Past a minor offence, which is still reason for major penance, there is no room for compassion. Repentance is only accepted in extraordinary circumstances. Therefore, when a sister of the order commits a serious offence against the Emperor and their order they are not cast out as a Sister Repentia; rather, these former sisters are pressed into service in the furthest depths of one of the ships of the Talmion Battlegroup. They traditionally load the torpedoes or preform other dangerous tasks related to the ships weapons. If their ship is boarded, the sisters in exile on the ship will be the first to respond to the enemy assault, fighting with tools and autopistols. It is traditional to reinstate sisters in exile who preform extreme acts of heroism or self-sacrifice and survive. RECRUITMENT The isolation of Delmarus means that the order sees few new recruits directly from the Schola Progenium, and those that do come are often seen as outsiders, even within the order, although a strong fighting spirit and a thirst for the blood of heretics goes a long way in smoothing the integration process. The vast majority of the sisters of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal are natives of Delmar. They are recruited at a young age, usually before they are ten years old, but many are not orphans. It is considered a great honor to be selected to fight alongside the sisters of the order. In the same way, all but a few of the preachers and priests that fight alongside the order are native to the planet, although they live in the villages and cities around lake Kellegog. The close ties between the order and the general populace has created a deep hatred of anyone with psychic powers, and anyone who manifests psychic ability is quickly killed rather than sent into the care of the black ships of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. RITUALS IN REPRISAL Sisters of the order have penned some of the most complex harmonies ever produced in praise of the Emperor. Each sister has some vocal skill, and hymns of praise and supplication can be heard almost constantly in and around the order’s convent on Delmarus. Complex battle hymns are begun before each engagement, each squad contributing a unique harmonic line to the whole of the melody. Once secrecy is no longer necessary, the hymn is broadcast out of each the amp in each sister’s power armour, and out of the laud hailers of their vehicles. The lengthiest of these hems stretches for over eight hours, a glorious account of the final battle of Saint Sister Victinia. RELICS OF VENGANCE Instruments of Reprisal: The armor, jump pack, power sword, and plasma pistol of Seraphim Superior Vendela have come to be collectively called the Instruments of Reprisal. Despite numerous repairs they shine just as brightly as the day the Delmarian Commandery was founded. Their original detailing and coloration has been painstakingly maintained throughout the centuries, and they are currently bourn into battle by Seraphim Superior Katelien. Radiance of Majesty: Thus was named the gilded Eviscerator of Canoness Alexius upon her death. Each succeeding Canoness of the order has etched a personal mark into one of its shining white teeth. Canoness Raedia is the current bearer of this weapon BATTLE CRY Any number of songs or chants might begin before a battle, but some of the most prevalent phrases among the sisters of the order are, “Swift is the Emperor’s Vengeance!” “Faith, fire, and death!” and “Victinia, lend us your strength!” HEROINES OF THE ORDER OF THE GLORIOUS REPRISAL Seraphim Superior Vendela: Seraphim Superior of The Order of Our Martyred Lady, and the first Canoness Commander of the Delmarus Commandery. The sisters of the order even in the 41st millennium revere her and her armour and weapons are some of the order’s most sacred relics. Canoness Alexius: The first Canoness of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal born on Delmarus. She led the fledgling order through the crusade of Chaos Lord Mronthrouk and Her Eviscerator is the traditional weapon of the Canonesses of the order. Saint Sister-Captain Victinia: Through her heroic actions she became the hero of the battle of Delmarus, an Imperial Saint, and the patron saint of the Oreder of the Glorious Reprisal, even though she was not a native Delmarian Canoness Raedia: The youngest Canoness in the order’s history, she has earned the respect of those she leads. Raedia is native to Delmarus and has launched almost half of the order on a “Crusade of the Emperor’s Deliverance.” Seraphim Superior Katelien: Current bearer of the Instruments of Reprisal, she is a shining example of the strength and grace of the Seraphim. As is traditional, Katelien serves as Canoness Raedia’s second in command. Veteran Superior Margrettia: She has lead the nineteen other sisters of Squad Dominus for over a century, and trained Canoness Raedia, as well as her predecessor. Her fervent belief and long decades of service make her and invaluable asset to the order. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 25, 2016 Author Share Posted May 25, 2016 UPDATE TIME! ETL V is now in full swing and it is time for this competition to wind down. As per the last update, I mentioned that this competition will close with the closing of new entrants to the ETL. This has been set to June 15th. This allows those of us who haven't finished more time to complete our entires. So here is where we stand with entrants and completions: OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines Brother SP - Iron Heralds - WIP Thread Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors) Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman) Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn) Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman) Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn) OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP Charlo - The Sanguine Visions Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP Father Mapple - Blood Suns LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Zealots of the Emperor Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions - WIP Mehman - Clerics - WIP Thread Phoebus - Swords of Aldurukh SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread Volt - Anges de Vindication - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves Grahl Ironheart - Night Howlers RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas Aquilanus - Name Pending Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP Mard - Name Pending Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - Thread Tyriks - Adamant Legion OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers CoffeGrunt - 4th Tarosian Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment - WIP librisrouge - Cadian 333rd Ubique - Terran Vigils Ulrik_Ironfist - 8th Jotunheim Grenadiers Regiment OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines Beachymike123 - Siege Makers Conn Eremon - Broken Void Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP Trevak Dal - Nightblades OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned Conn Eremon - Broken Void Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion) Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP Drakrth - Black Horde Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion) Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 15, 2016 Author Share Posted June 15, 2016 We are in the final stretch with the end in less than 24 hours. Let's see if we can get in a few more completions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 16, 2016 Author Share Posted June 16, 2016 And this competition is OVER! Congrats to all who participated and submitted an article! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Servant of Dante Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 Thanks for doing this! It really encouraged me to flesh out the Order of the Glorious Reprisal! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noeh Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 It got me to actually write down the fluff of mine. And rework a few things here and there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 16, 2016 Author Share Posted June 16, 2016 At long last, the competition that was kicked off on Liber Day has finally come to an end. It was a glorious competition this year that saw a massive growth to surrounding forums with lots of participation in each. The event was a success and will likely be repeated in the future. Those who did not get their entries in on time are welcome to post at a later date or wait for the next year's competition. Feel free to post in the threads your comments, recommendations and suggestions for next year's competition or PM me. And now for the Roll of Honor: CODEX SPACE MARINES - Out of 10 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Brother SP - Iron Heralds Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman) Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn) Race Bannon - Red Shoulders (Sons of Corax) BLOOD ANGELS - Out of 8 Participants the following have emerged victorious! appiah5 - The Reborn CaptainHelion - Blood Owls Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance Father Mapple - Blood Suns Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful DARK ANGELS - Out of 6 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Zealots of the Emperor - Sons of Thanatos Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions SPACE WOLVES - Out of 2 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Grahl Ironheart - Night Howlers ADEPTA SORORITAS - Out of 8 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ ADEPTUS MECHANICUS - Out of 4 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Kelborn - Household Valcorian Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - Thread Tyriks - Adamant Legion ASTRA MILITARUM - Out of 6 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment librisrouge - Cadian 333rd Ubique - Terran Vigils Ulrik_Ironfist - 8th Jotunheim Grenadiers Regiment CHAOS SPACE MARINES - Out of 5 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Beachymike123 - Siege Makers LOST AND THE DAMNED - Out of 3 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron AGE OF DARKNESS - Out of 9 Participants the following have emerged victorious! Drakrth - Black Horde Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) LIBER ASTARTES - Out of 1 Participants the following have emerged victorious! HUZZAH! to all emerged victorious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noeh Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 I finished mine too :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 16, 2016 Author Share Posted June 16, 2016 On 6/16/2016 at 9:19 AM, Noeh said: I finished mine too :/ Yes, you did. I'll add you to the Roll of Honor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Servant of Dante Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 Ouch. A whole lot of incomplete vows for the sisters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 I know. I could have sworn that this ended at the end of the month (I have a week off next week and I was going to be able to complete my entry then) Darn it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noeh Posted June 17, 2016 Share Posted June 17, 2016 I almost forgot to put mine on the site in time. It's been done a while...Even though it's still not on the list here... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 17, 2016 Author Share Posted June 17, 2016 It is now. Now adding it to all of the other posts. @Aquilanus, It was originally supposed to end on May 31st but I have tied it with closing of the doors to the ETL. That is probably the source of confusion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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