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Iron Hands 1750 - Armoured Breakthrough


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Hey guys,


I am coming around to the idea of doing an Armoured Breakthrough list for use against the players in my meta who use 40k armies, and I'm thinking Iron Hands might be the way to go. What's better than one Orth? A mini-Orth to go with him!


Here's what I have so far:

Praetor - Jetbike, Iron Halo, Familiar, Paragon Blade

Goes with Jetbike Squadron.


Jumps in the elite Sicaran.

Master of Armour - Sicaran with Lascannons


Jetbikes x3 - Melta Bombs, Volkite Culverin

Praetor goes here.


Predator - Autocannon, HB Sponsons

Predator - Autocannon, HB Sponsons

Support Squad x10 - Calivers, AA, Rhino


Sicaran - Lascannons



Vindicator - LDA

Vindicator - LDA


Thoughts? Low on bodies, but I guess that's the point of this RoW.

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Of the 3 potential Warlords, here's how it plays out:

Praetor - Master of the Legion says he should be the Warlord to use Master of the Legion to get Rites. Confusing, but moving on...
Castrmen Orth - Could be if someone else didn't have to be.
Master of Armour - The Rite overrides the Master of the Legion rule and specifically states that if you take this guy, he is the army's Warlord.


It would be very nice if Orth had a restricted version of Master of the Legion where he only had access to a handful of Rites (Armoured Spearhead & Armoured Breakthrough, for example). Alas, you have to shoehorn in a Praetor.

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Oh well, I guess that's not a huge deal.


I could drop the Praetor back to a Delegatus to save points.


Someone on heresy30k pointed out that the IH LA rule means I need more infantry than Jetbikes :/

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TBH, there tooled to be in combat Arti armour WS5 all can have Power weapons all can have Combat Shields, you can attach an Apothcary to them there Sargent has a 2 wounds all can issues challenges there Nails if you can get them in to combat. :D 

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I think a command squad in a raider is the best way to go for armored breakthrough. Sure, they could be your only infantry bodies on the table so might not last long, but there's no need to race them right into combat. Wait till your tanks have withered down potential threats, then go for a later game assault. Sure, their land raider could be destroyed early, but with so many tanks on the board I think the raider is hardly your opponent's priority to deal with. Plus with an apothecary and combat shields, the unit is decently tough. 

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I am considering using a Damocles to transport a Command Squad. It's cheaper, has a (1 shot) Barrage weapon and can influence Reserve rolls. Probably gonna waste it's Deep Strike enhancements, unfortunately.


If I took a Raider it'd probably be a  Proteus with the Augury Web to again, mess with / enhance Reserves.

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How about this instead:


Alexis Polux - Armoured Breakthrough

Command Squad x5 - Combat Shields, Melta Bombs, 5x Power Weapons

Land Raider Proteus


Master of Armour

Sicaran Battle Tank - Lascannon Sponsons


Predator x1 - Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator x1 - Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Support Squad x8- Volkite Calivers, Artificer Armour, Rhino


Apothecarion Detachment x2 - Artificer Armour


Vindicator - Laser Destroyer Array

Vindicator - Laser Destroyer Array

Sicaran Venator


1750 on the nose.


So, some questions:

1. Polux or a Delegatus with a Solarite Power Gauntlet and some other kit?

2. Command Squad or Templar Brethren?

3. Apothecaries - should they have AA or a Scanner? I figure AA for the Command Squad to help tank and maybe a Scanner for the Support Squad for when they disembark.

4. Drop one of the Apothecaries and max out the Support Squad. More bodies or the FNP and extra 2+ save?

5. No Armoured Ceramite. Not a big deal against 30k, as most probably don't bother with Melta anymore, but against 40k...


Thanks :)

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First off changing from IH is heresy :P


1. Polux is good HQ Being Str 5 with a thunder hammer is fun and he got a 3++ 


2. Command Squad or Templar Brethren that down to you only if you take a 5 man Squad is the Command Squads Sarge has 2 W and his Banners makes them fearless rather then rerolling Failed Moral Checks.


3. for Apoth in this list I go for AA


4. Again thats more of a you thing Its Do i want 4 more shots or a 5+ FNP 


5. depends on how you ask I use Magna-Meltas on my Preds more of an Anti-Teq a Str8 AP1 large blast on a units is still devastating 

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Take 3, back with the Iron Hands this time. This list also uses my beloved Fellblade:



Iron Hands Armoured Breakthrough 2500 (2500pts)
Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness)
  • HQ
    • Legion Centurion

      Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Refractor Field

      • Consul
        • Delegatus
          • Rite of Command
            • Master of the Legion

              Armoured Breakthrough

    • Master of Armour
      • Legion Sicaran Battle Tank

        Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons

    • Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth
  • Troops
    • Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
      • Legion Predator Tank

        Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons

    • Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
      • Legion Predator Tank

        Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons

    • Legion Tactical Support Squad

      Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 8x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Calivers

      • Legion Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

  • Elites
    • Legion Sicaran Battle Tank

      Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons

  • Heavy Support
    • Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
      • Legion Predator Tank

        Executioner Plasma Cannon, Lascannons

      • Legion Predator Tank

        Executioner Plasma Cannon, Lascannons, Machine Spirit

    • Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
      • Legion Vindicator Tank

        Laser Destroyer Array, Machine Spirit

      • Legion Vindicator Tank

        Laser Destroyer Array

    • Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

      Blessed Autosimulacra

  • Legion
    • Legion Astartes

      Loyalist, X: Iron Hands

  • Lord of War
    • Legion Fellblade

      Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra, Space Marine Legion Crew

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The fellblade model is awesome, definetly worth including in the list. 


My one concern with the list is what the one infantry squad is going to do, they feel a bit out of place when there's literally no other infantry to distract enemy firepower. That being said, being iron hands that does work out better for you as they are tougher, and that many tanks seems like a lot of fun. As far as your tank selection goes I think you're spot on, you've got some nice anti infantry and anti armor tanks, perfect mix of both. 

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One thought was to drop the plasma Preds for another Support Squad with plasma and a Master of Signal if points allowed. But I then figured 20 infantry and 2 Rhinos will die just as quickly at 2.5k points as 10 infantry and 1 Rhino so MOAR TANKZ!
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